A friendly dragon visited P1B…

In Phonics we have been learning m and r. Letter formation:

m – down Maisie, back up Maisie and over the mountains.

r – down the robot’s back, back up then curl over his arm

We are getting very good at building words on our magnetic letter boards. Here are some you could try at home: rim, ran, rat, ram, mat, man, map

In Numeracy we finished learning all our numbers to 10. Next we have to work on the numbers we find tricky, we are good at recognising the numbers we need to work on. In Maths we finished off our learning on 2D shape by making 2D shape monsters!

In Health and Well-being we learned about what it means to be respectful. We learned the importance of greeting people, making eye contact and smiling. We made a ‘book of respect’ for our class library, each of us completed a page with a drawing showing how we are respectful. Lots of us drew pictures of how we are respectful to our parents by helping around the house – washing dishes, hoovering and gardening! Mrs Bell was very impressed!

On Wednesday a friendly dragon visited our classroom. He left a letter telling us that he is feeling sad because fairyland has disappeared! We are going to help him to rebuild fairyland by reading fairytales and working very hard to turn our classroom into fairyland. We built a beanstalk for Jack out of lego, designed castles and wrote letters back to the friendly dragon.

Here’s a little French song we are enjoying singing in class:


Reminder that it is Parents’ Evening next Wednesday and Thursday. If you haven’t already booked a slot, there are quite a few times available for the Thursday. I look forward to seeing you all then,

Have a great weekend!
Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

Tracking and Monitoring Health and Wellbeing

Dear Parents/Carers

A huge thank you to those of you who made it along to our parental information evening on ‘Tracking and Monitoring Health and Wellbeing’ at Springfield Primary and Bonnytoun Nursery School. Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it, just click the link below for a copy of the Powerpoint delivered at the session:

Tracking and Monitoring HWB – 2019

If you have any questions or queries about what was covered, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to gathering your views on our approaches to behaviour at next week’s parents evenings. If you could take the time to fill in a quick form regarding this it would be much appreciated. Your views and feedback through consultation are vitally important to us.

Kind regards

Mr. Logan


Our class have worked extremely hard this week, even though it was a short one.

For Numeracy, we learnt how to calculate  percentages from an amount. We also exercised our number talk skills as we demonstrated various ways of multiplying/diving numbers.

For Literacy, we wrote a fact file about Brazil.  We  summarised events in our novels during guided reading.  We also learnt to use question tags (in Grammar).

Expressive Art- we practiced drawing caricatures this week.  Next week, we will use this type of drawing to create a portrait of someone in our class.  We will then incorporate Romero Britto’s style in our masterpiece.

Enjoy the sun this weekend everyone!


Week ending 20.9.19 Primary 5/6


We did number talks. We alSo were subtracting 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000. We also practiced/repeated facts about three and six times tables in four different ways.


We reasearched facts about the Amazon river and made notes. We made leaflets on our notes.


French we asked each other our ages and how we feel in a game.

We also practised numbers in Spanish.


In science we made helicopters fly and discussed the different potential and kinetic energy changes.

spinning helicopters



For our topic we added music notes of names of rivers.


Written and typed by Maisie & Rose.



Short but sweet in P7a

This week was a very short week in class but we still managed to get lots done.

On Wednesday we wrote fact sheets on Romero Britto, using our research and planning on his life and work.

We then continued to develop our skills in Dodge Ball, we are all working much better in teams and have improved our accuracy when throwing.

On Thursday we started to learn how to draw our faces in proportion, this is in preparation for our art lesson next week when we will be doing self portraits in the style of Romero Britto.

We all want to wish Mrs Benton and the Forth Valley Chorus as they compete in the finals of the Sweet Adeline International Singing Competition in New Orleans. They are performing at 10pm tomorrow evening and you can watch this via You Tube (search for Sweet Adeline).

Have a great weekend, the sun is supposed to shine 🙂

P7a and Mrs Newton

P5 Weekly Blog

Can’t believe our short week is over already! Still lots of learning to share with you, here’s what we’ve been up to…

Literacy and English

We are continuing to read The Nowhere Emporium and are nearing the conclusion of the story! We’ve started using some Reflective Reading approaches in class and used task mats this week to develop our reading skills whilst further exploring our class novel. We’ve been analysing the relationship between Lucien Silver and Vindictus Sharpe, and ways in which the author uses characterisation to intrigue the the reader.

During grammar this week, we’ve been skimming and scanning dictionaries to find definitions of unfamiliar words from the text and using them correctly in context. Ask us to tell you what ‘morose’ and ‘barter’ mean…

Finally, in writing we have been extending our knowledge of varied types of poetry. Through studying the key features of a cinquain poem, we were able to discuss the structure, layout, syllable count and content more confidently. We found they have 5 lines and a syllable pattern of 2, 4, 6, 8, 2. After choosing a theme for line 1 we used adjectives in line 2, verbs in line 3, feelings in line 4 and a single word to conclude in line 5. We discovered that once completed, cinquains form a diamond shape. You can read some of these on our Literacy wall! They’re fantastic!

