Creative Approaches to Homework

Primary 5/6 were tasked with a homework challenge this week, which allowed them to tap into their creative streak. The class were given an open ended challenge to bring with them something Scottish that they could present and talk about in class. There were no limits to what the children could work on, it was open to their interpretation allowing them choice, ownership and creativity – it could have been a piece of music they found, research steps to a Scottish dance, notes they had made about a famous Scottish person, or even a bottle of Irn Bru!

What great things Primary 5/6 brought to class this week to present!

We loved a bit of history of shortbread, the Scottish presentation tins with tartan and Scotty dogs, with one pupil using a family recipe to make delicious shortbread that they kindly shared with their peers, even Mrs Black and Mrs Gingell had to have a try.

We also had some information about a family tartan, which was enthusiastically demonstrated with props, and some fantastic research about the famous Scottish artist Steven Brown.

We are looking forward to sharing more creative Scottish homework on Wednesday!

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Primary 7/6’s Anderson Shelter

Operation Anderson Shelter – Success!

… And it was so worth it to see their excited faces at their new hide out for this term. Primary 7/6 have brought their topic of World War 2 to life by creating their own Anderson Shelter, identification cards, and gas masks.

Thank you for all your support in providing the cardboard boxes – I think we have enough to make another Anderson Shelter!

Digital Learning

P5/6 have been developing their knowledge of the digital wold this week, with Safer internet Day as the stimulus.

We were challenged to draw a picture of an apple and then a dog, each within 30 seconds. We could clearly see many similarities between everyone’s drawing of each of these items – shape, form, characteristics, etc. We were then given 30 seconds to draw The Internet. When comparing these pictures, we noticed there were fewer of them entered onto our board and there were very few similarities in our drawings. The apple and dog were physical items that we could see and touch, yet no one could really clearly explain what the internet actually looked like, we use it every day but it is not really a physical object that we can freely see and touch, which makes it a more abstract idea to us.

We also investigated some of the technical language that is used when working with ICT. We were able to match some technical terms with their meanings, helping us to be more aware of our roles and responsibilities when using technology.

Primary 3’s Enterprise Project – Golden Tickets

Primary 3 have been busy over the last few weeks, organising and sharing their enterprise project. The pupils and staff across the school have been supporting their project this week by taking part in their Golden Ticket event. Here are the lucky winners, looking very chuffed with their prizes.

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Safer Internet Day

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, and here at Toronto all classes took part in lessons and activities in which we were able to develop our knowledge.

Our DIgital Leaders worked with a variety of classes on a social media quiz, identifying the age individuals must be engage with a variety of social media. We were surprised by some of the age limits on these, particularly YouTube!

As the Digital Leaders were working in classes, the theme of consent and permission was a hot topic and children were able to discuss their thoughts and give opinions on this and how we can keep ourselves and others safe online.

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Natural vs Manmade

Our class aliens wanted us to teach them about where our materials come from and how they are made. We went on a material hunt around the school with our aliens and found items which were man-made and ones which were made from natural resources .Well done primary 1 – I think we are doing a great job teaching our aliens a thing or two! See if you can show them more at home 🙂

P1a Space

Primary 1a have recieved some special visitors. Aliens have arrived from the planet Tuc Tuc and have asked us for some help! They have too much rubbish on their planet and so have asked us to share what we do on our planet to recycle. They would like to learn with us and find out more about our planet. They arrived in a huge block of ice and we had to work together to think about how to get them out – we tried salt, the radiator, a cosy blanket and some hot water. The hot water worked best 🙂 we must look after them and make sure they have food, water and lots of love. I’m sure primary 1 are up to the challenge!

Burns Celebrations

Toronto Primary really got into the spirit on Friday, as we celebrated all things Scottish in honour of Robert Burns.

Each class worked together to produce a variety of guid Scottish displays in oor hall – from tartan kilts, to Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs.

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Oor wee hall showcased more of oor school’s talent as we turned it into oor Toronto Art Gallery, focusing on Scottish artists and Scottish inspired art work.

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To complete our Burns Day celebrations we held a Poetry competition, where representatives from each class recited some fabulous Scottish poems at a special assembly. Remembering and pronouncing all those Scots words was tricky but what talented bairns  we hae at Toronto!

Whit a rare day we had!

Bee bots have arrived in Primary 2!

Primary 2 were very excited to meet the Bee bots!!

Bee bots are programmable floor robots. The children enter instructions to move the bee bot forwards and backwards, right or left.   They have been having fun navigating them from one place to another on the  Isle of Struay as well as around the classroom!!


They have also been introduced to a maths based program called Sumdog.  They have been learning how to log in using their own user names and passwords and have been enjoying playing the different games.


Primary 2 number work.

Primary 2 have been busy since returning to school after the Christmas holidays.   They were learning about symmetry and identifying pictures and shapes that were symmetrical.  They made their own symmetrical butterflies.


They have also been working on money.  They have been looking at the values of different coins and have been investigating  different ways they can make  certain amounts.   They have been using their skills of counting in 2’s , 5’s and 10’s to count bundles of coins.