A Community Based on Respect

Today we focused on the Wellbeing Indicator, ‘being respected ’ in assembly. We made links between this indicator, our school values and the Rights Respecting School articles. Children learned about our climate of ‘mutual respect’ and specifically how the adults in school respect children and how we can all respect each other.

We treat each other as equals, regardless of our skin colour, gender or religious belief knowing that we are all different and beautiful in our own individual way.

We reflected together on these important words:

You are important

Your are smart

You are special

You are kind

By saying kind words to ourselves, we show respect for who we are.  Respecting ourselves on a daily basis helps to build us up so that we that we can go on to do great things.

How have you shown respect for yourself and for others today?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫




Challenging Cross Country in P6a

This has been a super quick week in P6a as we were off on Monday and Tuesday.

First thing on Wednesday we went to the Linlithgow Cross Country Festival, it was very wet and cold, however we all did our best and got medals 🙂

When we got back to school we looked at different strategies for adding and subtracting and then talked about a healthy diet as part of our HWB lesson.

On Thursday we started planning our leaflet writing for children moving to Linlithgow. We will write the leaflets next week.

On Friday Kieran came to visit to announce the winners of our Fairtrade Quidditch Kit contest- no one from our class won, but we were happy that Kieran stayed and worked with us 🙂

Next week we have visitors from HMIe coming in, Mrs Newton has told us how awesome we are and how proud of us she is, so we are excited to share our learning with them.

Have a great weekend, hopefully the sun will shine 🙂

P6a and Mrs Newton

P7a Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

Over the past two weeks P7a have been extending their knowledge into Third Level algebra. This has included solving equations with negative numbers and fractions and solving inequations with inequality signs. We have even been beginning to expand double brackets and carry out the inverse of this by factorising expressions.We have also been trying some codebreaker strategies that were used during WWII to intercept messages and crack codes.

Today we looked at frequency analysis, an example of mono-alphabetic ciphers, where each letter in the alphabet is replaced by another. We demonstrated resilience and perseverance to decipher a message from 1943 about merchant ships. Sophie, Erin and Nicci were the first to do so! Well done girls!

Literacy and English

We have been continuing to read Goodnight Mr. Tom, with a particular focus this week on characterisation. This included an analysis of the ways in which two main characters, Mr. Tom and William, have evolved throughout the story so far. We have noted that William has become less anxious which has improved his level of happiness and had a positive impact on his learning. We gave supporting evidence from the text to argue this. Secondly, Mr. Tom has become more sociable and developed more of a nurturing side. Again we were able to give examples of where this was noticeable.

In writing we have been creating balanced arguments that introduced the topic before weighing up advantages and disadvantages of child evacuation during WWII. We wrote conclusions that offered our personal viewpoint on the topic with reasons for our particular stance.

Learning Across the Curriculum 

Other learning and achievements this week include:

  • Basketball team qualified for the West Lothian Primary Basketball League play-offs. One of their games ended in a 16-0 victory!
  • The school footballers were unbeaten in the latest league meeting and bounced back from 1-0 to win on 3 separate occasions.
  • P7 attended our SPS Careers Fayre and impressed visitors with their knowledge of subject areas and questioning.
  • We attended a Farm to Fork careers event at SRUC Oatridge where we found out about a number of different career opportunities in the food, farming and agricultural sectors.
  • Our first rugby session took place with Linlithgow Rugby Club and we are excited for our end of year festival in June.
  • The netball teams remain 1st and 4th in the league after their latest round of fixtures.

P7a and Mr. Logan

P4 Class

Its been a wonderful week filled with excitement!

In Literacy

We learnt to expand sentences in order to add information.

We read a poem and discussed what it meant.

This week, some children presented their PowerPoint about Ancient Egypt to the class.  Some also demonstrated their acting skills by presenting a play about Ancient Egypt.

We began reading our class novel.  We had to solve riddles and clues from this text.


We revised on our 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 times tables.  We played buzz too.

We also learnt to multiply 2  digit numbers by 10/ 100.


Together, we brainstormed on what we wanted to know about the Union Canal.  We also explored different types of of canal systems in Scotland.  So watch this space!



