Africa this week – Primary 2B

We’ve really enjoyed exploring Africa this week and learning lots of facts about the continent ( it’s not a continent is it children?) We’ve created some wonderful African sunsets, learnt facts about the animals who live in Africa and Miss.Mudd spoke to us about when she lived in Africa and showed us photos.

We continued with our fantasy story writing and Mrs.Burton is really looking forward to reading them.

Next week we will begin on division, following on from our block on multiplication. The children are delighted with themselves that they now know their 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables. Let’s hope they can apply their knowledge when dividing. Really enjoyed our games of Buzz.

Have a good weekend everybody. Hope the sun continues to shine.

Children dressed in African materials
Diwali candle holders
African sunsets
The fantastic words we can spell

P5A Week ending 18.5.18

On Wednesday , “National Numeracy Day”, we had a visit from Mr Turtle who is a structural engineer. He did a lesson on structures and how to make them stronger after his daughter had told him about our visit to the Queensferry Crossing Bridge. This activity involved measuring to the nearest millimetre. We had to be very accurate in our measuring. We used a strip of paper, which represented an I beam, and measured, cut and glued balsa wood to the top and bottom on both sides. We predicted and then tested what would happen when you added weights to the middle. It took 100gm before the paper bent at both ends. So next we added strips of balsa to either end to make it stronger and then retested. This time it took 200gm and it bent in the middle. So we added balsa to the middle and retested. This time it took 400gm. This time it bent between the wood strengthening it so we glued wood between the middle and end. It took 700gm. Then we all tested our own and Finlay, Angus and Daniel won, as their I beam was able to take 1500gm. It was a great afternoon putting real measuring into practise. Thank you very much Mr Turtle.

Testing our I beams.

In maths we are learning about capacity and volume and in number we have completed our fractions focus and started work on decimal. We are looking at the relationship between them.

In literacy we have been learning about the difference between possessive s and plural s. In pairs we worked to find out the difference and now it is much clearer. We will continue with this on Monday. Within our literacy circle groups we are starting to familiarise ourselves with the different roles and there was super dialogue about the different main characters.

We started the Big Writing Adventure and were looking at what makes a superhero. Now we are using interesting vocabulary to develop our own characters.

Half the class went to the triathlon on Thursday. The pupils were a credit to the school and performed very well at the different sports. The weather was perfect and it ended with a potted highland games. Mr Logan is going to post the photographs taken.

The rest of the class continued with Scratch and helped Mr Ritchie’s class. They  designed posters for Transition Linlithgow with regard to the use of plastics.


Primary 3 – Week beg. 14th May

In Literacy this week we had the first set of class talks presented by the children. They all did a great job and had clearly spent a lot of time preparing them at home.

Our class novel this term is called Stig of the Dump which the children are really enjoying. We have been completing various comprehension tasks about the story and this week we focused on comparing two of the main characters, creating a venn diagram that showed their similarities and differences.

In Numeracy we continue to explore strategies to subtract two digit numbers. It was also National Numeracy Day this week and we celebrated by trying to solve some number riddles.

We also looked in detail at how we create an information poster. This was around the theme of plastic pollution. The pupils researched information and used it for their poster as well as including relevant pictures/diagrams and bold headings.

The beautiful weather allowed us to go outside most days for P.E and our daily mile. Hopefully it will continue into next week!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs McVay

Butterflies and People Who Help Us (P1A)

What a busy week and a half we have had in P1A!

Last week we looked at uppercase letters. We learned the sounds and names of uppercase letters and we talked about when we use capital letters. We matched lowercase and uppercase letters, played ‘Going Spare’ and ‘Hatching Eggs’ on Education City, traced capital letters, wrote uppercase letters beside lowercase letters on a car track, used stencils to make uppercase letters and used loose parts to make capital letters.

This week our new sounds were ‘au’ and ‘aw’. When learning the ‘au’ sound, we made ‘au’ with shaving foam, made ‘au’ with play dough, played ‘au’ Roll and Read, practised writing ‘au’ words on our whiteboards and practised reading ‘au’ words in our pairs game. When learning the ‘aw’ sound we made ‘aw’ words in the hoops, played an ‘aw’ words pairs game, played ‘White Paw’ on Education City and wrote ‘aw’ sentences in our literacy jotters.

