Primary 2B

The children are really settling well and working hard. We did some writing of news at the beginning of the week, which I’m using as an assessment. But we have started working in our jotters. They have done their first dictation using their spelling words from this week. The dictation will go at the back of their jotters although some forgot that instruction this week.

We have begun working with our P6 Pals on I.T skills and practised logging on and off this week and played a Maths game when we’d managed this successfully.

The children have enjoyed some Beatrix Potter stories this week and particularly enjoyed the Squirrel Nutkin one. They have used a variety of materials to create their own squirrels which you’ll find on display in the corridor. We are also doing a display of one of our favourite books”Aliens love Underpants”. The children loved designing their own Aliens and Underpants!

In Maths we have continued with our work on numbers after,before, in between and 2 more and 2 less.

Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs.Burton and P2B

Having fun doing French. More photos to follow

P6B Place value, P2 pals and Piet Mondrian

We have had a busy week in Primary 6. We continued learning about place value and even explored reading and writing 9 digit numbers. The class also had fun trying to solve some place value riddles!

We have worked with our P2 pals to help them with their ICT skills and are looking forward to helping them with their reading too.

In pairs the class researched different rivers around the world. We created interesting and informative posters about each river which we are going to present to one another next week. We will then have a vote as to what river we want to take a closer look at and compare to the River Forth.

Our class novel, Wonder, has us gripped. We are really enjoying the story and discussing the many different issues and barriers that the main character is encountering. This week we wrote a diary account from the perspective of the main character.

Mrs McVay was really impressed with our feedback from our Science lesson with Mrs Tulloch. We were able to tell her about all the different types of energy. These included sound, light, heat, magnetic and kinetic to name just a few.

We have also learned about the art of Piet Mondrian who used parallel and perpendicular lines. We have made our own Mondrian artwork which will be on display at Meet the Teacher – we look forward to seeing parents at 6.30 on Tuesday evening.

We all have our homework set for the term. Spelling goes home each Monday and is due back the following Monday.

We were delighted to be Class of the Week and have ten minutes extra Golden Time as our prize for being so good!


Hibernation, Squirrel Nutkin and yoga in P2A

Another busy week in P2A, we are setting a super example to the new Primary 1 children by behaving sensibly and we’ve earned lots of pegs for walking quietly around school. We are also getting quicker at our morning and end of the day routines.

On Monday our lovely P6 Pals came to see us. They helped us to practise logging onto the laptops. Some of us had time to play on this fun game called Build Your wild Self, this is a fun one to play about on at home:

In Maths this week we have been learning how to find numbers before, after and in between. We used a 100 square to help us. We enjoyed playing this game:

In Literacy we were working in our phonics groups; these groups are very flexible and mean that we are working on the digraphs we need to revise. We are focusing on saying sounds and using sounds in words. We practised writing our sounds in lots of different ways:

During IDL we learnt more about animals that hibernate – we know that hedgehogs, dormice and bats hibernate. We also learnt what animals do to survive hibernation – you could ask us about this at home.

This week we have been listening to stories by Beatrix Potter. We loved the story about Squirrel Nutkin!

We loved it so much that we decided that we would like to make squirrels in art. We learnt how to create texture by layering different materials. Miss Prince was very impressed with how well we worked with our partner to create a squirrel’s tail.

In PE we learnt some yoga poses and practised breathing deeply. We demonstrated resilience when we were learning the tree balance – it was tricky!

Here are some photos of our free play fun:

Looking forward to meeting you all at Meet the Teacher on Tuesday evening.

Have a great weekend!

Love P2A, Squirrel Nutkin and Miss Prince x

Pupil Achievements.

Here are brother and sister N and A who are in P4 and P1 respectively, with their fantastic collage to promote the reduction of plastic waste. The children made this at home and brought it in to school to show us. What environmental champions you both are!

Well done to D in P3 for receiving lovely rosettes at her pony gymkhana and to her classmates I and L for learning to ride their bikes over the summer holidays. L has also been busy winning a medal for her skills in golf! Brilliant news girls!

