P3B – A Force to be Reckoned With!

What a great start to the holiday weekend! – I’m sure you are extremely proud of your assembly stars today – I couldn’t have asked any more of them, they performed in such a professional way, remembered all their lines and where they should be at exactly the right times.  We have had many lovely comments from others in the school too – A massive well done to all the children 🙂

You will not believe that even after all the rehearsals and two shows today, I do not have one photograph!  Miss Baillie has uploaded one to her blog post and has written a little piece about it.

In other news – as part of ‘Scotland Loves Languages Week’ we welcomed Miss Baillie and two Springfield language ambassadors to our classroom on Tuesday for a Spanish lesson.  We listened to The Gruffalo in Spanish and learned the names of the animals in Spanish then we sang ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ – ‘Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Pies.’  We then learned the numbers to five and played a game.  Thank you to Mrs Gordon for all her planning and organisation this week, and to Miss Baillie and the girls for our great lesson, we really enjoyed it.

On Wednesday we had a real treat when Prismatic Winds came to school and performed for us.  We learned all about the oboe, flute, clarinet, bassoon and tenor horn.  As well as playing some really cool tunes – including The Simpsons theme tune, because they were in Springfield – they taught us a lot about each individual instrument and how they work to produce such lovely sounds.  The children really were captivated by the music, I tried to get pictures of their faces, it was lovely to see.

Here is the weblink if you would like to know a little more about the quintet https://prismaticwinds.com/

As P3s we have special jobs in the infant part of the school.  Each Monday and Wednesday we are given the opportunity to be Play Leaders and 2 of us each time collect four P1 or P2 children from their classroom and take them for block play.  We help them to make structures and to put the blocks away again – the blocks need to be organised very well to fit back on the shelf correctly so this is not as easy as it sounds.  The interactions between the children is lovely and the creativity is excellent too. P3 are doing a great job.

In PE this week we did a little yoga, it was nice to have some quiet time in all the build up to the assembly.

On Friday, we had an extra long reward time as we had worked so hard on our assembly.  Some of us made, and then played with, play dough and some played games that Mrs Kennedy brought from home that she thought  we might enjoy – again it was so busy there are very few photos!  It was good fun though.

Have a really good long weekend everyone, it was lovely to see so many of you this morning.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We were looking forward to our holiday weekend today, as P3 led a superb assembly about ‘forces.’ Thank you Mrs Kennedy for putting on such an informative assembly which was a lovely way to end a busy week.

We are very proud of our children’s  knowledge and abilities in Science at Springfield, thanks to the expertise of Mrs Tulloch and Mrs Begarnie. Mrs Tulloch is busy working with P7 on their STEM project this term, which is to build a moveable buggy. Our STEM family learning event will take place in Term 4 where you will be able to take part in a STEM challenge with your child.

Achievements this week:

-Well done to D in P3 for his success with Linlithgow Rose Football Team.

-Congratulations to F in P4/5 for his efforts at Cubs and to A in P1 for the same in Beavers! Well done boys!

-Finally, we are extremely proud of a group of our P7 children who came second (by one point!) in the Linlithgow cluster schools, Inter-house Quiz!

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

P1’s Magic Train Journey and more…

This week we continued our Magic Train Ride journey as part of our transport focus. We had imagined we were on a magic train and we wrote and drew about what we saw. Mrs Gordon and Mrs Reid were really impressed with our descriptions. We also had a lot of fun making tickets and building trains and stations.

In numeracy we continued our subtraction journey. We loved ordering our number line and then jumping to practice subtraction number sentences.

We read the Great Pet Sale again as part of our money work. We even had our own pet sale where we had to make a price tag, put it on our pet and then find the correct coins to buy our toy…what fun!

We decided to make Valentine Cards for our loved ones. N has a real talent for making 3D roses and taught the whole class including Mrs Gordon how to do this!

The week was Scotland loves languages week so Mrs Gordon had 2 of her P5 Language Ambassadors come and teach “el gruffalo” in Spanish to the children. We learnt head, shoulders, knees and toes in Spanish and numbers to 5. Que bien!

Happy long weekend, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Reid, P1a and P1b x

Spanish, Prismatic Winds and Computer Game Characters (P3A)

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been learning to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. We have been subtracting the tens and then subtracting the units. Some of us have been learning to subtract single digits and teen numbers bridging a multiple of 10 and some of us have been learning to use a written method to subtract three-digit numbers. This week we also revised finding quarter past and quarter to times whilst some of us calculated time durations. We also worked in pairs to make clocks for our time display and we created images in a similar style to Salvador Dali. We made our own imaginative landscapes and added unusual clocks telling o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to times.

On Monday afternoon we had two sets of visitors in P3A! Firstly, Miss Baillie and two of our school’s Language ambassadors came along to our classroom to teach us Spanish as part of Scotland Loves Languages Week. We listened to ‘The Gruffalo’ in Spanish, learned parts of the body and we learned how to count to five. On Friday we also learned how to tell the weather in French with Miss Harrison. We listened to a French weather song, watched the weather episode on High Five French, played different weather games and drew the correct weather to match the words in French.