Over the last week and a half we have been continuing to learn our subtraction facts to 10. We looked at subtraction facts for 4 and 5 and we also learned to solve subtraction word problems. We played Subtraction Smash and Subtraction Bowling, practised our subtraction facts for 4 and 5 on our whiteboards, completed a flower subtraction activity, played Subtraction Snakes & Ladders and played a subtraction game on our Promethean board.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have also been continuing to learn to use 1p, 2p and 5p coins to make money totals. We counted up coins in money jars, ordered coins according to their value, played money bingo and played ‘Pick and Mix’ on the Promethean board.

This week we released our butterflies! We looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and we made our own butterfly life cycle diagrams. We also designed our own butterflies, completed a butterfly life cycle cut and stick activity and played Roll, Say, Colour Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We enjoyed releasing our butterflies on Thursday afternoon although we were a little sad to see them go since we have had them from caterpillars!

Last week we started our new learning focus on our Local Area and People Who Help Us in our Community. We talked about places that we had been in our local area, looked at them on Google maps and we drew pictures of them in our Talking Floor book. We also talked about people who help us and ways that these people help in the community. We set up our role play area as a police station and a doctor’s surgery and we have been enjoying taking on different roles during our imaginative play.

On Friday last week we learned what the police do to help us. For writing this week, we wrote letters to Miss Harrison’s brother who is a policeman to find out more about his job. We looked at the features of a letter and we made sure that we included our school address, the date, a greeting and a closing farewell in our letters. Our letters are currently in the post and we will be getting a reply soon.

On Wednesday this week we had a very special visitor. Mr Foster came in to talk to us about his job as a paediatrician. He told us all about how he helps people and we asked him questions. He showed us some of the equipment that he uses in his job and we looked at x-rays. We really enjoyed listening to Mr Foster and we would like to thank him very much for coming in to visit us.

Over the last week and a half we have also had a couple of visits from children from the nursery. They have been coming up to experience the Primary 1 environment, learn and have fun! We have been very welcoming and caring to the nursery children and we have done a fantastic job of showing them what it is like in Primary 1.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

P6B blog

It is such a privilege to have the opportunity to work with P6B. I will be in class on most Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and Mrs Laurie will be covering on Wednesdays and Fridays. I will sort out Class Dojo over the next few days so that you can keep in touch more easily.

We have enjoyed puzzling out the answers to riddles and lateral thinking challenges this week – I have a feeling it will be an ongoing theme each day in class. AM had us all stumped with this one: You are in a room with solid walls but no windows or doors and only have a knife and an orange. How can you escape?

Most of the children have met their buddies for the first time this week – very exciting for us and for the little ones preparing to start P1 in August. We reminded ourselves of our memories of being in P1 and had some laughs as we thought back to our cute days!

In Numeracy we are working on fractions – finding equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. This is quite tricky for some of us, so we’ll find various creative ways to make sure we can all gain understanding of the concepts.

We have enjoyed being outside each day to read together, play and have some exercise. What a difference the sunshine makes!

Ramadan started this week for Moslems and we have been finding out about the five pillars of Islam. We realise how hard it must be to fast during daylight hours at this time of year.

We spent some time thinking about ways to reduce our plastic waste and are making posters for the Transition Linlithgow competition entitled ‘Linlithgow’s Last Straw’.

Mrs Laurie will set spelling homework each Wednesday. To encourage the children to enjoy reading, between now and the end of term, the children can choose their own book to read at home and in silent reading sessions in class. I wonder how many books we will all read before the holidays? The children are going to write a couple of sentences about the chapters they have read in their homework jotters and will have the opportunity to share these comments with their reading group on a Thursday.

On Friday morning some elderly members of our community are coming into school for a performance of the Lion King songs. Hearing the children practice reminded me afresh of how amazing the Lion King production was – our children are incredible!

If you are still wondering how to exit the room with no doors and windows, the solution is that you should cut the orange in half. Since two halves make a whole, you can put the hole in the wall and climb through it.


