Category Archives: Home Learning

Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here:

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Guess Who? Toronto Style! Winners

Toronto Style!

Thank you and well done to everyone who took part in our Guess Who? Toronto Style! bitmoji quiz.

The top 2 scoring pupils from all three blocks were delighted to receive their winners prize today.

Well done to everyone who entered! Certificates will make their way to you soon.
How many of our Toronto staff did you correctly identify? Check your answers here.


La máscara de Picasso

This week our Primary 4 to 7 children were tasked with an assignment from Miss Cabezudo, a Languages Teacher from Deans Community High School, and our very own Spanish Teacher Mrs Broadley to research the work of Pablo Picasso and create a Picasso inspired mask.

We are very proud to showcase our work!

Guess Who? Toronto Style!

Last chance today to take part in our Toronto game of Guess Who?

Quiz ends today at 6pm

Can you guess our Toronto School staff?
Our staff have created bitmoji’s for our online learning platform.
Follow the link below to guess your staff’s bitmojis. How many can you identify?

*With prizes for our top scorers!


Guess Who? Toronto Style!

Have you taken part in our Toronto game of Guess Who? yet?

Can you guess our Toronto School staff?
Our staff have created bitmoji’s for our online learning platform.
Follow the link below to guess your staff’s bitmojis. How many can you identify?

*With prizes for our top scorers!


P4 Home Learning

Primary 4 have been enjoying working on our homework grids over the last few months. Some children have been creative and made models, others have photographed the changing moon and others have been spreading kindness and Christmas cheer. Many of us have confidently shared our activities and are very proud of our learning.

Here are some examples of what we have done.

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Internet Safety

One of our Primary 7 pupils has been working really hard to provide some important information on how to stay safe online and proudly shared her leaflet detailing some great advice. Our Digital Leaders would like to use this fabulous piece of work to display in all classes and share with our families at home. Well done!