Our second set of visitors on Monday afternoon was Prismatic Winds, a wind quintet. They played the French horn, oboe, clarinet, flute and bassoon and we really enjoyed listening to their different songs. They performed the theme tune to The Simpsons, a song from The Greatest Showman and a song from Disney. We explored the different instruments and discussed which ones were the quietest, loudest, slowest and fastest.

In Literacy this week we have been practising our spelling, exploring common nouns and learning to create our own characters. On Wednesday afternoon, Miss Harrison showed us two of the first ever computer games. Afterwards, we created our own computer game characters and listed words to describe their appearance, skills and abilities. On Thursday we used our planning sheets to write about our own computer game characters. We were able to use adjectives to describe our characters and we were able to use joining words to link our sentences together.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

P4/5 Week commencing 11th February 2019

During PE on Monday we were continuing to learn more about gymnastic balances.

On Tuesday we took part in the sixth workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to read notes and also carried on learning about rhythms and beats. We worked really hard during our music lesson that Tracey, our teacher, gave us a sticker.

This week we continued with our Egyptian topic and investigated world timelines, Ancient Egyptian time line and we created our own timeline. We then went on to look at maps of Egypt and noted important cities and places along the Nile. We also looked at Egyptian people and the social pyramid.

On Wednesday two of our classmates, Ben and Michael, taught a fabulous French lesson about parts of the body and watched a little bit of The Gruffalo in French. We also sang head, shoulders, knees and toes, in French.

In Science we were learning about solids, liquids and gasses. We did some experiments with soluble and insoluble materials using water to be mixed with.

In Maths we continued working on money, and looked at pound and pence. We also did a math problem solve it, talk it, ask it.

In reading we took part in our forth “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles. We continued working on our new resource “The Literacy Box”. Miss Fiddes also took a group and we looked at out characters in our book. We were discussing the character traits, personality and how this is shown in our books.

In writing this week we learned how to assess our writing and did a newspaper report on John Logie Baird.

By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

Primary 5 – w/e 15th February 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages.

Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information about ourselves and asking questions. Some of us chose to bring these letters home to post!

In PE we have continued to explore our physical fitness and completed circuits with a variety of activities.

In music we were looking at more graphic scores.

Our reading tasks this week looked at sequencing events in a story.

We started our Egyptian topic this week, with a KWL about Ancient Egypt. We also located Egypt and some of the key features on maps.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.

See you Wednesday

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Spanish, Chimney Sweeps and Valentine’s Day in P2A

Today we had a farewell party for LH who had his last day with us today. We will miss him and we wish him all the best as he moves to his new school.  Good luck LH!

A highlight of the week has definitely been learning the Victorians song.  I’m sure you’ve already heard it but here it is if you’d like to singalong at home:


On Monday we made clothes for Victorian people. We learnt the differences between what the rich and poor people wore.

On Tuesday the Language Ambassadors visited us to teach us some Spanish. We listened to the Gruffalo in Spanish and learnt the parts of the body by singing Cabeza y hombros pierna y pies (heads, shoulders, knees and toes!).

Here’s a link to the song:

On Wednesday we made Valentine’s Day cards, we took our time to do careful cutting and learned how to make a heart by folding and cutting a number 2 shape on the fold.

On Thursday morning Mr Wells and Miss Baillie came to see our writing lesson. We wrote diary entries as a Victorian chimney sweep. They were very impressed with the standard of our writing! We are all trying hard to make our sentences longer by using joining words and WOW words. Well done to AK who wrote a fantastic diary entry – it is going on the Springfield star writer wall!

On Thursday afternoon P3 took some of us to play with the blocks. We had a great time constructing a castle!

In Maths we rounded up our work on multiplication and the 2 times tables. Next week we will begin learning about division.

We are really enjoying free play in the Victorian classroom; we take it in turns to be the teacher. Mr Wells was put in the corner with the dunce hat on when he visited us!

Don’t forget – no school on Monday and Tuesday, we will have a break from homework next week too. Enjoy the long weekend!

Love P2A and Mrs Bell x

A Mountain to Climb

RG in P7 recently climbed a small hill in South Ayrshire called Knockdolian. He had challenged himself to climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest over the past 12 months and has finally surpassed the 29,029 feet mark! R has scaled a variety of mountains across Scotland from the Isle of Skye to the Cairngorms in the process. We think this is a superb achievement and would like to congratulate R for his efforts! What an accomplishment! Have a look at his picture below upon completing his challenge…

P7a Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we have been extending our knowledge of capacity and volume. We started by establishing the difference between the two concepts and found that capacity is the maximum something can hold where as the volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies. We can now confidently compare and order different volumes of liquid using millilitres (ml), centilitres (cl and litres (l) and can successfully convert between these units of measure. We found that there are 10ml per 1cl, 1,000ml per 1l and 100cl per 1l. Having developed this knowledge we then applied our skills to play some estimate, check and record games against a partner. We chose measuring cylinders depending on the volume of liquid required and noticed that our estimates became increasingly accurate we the game progressed. Finally, to round-off our learning for the week we made ‘mocktails’ using recipes and instructions provided. In order to do so successfully, we used measuring cylinders with 1ml scales, ensured they were flat to the table and recorded the liquid line, rather than the bubbles or froth. Have a look at us in action…