P2/3 class talks, place value hats and recycling

This week was the start of our ‘My Hero’ class talks in P2/3, wow what a confident class we are! We’ve had talks about everyone from Luke Skywalker to Peter Rabbit. Every child spoke clearly and confidently, with lots of vibrant pictures and PowerPoints. I can’t wait to see what next week’s class talks bring!

In Literacy we have been answering questions on Stig of the Dump and learning about compound nouns. A compound noun is made up of two words, for example, postman. We also finished our Save the Ocean posters:

In Maths we have been reading and sequencing numbers to 1000. We loved taking our learning outside and building 3 digit numbers with our place value hats.

Our IDL focus took us on a journey with Morris the Magpie, we learnt about the devastating impact litter has on woodland wildlife. We worked in teams to recycle items into the correct bins as we know that recycling with help wildlife and make our community greener.

I hope this lovely weather continues into the weekend ☀

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x



Swim, Cycle, Run

What fantastic weather we got for today’s triathlon event at Deans Community High School in Livingston. Two buses full of our 68 budding triathletes made their way over to participate, and needless to say they didn’t let us down with their levels of determination and enthusiasm throughout!

First up was a lap of the swimming pool before a quick towel down and transition to the bike…

Followed by two laps of the cycle course in the sunshine…

And finally, there was one lap of the running circuit to complete before crossing the finish line…

After all of that, it was time for some water, bananas and a well-earned rest. Well done to all of our boys and girls who took part today, you did us proud!

#schoolsport #competeandperform #celebratingsport


Amazing Arrays

In Maths we have been learning about multiplication. We had to make sure we understood the concept of multiplying before we then learnt our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. An array is an arrangement of objects in rows. We can use these to show different multiplication sums. We practised making arrays using lots of different objects. We also went on an array hunt around school.


A lot of the children have been making wonderful Charlie and the Chocolate Factory models. We have some very talented boys and girls in P2A! Miss Mudd is very proud of you all.



Last week we continued our learning about India. Abhinav’s mum and sister came and spoke to the classes. We asked some wonderful questions and discussed the different photographs. This week we have been learning about Africa and Miss Mudd spoke to us about her time as a teacher in Kenya. She showed us photographs of the schools there and we compared them to our own school. We did some work on comparing a traditional Kenyan village to Linlithgow.


We also learnt all about Fairtrade and the story of how chocolate is made. We will be sharing this in our class assembly. A lot of our time this week has been spent making props and costumes for our assembly next week.

In Phonics we were revising the ir alternative spelling. We also worked on our sentence writing and had to write a sentence based on a picture Miss Mudd put up.


P2A were also doing some Art work inspired by Van Gogh.

Have a lovely weekend.


P2A and Miss Mudd x

Golf Galore

Over 35 of our P7 pupils enjoyed their second session of golf at Kingsfield Golf Range today, provided by the Stephen Gallacher Foundation. The boys and girls who attended were working on their chipping this week, using wedges and lofted clubs. We started off with a game of ‘Rory Says’, which followed the same rules as ‘Simon Says’, to get warmed-up before splitting off into teams of 3 for a competition. Each player had to hit towards a small square target 15 yards away, with the aim being to land the ball inside this zone. If we were successful, we had to place one of the golf balls behind us on the noughts and crosses board to earn points for our team. It was great fun, and a huge thanks again to Jane and Stewart our coaches for all their hard work in planning and delivering these sessions!

JG chipping towards his target.
Racing to the correct station in ‘Rory Says’.
Getting warmed up and ready to play.

Football News

It was a successful weekend for SF and P7b and NP in P7a, as they both competed in the local derby match between a Linlithgow schools select and Bo’ness schools select. Linlithgow came out victorious and you can see the boys pictured below with the trophy. SF and NP are just two of our talented footballers we have at Springfield Primary School, who’ll also be representing us in the George Allan tournament this Sunday 20th May at Prestonfield. Kick off is at 9.00am if any of our pupils, parents, carers and families would like to come along and cheer the boys and girls on!

Well done you two! A great achievement and one you should both be extremely proud of!

#competeandperform #celebratingsport #pathways

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