P2A Giraffes Can’t Dance Assembly Preparation

Welcome back everybody!

Just a short blog for a short week and to tell you our exciting news…

It’s time to start planning our class assembly! Our assembly is at 10am on Friday 24th May and you’re all invited to attend, we hope you can make it.

We have decided to base our assembly on the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. If you haven’t heard this story before, I’ve attached a link below. The story fits in nicely with our Health and Wellbeing focus this term –resilience.

Everybody has a speaking part; the children picked their parts today. Scripts will go home on Monday.

They can decide which jungle animal they would like to be (each animal does a dance!) – see the list below. If you have any costumes or onesies that we could borrow that would be fab! Please don’t feel you have to go out and buy anything, we can make costumes at school.

The animals are –

  • Warthogs who waltz
  • Rhinos who rock n’ roll
  • Lions who tango
  • Baboons who do a Scottish reel
  • Chimps who cha cha

I’ve asked the children to have a think over the weekend and decide which animal they are going to be so we can start learning the dances next week.


Homework will go out on Monday, with a fresh Maths activities grid to support the Maths we will be covering this term Also, Miss Devonshire has made a grid of fun summery spelling activities to get you out and about practising your spellings.

I had a few queries regarding the handwriting and common word sheet sent out earlier in the week – that’s just for your reference if you want to work on these at home.

Have a fun weekend,

Love from Mrs Bell, Miss Devonshire and P2A x

P4/5 Weel commencing 22nd April 2019

This week we had a presentation from Matt from the BBC who told us all about his job as a conservationist and a photographer.  He allowed us to hold a praying mantis and told us all about climate change.

In Maths we started to look at multiplication and challenged ourselves by playing a multiplication grid game.  We also discussed and set our Maths targets for this term.

In PE this week we played outdoor games and a game of “rounders” with P4.  It was very competitive and we all had great fun!

In Writing we wrote a story all about what adventures we took part in during our Easter Holidays.  This has made a nice display in the classroom.

In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles and some of the groups have started their new books.  We all enjoy taking on the different roles and responsibilities involved within the circle.

In Science this week we started to look at electricity.  We also brought in our mummification experiment involving the tomato and discussed how well the process had worked.  The experiment was successful because the tomato was preserved.

We also completed our Health & Wellbeing questionnaire for this term.

Mr Ritchie and the “tiggerrific” P4/5’s


P1a’s Transport Design Challenge

This week we pulled together all our transport learning to create an end of topic design challenge. We talked about transport methods from the past the present and the future. We then picked our own groups for the transport challenge…

We had to plan, design and then make a model of a futuristic mode of transport. The final goal was to present our models and ideas to the class.

Collaboration, cooperation and compromise were key skills in our group task. We all had to be involved and we all had to agree on one model. We then drew our plan/design, coloured it and labelled key features.

The next stage was making the models. We had to cut and paint the parts, then glue them together. Some designs were trickier than others (especially the hot air balloon!).

The final stage was presenting to the class. Mrs Gordon could not believe how confidently we spoke about our models, and the way we answered any questions. Here are the final models.

Happy holidays from Mrs Gordon and P1a



P3B Outdoor Fun!

We started the week finishing off our social studies history trail.  We have been learning about the development of cameras throughout different periods in history.  As part of the project we worked in pairs to create a powerpoint presentation to present to children in P3A.  Each week we added a slide showing our new learning, building up to a complete presentation. P3A have been doing a similar project although they studied computers.  On Monday we shared our work with p3A. During the presentations, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Harrison were able to listen in  and observe each group to assess their learning and understanding.  We were very impressed.  The powerpoints were very professional, the content was good and the children were great at both presenting and listening to each other’s presentations.

On Tuesday we spent most of the day outdoors.  We had an outdoor learning trip in the morning.  We walked to Linlithgow Loch where we were met by two West Lothian rangers.  They taught us about animals that are found in our local environment.  One of the rangers, Hannah, set up an animal hunt where we had to find a toy animal hidden in the trees.  Each time we found one, Hannah told us a lot of information about it.  We learned about: Squirrels, Badgers, Bats, Spiders, Rabbits, Foxes and Otters.

The other ranger was called Tracy, she played a game with us where we had had to find three cards representing food, shelter and water – all the things animals need to survive.  She then sent in ‘predators’ to catch us as we were trying to find the cards we needed.  We then did an animal footprint activity.  We were given an information sheet with a picture and some details about each animal, we had to find the footprint cards hung on trees and match the footprints to the correct animal – this was not as easy as it sounds!

We really enjoyed this outdoor session and were very lucky with the weather.  It helped us to enjoy what we have just on our doorstep.

On Tuesday afternoon we had a visit to the park as our treat for collecting ‘springs’ for our houses.  We went with P3A and everyone had a great time 🙂

On Wednesday this week we drew some spring flowers and painted them using watercolours.  We were looking closely at shape and colour, trying to make our work as accurate as possible to what we could see.  To get the correct colours we used mixing palettes.  This was a nice opportunity just to practise drawing and painting, the work wasn’t for display and we could try as many times as we liked.

We enjoyed our walk to St Michael’s this morning, again the weather was very kind to us. We took part in a lovely Easter Service. A big thank you to our parent helpers.

Well done P3 for continuing to work incredibly hard right up to the end of a very long term.  I hope everyone has a good break and I’m looking forward to all that we will do in the summer term.