Literacy and English

Now that we have began learning about World War II, all of our Literacy and English work in class is based around our shared text, ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ by John Boyne. Last week we made predictions and assumptions about the plot and storyline, and continued this week with a focus on characterisation and profiling. We discussed each character in detail, including their relationships with others, behaviours, personality traits and developing roles within the story. During our discussions, we used inference to analyse each character at a deeper level and provided evidence or quotes from the text to support any statements we made about them. By skimming and scanning the text, we were able to find some context clues that clarified our thinking and highlighted some key themes. These included; persecution of others, discrimination, racism, naivety, innocence of youth, conflict, relationships and moral justice.

In writing this week, we analysed the story from Bruno’s perspective and considered the impact that moving to Out-With has had on his happiness. We wrote informal letters using the features of an email to one of his three best friends (Karl, Daniel or Martin) or his Grandmother in Berlin. Within these pieces of writing we were able to structure our work appropriately using an email format, build detail through the description of Bruno’s surroundings, apply our skills developed last week to write in the ‘first person’ and share his feelings and emotions to create reader empathy.

With Mrs. Gordon, we continued our learning in French this week by presenting our own ‘la météo’ forecasts to discuss the weather.

Health and Wellbeing

It was Safer Internet Day 2019 this week, and we have been continuing to learn about the ways in which we can stay safe online and use the internet responsibly. Our focus this week was on passwords and security to protect online accounts and data. We understand what a strong password is having looked at examples of weak ones and predicted the passwords people may choose based on some basic details about them. A strong password must contain symbols, upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers. A lot of us admitted that we may have to go home and increase the security of our social media accounts.

In P.E, we have continued with our block of dodgeball. Now that we understand the rules and roles of players within a team, we have been improving our throwing technique and playing variations of the end game to apply the skills we have developed. P7 have really enjoyed this so far, and we may well need to extend the initial 6 week block!

Social Studies

This week we have been creating a World War II timeline and learning about the uses of propaganda. For our timeline, we researched key events that took place during the 6 years and a day of World War II with the aim of placing them in a chronological sequence on our wall. We heard Neville Chamberlain’s radio broadcast declaring war on Germany after Hitler refused to withdraw troops from Poland and the events which took place as a result of this. After being introduced to the definition of propaganda and discussing the themes and messages behind some examples of it, we started creating our own examples. These are looking fantastic and we will share them with you once completed. You can see our blacked-out World War II living room below with some interesting objects and artifacts from this era.

Coming Up…

  • 11.2.19 – Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme begins
  • 11.2.19 – After school football for P6 and P7 outdoors from 3.15-4.15pm
  • 14.2.19 – Rotary Quiz for selected pupils
  • 25.1.19 – Academy staff to visit P7 re. S1 transition
  • 26.2.19 – Football league meeting (1) at Xcite from 4-6pm
  • 5.3.19 – Scottish Opera workshop for P6 and P7 pupils
  • 13.3.19 – Scottish Opera performance of 1719 for parents, carers and families at 2.30pm
  • 14.3.19 – Parental Information Evening at Linlithgow Academy re. S1 transition
  • 26.3.19 – Football league meeting (2) at Xcite from 4-6pm
  • 27.3.19 – Ford Castle P7 camp information evening in school hall at 6pm
  • 3.4.19 & 4.4.19 – Parents Evenings
  • 4.4.19 – Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme ends
  • 5.4.19 – Easter holidays commence

Have a lovely weekend!

P7a and Mr. Logan


Children at work in Victorian Times P2B

The children have been busy researching what their counterparts did in Victorian Times. We found out about the job of a chimney sweep and how dangerous it was. We then drew chimney sweeps and used tissue paper and other materials to create their clothes and the background. Some super work. We then found out what other jobs children did in Victorian times and how hard it was for them. The children were fascinated. Perhaps it will encourage them to help at home!

In Maths we have continued with multiplication and some of us are getting very quick at doing the calculations. However we do need to practise when it is a word problem involving multiplication. We will continue with this next week.

We have continued with the magic ‘e’ this week but using the  ‘u-e’ diagraph and some children have been working on ‘ew’. The children have been enjoying our novel ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ so much that I thought they’d like to make up a recipe for their own medicine and what would happen if you took it. They loved describing some revolting ingredients and the affect they would have.

  Thought of this u-e word all by myself!

On Tuesday we had our reward for each house getting the target amount of Springs – a trip to Dovecot Park. The children loved it and enjoyed all the equipment with their friends.


Our P6 Pals came on Monday and played the games they had created using circuits. We really enjoyed playing the games and gave them red, amber and green,depending on how much we enjoyed them. It was mostly green!

      We’ve become Beavers! Well done.

So another busy week in P2B. Have a great weekend.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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