Stickman writing, Numicon addition and Nativity practice in P1B

In Literacy this week we learned the sound j and v:

j – down the Jack in a box’s body, curl. Dot for the head.

v – down the vulture’s wing, up the wing

J is quite tricky because we can get it muddled with i and form the curl the wrong way. Remember that the j has a tail that goes past the line. We also learned two new common words – put, was.

On Wednesday we did a super piece of writing on the story Stickman. We imagined what we would use Stickman for if we found him. We are getting very good at sounding out words and remembering to use a finger space after each word. Here is some of our super writing:

In Numeracy we worked on addition pairs to 6, 7 and 8. We are getting very good at forming numbers the correct way round and writing addition sums correctly. We also worked on addition using numicon:

Admin for next week (it’s a busy one!):

If you haven’t already got your tickets for the Nativity, please return the ticket letter slip on Monday, dojo me if you need another ticket letter.

Costumes in a labelled bag to be handed in by Tuesday – please refer to the Nativity information Sheet – not all children need to hand costume in.  All children know their parts.

Tuesday – Nativity rehearsal at the church. We will be leaving as soon as we have done the register and ordered lunches. Please send children with a waterproof coat and a small bag to carry their water and a snack in. We will be back in time for school lunches so no need for a packed lunch.

Thursday – Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch

Friday – Christmas Fayre 9am-12

Happy weekend (26 sleeps until Christmas!),

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

P7b Class

Highlights of the week…

Fame Auditions-  This week, the fame auditions took place on Monday.  We found out who got the main roles on Tuesday afternoon.  It was a quite an anxious wait for us all.  According to the judges, everyone did very well.  The standard of performances were very high.

Well done to the pupils who had the courage to audition.

Also we would like to congratulate those who were successful in securing a role.

In Maths we investigated properties of 3D shapes, 3D nets and we interpreted scale drawings.

In Modern languages, we learnt how to say French words for classroom objects.  We also learnt some Spanish words for clothing and accessories.

Expressive Arts- Many of us were very happy and proud that we have learnt to braid wool.  We have also been practicing  our Opera songs.  We are getting better at keeping in tune!

In literacy, we wrote explanations about what makes a fast car.

Next week is our Christmas fair and dinner! We are so excited!


Benchball Champs in P3A

We had a great time at the P3 cluster benchball tournament on Tuesday, walking all the way to Linlithgow Academy, playing benchball and then walking all the way back was no mean feat – but we smashed it!  All the children played  well – our practise really paid off,  there was lots of great passing, blocking and tactical moves.  Our behaviour was excellent too and we were a credit to Springfield School.  We took our certificate to Mr Wells when we got back and he was very proud of us  – it is now on the achievement wall.  Thank you to our two fantastic parent helpers for keeping us going on our walk and making sure we got to the correct court at the right times.

We began our Christmas preparations this week.  Each year there is a lovely event in St Michael’s Church called The Festival of Trees, it is on from the 6th to the 8th December.  Local school, clubs and organisations are invited to decorate a tree.  This year the theme is Christmas  Around the World.  Our Language Ambassadors have been busy planning our tree and they asked P3 to make salt dough christmas tree decorations painted like the French flag.  They came to help us make the dough.  Please click the link below for further details.

Festival Of Christmas Trees

In numeracy this week we began with some problem solving – applying our numeracy skills to work out the answers to word problems.  These boys worked particularly hard and were a great team – every answer was correct too – well done!

We also began to learn ‘chimney sums’ or column addition this week.  Working on laying out the sums, making sure we use the squares in our jotters to get the numbers in the correct columns as this is very important to allow us to add the right numbers together.  Everyone made a great start and most really enjoyed this way of adding.

In outer maths we looked at Venn diagrams, we were sweet shop owners and had to sort our sweets according to the colour and pattern on the wrapper.

In literacy, we have had literacy circles – reading and discussing our reading books with a focus on setting this week.  We also worked on a comprehension task for a non-fiction piece of writing about looking after your bike.

In French we are continuing to consolidate our learning of French foods, playing Hangman and pairs using the French  words that we learned last week.

We did yoga in the class for PE, using our Yogido posture cards to create stations which we moved around trying lots of different positions – our muscles had to work really hard to help us to keep our balance.  We had a little meditation and breathing session at the end.

Next week we will be busy getting ready for the Christmas Fair – we’re looking forward to seeing everyone and we hope you visit our stall!

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the switching on of the lights anyone who is going along.