We learnt about the different religion around the world.


We have been speaking French as we order our lunches.  We have been revising on saying the months of the year and numbers to 20 in French as well.



P1a’s weekly blog

Another fun packed week in P1. This week we were very fortunate to take part in a Generation Science workshop where we made our own lego goalkeepers and then did some computer programming to make the goalie move! Mrs Gordon was so impressed with how well the children managed this. It was packed with lots of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) experiences. Have a look at the photos and video below, there is also an article in this week’s gazette about this whole school project. Thanks to Mrs Tulloch for organising!

In numeracy we have been talking and learning about the language of subtraction, we discussed word problems like “take 3 from 10”, less than, difference between and “There are 5 bananas and 4 apples, how many more bananas are there?”. These are all tricky concepts but Mrs Gordon was very pleased with how well we are understanding the mathematical language.

We also did some work on volume and capacity talking about why we wouldn’t use a spoon to fill a swimming pool etc. We had fun estimating and learnt that estimate means to guess… Look at us estimating how many spoons of sand and how many cubes it will take to fill containers. We learnt that this is quite a difficult skill…

In literacy we learnt the new digraphs oi and oy and tricky words there and were. Some reading groups learnt about a blurb on a book and why it can help us to choose a book in the library.

We started our local community topic by discussing a little bit about what a community is. As part of this topic we have 4 classroom pets/toys that are going to be going home with the children each weekend. We are hoping that they toys will get to visit parts of Linlithgow with the children and maybe go along to any clubs etc they go to.

Happy long weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


P7B Weekly update

Another busy learning week in P7 with great opportunities to extend our knowledge outside of the classroom.

Literacy: During Literacy this week we extended and consolidated our knowledge of Homophones. We looked at the most commonly misspelled/ misused homophones. We used our knowledge to identify and correct homophones in a poem.  We continued to use a range of comprehension strategies to answer questions based on our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom.  Writing this week, we discussed the features of essay writing. We chose from a range of questions and using previous knowledge of persuasive devices we wrote a persuasive essay.

Numeracy: We are continuing to extend and develop our knowledge of algebra. This week we have been solving algebraic equations using one variable.

STEM: During science this week, we were very fortunate to have Generation Science teach us some new skills in coding, it was a very fun filled learning experience – please ask us to tell you more about it. Thank you for organizing a fun and active lesson Mrs. Tulloch

SFLLW: It has been a busy and informative week about the world of work. On Wednesday we enjoyed our Farm to Fork trip. Form milkshake tasting to lettuce planting, it was a very tasty and informative event. Springfield’s careers fayre was on Wednesday night, with a range of different professionals who had come along to share the wide range of different careers options, another eye opening and informative event.

P7b and Mrs. Matos

Busy Primary 2B

Sorry for the absence of a blog last week due to me being off. So this week we began with some preparation for our assembly, which now has been postponed until 14/06/19. We will continue with the same theme and the children will be given their words in due course. They know what we’re doing and we will start practising soon.

Our spellings this week have been adding the plural “es” to words and some of the children have been working on “ng” and “nk”. This term we will be working towards writing stories, so in preparation for this we have been working on writing a description of a setting. We used pictures as a stimulus and had a word bank to help us. Some very imaginative descriptions were produced. Capital letters for names and for “I” have also been worked on.

In Numeracy we have been doing some revision on sequencing numbers to 100.  This week has been our STEM week and on Thursday we had a visit from Generation Science. They gave us a very inspiring presentation where one of them was a robot. It gave the children a clear understanding of how precise we need to be with our instructions. Then the children made a model of a footballer out of Lego and it was wired up and they gave instructions using symbols to make it move. They had a fantastic time and got really excited.

Hope that you’re all having a lovely long weekend. See you on Wednesday. Photos to follow.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton


A Week Full of Learning at SPS and Bonnytoun!

We have come to the end of another busy   week of learning at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Our children in school had the chance to take part in a number of STEM workshops led by Generation Science.