Numeracy and Mathematics

Our Number Talks this week have been pictorial and involved making estimations and reasoned guesses. Our problems have required us to show resilience through ‘trial and error’ and ‘process of elimination’ approaches. As time progressed in each Number Talk, we were given additional clues that allowed us to narrow our scope.

Our learning of addition has continued this week as we demonstrate our ability to use written methods and evidence strategies used that enable us to find the final answer. We have discussed the importance of lining columns up correctly, carrying out basic counting within 20 accurately and showing all units of measurement where appropriate. Next week we will be using the inverse operation, subtraction.

Nobody has managed to work out the rule and next 3 numbers in our sequence this week. Answers on a postcard:

3, 4, 7, 16, 43…

Learning Across the Curriculum

Science – We have been studying energy with Mr Villanova. What different types of energy can you tell us about? Where might you see this energy in action? What is the importance of ‘renewable energy’?

Art and Design – Mr Villanova has also been creating and decorating the nets of 3D shapes with us.

P.E – In basketball we have been applying our skills developed so far this term during a small-sides games week. Next week we change our focus to shooting with accuracy.

Coming Up

  • 25.9.19 – S6 female STEM Ambassadors visiting P5
  • 25.9.19 – Monitoring and Tracking of Wellbeing 6-7pm (hall)
  • 27.9.19 – European Day of Languages
  • 2.3.19 – Parents Evening 4.30-7.30pm
  • 3.3.19 – Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm
  • 7.10.19 – Social Enterprise Academy visiting P5
  • 8.10.19 – West Lothian Ranger Service orienteering session

Have a good weekend when it arrives everyone!


P5 and Mr Logan

Recent Achievements

Look at how busy we’ve been since returning to school! I’ve really enjoyed hearing all about these achievements. Well done everyone!

Can’t wait to see more Springfield achievements! #GoTeamSpringfield

Mrs Hocknull 

P4A Blog Week Ending 13.9.19


P4A have had a busy week and are ready for a rest over the September holiday weekend!

Literacy and English

In reading we have been keen to read more of our books as we can’t wait to find out what happens next! We have been answering questions to show that we understand what the story is about and explore the language used in the books.  In writing this week, we have been learning to write a recount of a story called ‘A pair of Twins’. We enjoyed this story, however this was a tricky story to rewrite as there were lots of unfamiliar Indian words.

In punctuation we were revising when to use capital letters, full stop and question marks. In handwriting, we practised joining ascenders like an ‘a’ to an ‘l’.  We learned that ‘al’ could be used as a prefix at the beginning of words to change a word like ‘most’ to ‘almost’ or as a suffix at the end to change a word like ‘norm’ to ‘normal’.In spelling we were learning to spell words that had the ‘ear’ sound like ‘learn ’or ‘ck’ sound like ‘stuck’. We practised lots of activities in class to help us to learn our spelling words.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been revising place value, making sure that we line up the units, tens, hundreds and thousands correctly. We have also been learning to compare and order numbers to list in order of the largest or smallest.

We practised symmetry with mirrors to make sure that our symmetry patterns were exactly symmetrical and have been looking out for symmetry in everyday objects. We have also been practising mental maths.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Our focus in P.E this week has been to develop our balance and control of the shuttlecock in badminton. We practised lunges around the room with the shuttlecock on our heads as a warm up and practised quickly changing directions. We took turns to throw the shuttlecock and pass it back using our rackets. We have also been practising team skills.

We have been comparing the climate in India to Scotland and have taken the temperature each day for both. It was double as warm in India! In expressive arts we have been making Indian elephants, showing the colours and patterns used vibrantly in India. We have also enjoyed music with Ms Bain. We have been learning lots about Judaism in RME with Mrs Begarnie.


  • AC – Assembly certificate for a fantastic start to Springfield and for sharing his ideas. We love having you at our school!
  • EC and CC – Well done for getting the most dojos to be the pupils of the week!
  • Marshmallows Table – Well done for being the group with the most points.
  • Well done to everyone that took part in Pedal for Scotland. Fantastic achievement!
  • Thanks for sending in photos of personal achievements. They are displayed on the achievement wall outside Mr Wells’ and Mrs Hocknall’s offices for us all to be proud of you!

Coming Up

  • 9.19 – Holiday
  • 9.19 – Holiday
  • 9.19 – Liaise with Leadership 4-5pm (P3 classroom)
  • 9.19 – Parent Council AGM 7-8pm (library)
  • 9.19 – Monitoring and Tracking of Wellbeing 6-7pm (hall)
  • 9.19 – European Day of Languages
  • 3.19 – Parents Evening 4.30-7.30pm
  • 3.19 – Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm

Have a relaxing and restful long weekend!

P4A and Ms McAlpine


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