Free Christmas Tree Clip Art Borders

P3B Week commencing 18th November 2019

In writing this week we looked at how to write an article for a newspaper.  We used one of our Percy the Park Keeper stories and pretended we were newspaper reporters.  We had to write a report for the newspaper about how the little rabbit managed to fall down the old well and was rescued by his friends.  We had to use the correct style of writing by identifying who, what, where, when and how the event happened and the people involved.  We have written really nice articles and added in some pictures for the readers to look at.

In Maths we have been working hard on developing and improving our mental strategies through our Number Talks and Big Maths activities.

We have also started to change our main corridor display and break out play areas.  The new theme will be based around the Stick Man stories.  We have been watching the Stick Man video and discussing what things we could include in our displays and activity stations.  Thank you to everyone who has collected and handed in sticks.  These will be put to good use to help us design and create the new area.

We finished off the week by holding a BEAR (Be Excited About Reading) event to celebrate Book Week where we all brought in our favourite books to read and share by torchlight.  We put out all the lights and closed the blinds to make it really dark, and displayed an image of a burning log fire on the Smart Board to add a lovely warm cosy glow to the classroom.  At the end of the event we also received our Read, Write and Count Bags to take home and share with our friends and families.

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

P1a’s weekly news

This week in literacy we have been learning 3 ways to make the c sound (c, k and ck). We did really well working out which was which and we realised that ck will mostly be at the end of words. We found the formation of the k quite tricky as we use the version with a curl on the k. Our new tricky words were he and me and we often see those in our reading books.

In numeracy we continued our number bonds for 4, 5 and 6. We were working out all the different ways we can make 4, 5 and 6. We found a pattern, to know how many ways you add 1 to the number, eg to make 4 there are 5 ways, to make 5 there are 6 ways. We also enjoyed using the switcher to make the numbers eg 4+2=6 and 2+4=6. We were also exploring different ways to show addition using chalk, numicon and playdough.

Our Nativity is coming along very nicely and the children have been working very hard on this. We have assigned all parts today, and don’t think we need anything from home for the P1 costumes. We have also been making our crafts for the Christmas Fayre, both of these things are secret for now…

In French we learnt more colours – now we know bleu, blanc, rouge, vert, orange, violet and jaune.

We had great fun this morning during our BEAR (Be excited about reading) event. We closed the blinds, switched off the lights and read our books using torches.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a.



Goodbye James (P3A)

We said goodbye to James and his insect friends this week as we finished reading James and the Giant Peach.  The end of the story was really good and very funny – the poor people of New York did not know what was happening when a giant peach floated over the city!  We pretended to be journalists reporting on the story.  On Tuesday we learned about some of the features of a newspaper article, working in a group to identify the who, what, where, when and how in an article, as well as looking at the headline and some eye-witness quotes. We then wrote notes for our own article on James’ arrival into New York.  On Wednesday we wrote our own articles, they are really good, excellent information and descriptions of events.

In outer maths we made tables and drew bar charts on the colours of Smarties in one tube.  The main focus was the drawing of the bar chart – learning the words axis and axes, labelling them and giving our bar chart a title.  Everyone drew an accurate bar chart and we enjoyed the Smarties afterwards.

We enjoyed a visit to the school library this week.  We are hoping to visit each Wednesday so please bring back books then.

As part of Book Week Scotland and our own campaign to further engage the children in reading, we had another BEAR (Be excited about reading) event on Friday.  It was nice to read by torchlight, with an open ‘fire’ in the classroom, a different reading experience 🙂 We were very lucky to receive our Read, Write, Count bags on Friday too.

Thank you to everyone who handed in sticks, the teachers and support staff have been working hard this week to transform the corridor play area with lots of Stick Man related activities and even a family tree!  We have really been enjoying playing in the new areas and being Play Leaders there too.

That’s all for this week, have a good weekend, P3A and Mrs Kennedy 🙂

22.11.19 Primary 5/6


For maths we were identifiying if a shape has any parallel lines or perpendicular lines.  Also properties of 2D shapes the types of angles.  As well, we also did esti-mysteries and multiplying a one digit numbers by two digit numbers.

As part of our Christmas enterprise we were measuring the sizes we need to make boxes for our decorated Christmas cakes. These will be the measurements fort our nets of cuboids. We do not think our boxes will require lids.


For literacy we were identifying if a text is a opinion or a fact.



The P6 are working on Scottish Opera and Scottish Parliament.

On Monday primary 6 are auditioning for the parts in our musical Fame. Good luck to those who are trying out for parts.

The P5 are working on climate change and global warming. We created posters about people effected by climate change. Katie is holding hers.


For pe we are doing gymnastics and fitness.

Primary 5 have one more week of rugby left.