P6-7 pupils had the chance to attend a Careers’ Fayre which was held on Wednesday night and saw a great turn out of support from our partner agencies and families. We continue to build a wider range of different partners in our local community and beyond to enhance our curriculum and help children to develop skills for learning, life and work.

The children at Bonnytoun have had a lovely couple of days this week welcoming their Grandparents into the nursery to play and learn.

Today, Miss Harrison and P3A led a highly informative assembly on endangered species. All children spoke articulately and confidently as they showcased their learning through the PowerPoint presentations  that they had made.

Pupil Achievements this week:

– Well done to F in P4 for winning a medal for running! Great effort F!

-Congratulations to B in P6 for her certificates gained through skiing and horse riding!

We are proud of you both girls!

Have a lovely holiday weekend everyone,

Miss Baillie xx💖💫



STEM Week in P3B

When I asked the children today what they would like me to include in our blog this week there was a resounding  cry for coding.  We had a session with Generation Science called ‘Bricks and Blocks’ On Wednesday. We learned about computer programming. We began by discussing robots and how they work, we learned that they are given their instructions by computers.  To help us to understand the importance of instructions a bit more, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich.  If our instructions are not correct, the results can be very wrong!   We then worked in pairs to build Lego robots, learning more about  coding as we worked.   We used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers. A big thank you to Generation Science for an excellent session.

We also carried out a science experiment.  We discussed why science experiments are a very important part of our world today, the children mentioned medicine and looking after our planet as two big areas where science can really make a difference,  We were very professional in the way we carried out our water absorption experiment.  Our question was ‘How does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’  We observed and discussed the properties of the three types of paper – kitchen towel, A4 paper and tissue paper, then we each wrote a hypothesis on how far we thought the water might travel up each paper when the end was placed in water for 30 seconds.  We planned the resources we would need made a diagram of how our experiment would look, making sure to note down anything we had to keep the same to make sure it was a fair experiment.  We then we carried out the experiment in groups.  Finally, we measured the distance the water had travelled and used our findings to write up and record the results.  We found that the kitchen towel was most absorbent and the type of material definitely has an impact.

In our writing lesson this week we used the notes we wrote before and during our experiment to write a science report.  They are detailed reports, set out with headings and sub-headings.  We used some good science vocabulary too.  We  all self assessed our writing today.

In numeracy we have begun to increase our knowledge and understanding of multiplication.  We have worked on 2, 5 and 10 times tables this week, and some children worked on 3 and 4 times tables.  We have been quite active whilst saying our tables – getting our brains and bodies working at the same time and have also played lots of games to help us to recall our tables facts.

Some children have been practising their tables in Play Based Learning time.  Excellent work girls!

We begun to look at fitness in PE.  We had one fitness session outside and one inside this week.  We did circuit training, working really hard at each station to increase our heart rate.  Each station also worked on a different skill and a different part of our body.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone, see you on Wednesday.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy



Super singing, STEM week

On Monday we started our STEM challenge. The first challenge was to make a paper plane that could glide for 2m. Next we had to make it through the target and further than 4m. Then we had to add cargo, whilst still making it glide through the target and at least 4m.

On Thursday we wrote instructions on how to make the planes and today we swapped books and tried to follow these. Most of us forgot to include detailed steps which made it harder to build, however everyone did succeed in making a plane that would glide. LS managed to build a plane with 17 coins, it glided the 4m and went through the target. NW had 16 coins on her plane and managed to glide it through the target for an astonishing 10m- that is quite a distance! We all enjoyed the STEM week and learnt new skills on how to use thrust, weight distribution, designing, folding and writing instructions.

On Wednesday Generation Science visited our school, we programmed robots to complete the challenges on the cards. It was very good fun 🙂

On Thursday we went to the museum for our final performance of “In Linlithgow”, lots of relatives came to watch us and Mrs Newton has shared the performance on Class Dojo. Everyone said we were amazing, we worked very hard on the project and are looking forward to getting our CD’s from Caro next week.

Next week we have our Cross Country Festival on Wednesday, then we are going to start looking at healthy eating, portion sizes and food groups.

Please remember that there is no school on Monday and Tuesday (YEAH). Have a lovely weekend,

P6a and Mrs Newton 🙂

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