A in P2 came along to my office to show me her dancing award. Great effort A!

Miss Baillie x


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second week of term has flown by with children enjoying their new classrooms and teachers.  Our assembly today was on the Well-being Indicator of ‘being safe’ and all children learned how to keep safe on roads, when out in public and when near fire, water and electricity. We also talked about keeping safe online.

School News:

We have been thinking about how to make homework consistent across school and also, so that it provides a more flexible home learning experience for children and families. Your child will now complete reading and spelling tasks weekly but will be given the whole term to complete a variety of other tasks. You will  receive home learning for this term, next week, and in an easy to follow grid format. We hope that you like it. Please give us your feedback as usual. In early years, it is really important that children are learning sounds and reading each evening if this is possible.

We will be launching a new school website in the next few weeks. Our blog will still stand and will feed into this, as will our Twitter account and school app. The website is a council requirement and it is designed to give an overview of our school as well as to provide links to documents and policies. We will give you more information on this when the website is ready to launch.

Here is a picture of some of our certificate winners from assembly today.

Get well soon to Victor our nursery guinea pig!  He has been staying at Mrs T’s house for the past couple of weeks as he has been poorly and has had many trips to the vet. 😢We hope that he is on the mend and back in nursery soon. Again, we will keep you posted of his progress. Thank you to Mrs T and her family for taking such good care of him.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,


Miss Baillie xx💫💖

P3B – Superheros!

Hello, another packed week in P3B.

In literacy, the children had reading on Monday, they began to read the books they were taking home, we have been reading these together throughout the week too.  The children also wrote descriptions of themselves using fantastic adjectives, making word banks first to allow them to think carefully about the words they could use. The descriptions are very good.  They  also did some work on punctuation; how to use question marks correctly.

In numeracy, we have been learning about place value and partitioning numbers.  We have played different games to help our understanding and have started to use our new maths jotters with squared paper – learning how to lay out our number work correctly.  They are looking great!

On Thursday the children got the chance to be ‘Play Leaders.’  In small groups, they visited the P1 classrooms, assisting them with their activities and modelling good play.  The P3 children helped with turn taking and sharing, gave them ideas and helped them to really engage in the play.  They showed all 5 of our school values and really enjoyed themselves too!

We have been looking a little more at trees – the trunk and branches this week.  In art we looked at the shapes and forms of the branches and used bright colours to create eye catching pictures.  The colouring was quite restful too, a good bit of mindfulness 🙂

Our Superhero Class Charter is really coming on, just needing a title now!

At Assembly on Friday we were presented with ‘Peggy Bear.’  She will stay with us in P3 for the week.  We won her for walking quietly and sensibly through the school.  We have been working hard at being good role models for the younger children and it is being noticed!  Great work P3B 🙂

Have a great weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy


Primary 2B

This week has flown by. The children are settling in to their new reading books. All on the next stage up and next week we’ll get into a regular routine.

We have been doing Phonics assessments this week and have split the children into 2 groups between myself and Miss.Prince.  The class have been revising letters of the alphabet and practicing the formation of letters,both upper and lower case.

In connection to the book we read “The Giraffe,the Pelly and me”, we have designed our own sweetie jars. Some great ideas. We have been practising our common words and concentrated on “the” this week.

In Number we have continued with ordering and sequencing numbers to 100 and the children have enjoyed asking each other questions related to this.

Our outdoor learning this year is about Woodland animals and we have been talking about which animals live in the woodlands and what their habitats are like.

We have been discussing respecting other people’s property in Circle time.

Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the sun is going to shine.

Anne Burton

Our Values


Numbers to 100, jungle explorers and woodland animals in P2A

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read P2A’s blog. We’ve had a very busy first full week back so we have lots to tell you about!

In PE we used our imaginations and went on a jungle adventure, we became explorers – jumping over logs, swinging through trees, running away from tigers and swimming through rivers! We moved around the space sensibly and followed the instructions.