In music we are learning the recorder we learnt a new note G


In Spanish we were practising the date. hoy es viernes, veintidos noviembre. Adios y tengo un bueno el fin de semana…goodbye and have a good weekend.

By Olivia and Maisie and Katie


Sensational Stick Man Stories (P2B)

This week we have been creating our own imaginative stories involving Stick Man. We watched a video of Stick Man and we discussed what he was used for in the story. Afterwards we used a mind map to record ideas for a new part of the story. We thought about how an animal or a person could use Stick Man for something else. Some of our ideas included using Stick Man in ballet lessons, for a dinosaur’s nest, as an angel on top of the Christmas tree and to help with cooking! We drew pictures of our own ideas and used these as a plan for our writing. On Wednesday we created our own imaginative stories. We made sure that we included the main character, used interesting vocabulary in our sentences and we ended our stories in a similar way to the author of Stick Man. Our stories were excellent and Mrs Hocknull is going to display some of our stories in our Stick Man themed play area.

This week we have also been revising the blends ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’, ‘gl’, ‘pl’ and ‘sl’. We listened to a song about blends, made words on our magnetic boards and wrote words and sentences containing our blends and our common words. Some of us were also learning the blends ‘gr’ and ‘pr’. We wrote ‘gr’ words to match ‘gr’ pictures and made ‘pr’ words on our magnetic boards.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to look at addition. We have been learning to add 10 to a single digit number (10 + 9, 7 + 10) and we have been recalling doubles and near doubles. We also learned to add a teens number and a single digit. We have been using different strategies to solve our addition tasks and we know that it is easier to start with the bigger number and add on the smaller number. Some of us have also been adding a single digit to a two-digit number.

On Friday we had our second BEAR event. We brought in books and a torch from home and we closed the blinds, turned off the lights and read our books by torch and fire light. During our BEAR event, we completed a Short Read activity. We looked at a non-fiction text about the Stegosaurus and we used information from the text to make a diagram. Afterwards we went to our school library and then we were given Read, Write, Count book bags to take home. We very much enjoyed our second BEAR event.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx

P4A Blog Week Ending 22.11.19

P4A Blog Week Ending 22.11.19


Literacy and English

In literacy we have been learning to write explanations about how things happen or work. We learned about the water cycle and how the process is shown in order and that there is often technical words used in explanation writing such as evaporation.

In grammar we learned when to use verbs which are doing or action words. WE learned that imperative verbs are bossy verbs that tell you what to do in a command style. E.g. shut the door, put the eggs in. For spelling this week, we were learning to spell words that start with ‘un’ or end in ‘d’. We had some ERIC time (Everyone Reading in Class) to enjoy reading of our choice. We are continuing to focus on non-fiction books for home reading this week.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been practising our mental maths strategies every day. This week we were learning how to use ‘doubles and near doubles’. We have been playing lots of active games to practice. e.g. dominoes, racing board games counting in doubles, using 100, 10 and 1 wooden cubes to practise with our partners. We are now able to use a range of strategies and are getting to know which strategy is the quickest to use depending on the calculation.

Have a lovely weekend!


P4A and Ms McAlpine

Lots of new sounds, number facts and a BEAR event in P1B

In Phonics this week we have been very busy – we leaned l, c, k and ck!

l – stretch down the long leg

c – curl around the caterpillar

k – down the kangaroo’s body, tail and leg

We learned that c, c and ck all make the same sound. It can be tricky to remember when to use each one. We learned some words that begin with c and k and we know that ck usually comes at the end of a word. Mrs Bell was very impressed with how quickly we picked this up!

We have almost finished our handwriting booklets, each of us has a few pages left to complete so these have been sent home today to work through at home at your own pace – these do not need to be returned to school. Please don’t do the k page – it’s not the correct formation and will confuse us!

In Numeracy we learned addition facts to 4, 5 and 6. It helps us with our mental maths if we know these off by heart. For example, 3 and 3 make 6. There are lots of fun ways to practise these at home, you could shout out a number and ask us to clap or jump the number pair to make the amount. For example when practising number facts to 4 – you shout out 1, we clap or jump 3 times.

In French we have been learning colours. We learned the colours of the French flag and enjoyed playing games around the classroom to practise these. Here’s a simple song to help us to learn the colours:

We have been busy little elves making our Christmas crafts for the Christmas Fayre this week… we can’t tell you any more than that just now, it’s a surprise!

We had a lovely time at our BEAR event today, reading our favourite books by torchlight:

Some photos of free play fun:

We read one of MS’s favourite stories this week, she very confidently told us (and Mrs Hocknull) about each of the animals:

LR was delighted to win the ‘guess the name of the doggy’ competition! Meet Marshmellow:

Happy weekend!

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

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