Thanks for reading our blog, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 1B – w/e 5th April 2019

This week in Literacy we have continued our revision of the sounds and tricky words we have learned this term.  We have worked through a number of phoneme challenges, identifying words with the correct phoneme in them and blending the words together.  In Dictation, we have been writing sentences incorporating a variety of digraph words.  We are getting better at remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In Numeracy we have continued to learn about numbers to 20.  We have been sharing strategies of how to keep track when counting a set of items and have also been working on identifying numbers between 0 and 20, using a number line to help us.  We have continued to practise writing our numbers to 20.

Within our Transport topic we have been working in groups to design and build futuristic modes of transport.  We talked about the past, present and future and how things change over time.  We looked at pictures of transport from the past and present, discussed how these had changed and how they might change in the future.  Each group drew a picture of their chosen mode of transport, used the picture to help build a model and then presented their model to the class.  There were some fantastic features of our futuristic transport including a hot air balloon fuelled by angel cakes, a rainbow aeroplane and an aeroplane/double decker bus combo which was almost taller than the children who made it!

We also had a trip to the park this week and had great fun playing together with P1a.  Many of us showed resilience when trying to climb up or down and bravery when riding on the flying fox!

We have had a very busy term, working hard and learning lots!

Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

End of Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun

We ended term 3 today with our Easter Church service at St. Michael’s. Thank you so much to all of the children who took part in the service and to Mrs Begarnie for organising it. It was a lovely way to end the term.

Pupil achievements for this week:

– A in P5 is currently competing at national level with Scottish Gymnasticas and recently won medals. We are so proud of you A!

-N in P4/5 held a bake sale at his house to raise money for charity. What a lovely thing to do N and a great way to showcase our Springfield values!

-S in P2 has made progress in skiing and we are delighted for her!

Have a wonderful Easter break everyone!

Miss Baillie x💖💫🐣

P6b have made it

Phew this is the final day of term 3! WE’VE MADE IT! It was good to see all the parents at parents’ nights this week [and children]. Thank you for coming and all your support. On Monday we looked after baby eggs and whoever won got a chocolate egg. Ursula and Sabrina won. We have all been sharing our Industrial Revolution projects during the week. What a lot of excellent work and interesting creative ways these have been done. On Wednesday we finished our candle holders. On Thursday we had music and we got to play music related games. On Friday we went to our church for our Easter service.




The End (of term!) Easter holidays are here :) :)

This week we all presented our projects, they were all very interesting and we have put them into our library to read. We also had parents nights, we think they went ok 🙂

I and H went to the STEM Olympics and came 2nd for West Lothian, our P7 team came first 🙂 They are all going to the National Finals in June.

Last week we created pieces of art inspired by John Constable and LS Lowry, this week we used these to create freeze frame dramas. We worked in small groups and then shared our ideas with the rest of the class.

In Science we did our Egg Drop challenge, 4 teams managed to drop their eggs without them breaking apart, an amazing result!

In PE we had a huge dodge ball game using the ball handling and ball control skills we have been learning this term. N was our star player with B holding her own when everyone else in her team had been put out.

On Thursday we had our Golden Day, this was a lovely relaxed day. We banked all our golden time this term and then spent it all on Thursday.

Today most of us went to church for our Easter service. The Glee group performed for us all which was a lovely way to end the term.

Holidays start today and in 12 weeks time we will all officially be moving up to P7 (eeeek!!!)

Next term we will be very busy meeting our new buddies, singing at the launch of the Linlithgow Museum, visiting the Peel to do Environmental Art and going to Camp. A lot to get through in 10 weeks, but we are very excited about the final term in P6.

Have a lovely Easter, remember we are all back in school on Tuesday 23rd April. Try not to eat too many Easter Eggs 😉

P6a and Mrs Newton


P4/5 Week commencing 1st April 2019

On Tuesday we had our last NYCOS lesson. We revised all of the games and song we had been learning.  We also surprised Tracy by singing a song that we created using the rhythms and beats she had taught us.  We also gave her a nice card signed by us all and a wee present to remember us.

In our Egyptian topic this week we carried out the mummification procedure on tomatoes.  We extracted the “organs” and then place the tomato shell in a sarcophagus covered in salt.  We are going to take them home and then look at the results in a week’s time.

In Science we conducted the “egg drop” challenge.  We had to design a protective cover for the egg before dropping it from a height of 2m.  FB and NMcK won the class challenge.

In Maths we took part in two mystery Easter competitions to find out who stole the Easter Bunny’s costume.  We had to use our knowledge of numbers and maths to solve the clues.

In PE this week we performed our gymnastic moves that we had been learning during the term.

In French we made and designed Easter Bunny cards to wish everyone a Happy Easter “Joueuses Paques!”

We all attended the Easter Church service today where FB read “In the Garden” as part of the lesson on behalf of the class.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s!

Happy Easter!

Primary 5 – w/e 5/4/19

This week we uncovered our mummified apples and tomatoes. The liquid from the fruits had been absorbed by the salt mixture. Have a look at the photo and see what happened.

This week we have heard our Class Talks. Everyone did an excellent job of researching their topic and presented these to the class.

We completed a series of maths activities and discovered who had destroyed the Easter Bunny Costume.

We have spent some time evaluating stories and instructional writing this week and discovering what we missed out. These missing parts will become our writing targets in Term 4.

In Science we completed an egg drop challenge. Well done to Scott and Daniel on their successful egg drop.

In music we played a game of rhythms and pulse and the hot cross bun game. Ask us to explain how this works.

Take a look at our Canopic Jars too – we are really proud of how great these look!!

Have an amazing break.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

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