In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on numbers to 100, focusing on numbers before, after and in between. The Big Numbers Song is helping us gain confidence when counting to 100:

In Literacy we have been revising the sounds and common words we learnt in Primary 1. In Giraffe, the Pelly and Me, Billy opened his own sweet shop full of scrumptious sweeties! We decided to have a go at designing and describing our own sweets, we had fantastic ideas and we were very confident when sharing our ideas with the class.

Our outdoor learning focus is woodland animals, we have decided we would like to learn more about animals that hibernate. We looked at animal habitats and did line drawings showing woodland animals in their habitats:

In P2 we develop our computer skills. Our computer time is on a Monday afternoon, this week some lovely P3 children came to help us. We learnt how to carry a laptop safely and how to open the login page using Ctrl-Alt-Delete (this is tricky!) If you have a computer at home it would be great to practise this.

We are loving having the painting out during freeplay!

Reading books are now up and running, new books will be given out on Mondays and should be handed in on Fridays.

Homework starts next week. Homework will also be handed out on Mondays and should be handed in on Fridays. In homework jotters you will find suggested reading questions, spelling activities, Maths activities and a word list. We recommend completing one reading question, one spelling activity and one maths activity per week but this is very flexible. Children will get a new word list each week.

Have a lovely weekend,
Love P2A and Miss Prince x


Love to Ride Cycling September


Please see email below from Wendy from Transition Linlithgow. I have registered Springfield Primary with Love to Ride Challenge for the month of September. Please sign up and log any cycle rides long or short and see your achievements and health improving!

If you need a bike I have six that families have kindly donated to hire out for a small donation. These have been taken to the Bike Library in Livingston to repair and are now ready to go on the road or a quieter path. Please contact me at if you need any more information.

Kind Regards

Mrs Louise McAlpine



My name’s Wendy and I’m emailing from Transition Linlithgow.  The reason for my email is that we are organising the Linlithgow Challenge – a fun and friendly cycle challenge happening in September that isn’t about cycling as many miles as possible, but encouraging as many people to cycle as possible for just 10 minutes or more.

Every time you log a trip in September you get entered into a draw to win one of our many great prizes (including a new bike), and anyone who encourages someone else to ride a bike also gets additional entries into the prize draw.  What’s more, community groups can take part and compete against other groups and workplaces of a similar size to see who can get the most people cycling.

Entrance and participation is completely free of charge, and for more details, and to register please go to our Linlithgow Challenge website:
Love to Ride is all about getting more people enjoying and discovering how easy and fun riding a bike can be. Whether you ride all the time, or you’re new to riding, join the Love to Ride community, help grow cycling, make our neighborhoods more bike friendly, have some fun with your friends and win some great prizes.


We can also help and support your group to promote all forms of active travel (not just cycling) – and have lots of services on offer. From free personalised travel planning, to free fuel efficient driver training, to route advice, maps, car sharing, bike maintenance and more.  We also have a small fleet of electric bikes available for free hire at the end of August.

If you can share the Challenge with group members that would be brilliant – it would be great to see your group taking part in the Challenge.  If you have any problems signing up do let me know.

Additionally, if there’s any way we can help promote active travel within your group, e.g. me giving a short talk to group members about the services we offer, an e-bike taster session, to even helping to organise car-sharing to group meetings, then do let me know as I’d be delighted to help.

Kind regards,



Wendy Graham
Travel Project Organiser
Working Days: Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

Transition Linlithgow SCIO
Unit-5 Braehead Business Units
Braehead Road
West Lothian EH49 6EP


Gymnastics Achievements!

Well done to the Gray sisters in P2 and P4 and to  U in P6 for achieving ‘Highly Commended’ in their recent gymnastics exams. We are so proud of you girls! Promoting participation in  sports and an active lifestyle is part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Please continue to keep us notified of your child’s sporting achievements.

Miss Baillie x 💖🏈⚽️ 💃 🎾 🏊‍♂️

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