P3/2 Friday fun

Happy Friday!
Here are a few activities for today.
1. Ask someone to test your spelling words from this week.
2. Write an acrostic poem using the word SNOW. We can share them next week.
3. Play a board game. We have been looking at the rules & instructions for playing snakes & ladders. Could you play a different game and use some of the ideas from this when we make our own games next week?
4. We usually have Golden Time on a Friday but I think as you’ve probably had 2 days of Golden Time maybe you should do something for your parents/carers! Why not tidy your room, make your adult a snack or wash some dishes, a wee job just to help out.
Have a safe & fun weekend in the last of the snow! I’ll look forward to hearing all about your adventures on Wednesday!

Mrs Richmond

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