Primary 6 – w/e 30th August 2019

In maths we have looked at how we can exercise our maths brains. We used youcubed to help us. We found different ways of making numbers using 4 fours. Ask us how we did this!!!  We also completed the ‘make one cut’ challenge, discovering that some shapes could be created, while others couldn’t. This also helped to develop our resilience and growth mindset.

In Science, we have begun to look at energy,  talking about fossil fuels and different types of energy.

In PE we have begun to develop our basketball skills, focusing on dribbling the ball.


In art we explored Pointillism, creating landscapes using this technique.

We have begun to set targets for Primary 6, thinking about what we are confident with and the areas of the curriculum we would like to develop further.

We created an imaginative story, using a picture to help us with our ideas.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr

Amazing Artists in P3A

We’ve had a very good first full week in P3A.  Our routines are becoming more established and those with classroom jobs are doing really well, helping our classroom to run smoothly.

We began the week learning about the Queensferry Crossing.  As we have had a lot of building work done in the school recently and the builders are still here, we thought our corridor could be turned into a building site.  As the Queensferry Crossing is an important construction in our local area we learned a bit more about it and made our own bridges using paper straws.  We looked closely at the lines and shapes on the bridge and worked hard measuring, cutting and sticking the straws to create our pictures.  The finished results are fantastic and they make a great wall display.  We learned some cool facts about the bridge too, our favourites are: the height of the bridge is the same as 48 London buses stacked on top of each other and all the cabling used on the bridge would almost reach around the equator – 24,874 miles!

In PE we have begun to learn some skills used in the game Benchball.  We are going to a P3 Benchball tournament at Linlithgow Academy in November so we will be focussing on these skills and learning how to play the game so we are really ready for the tournament.  We also did a yoga session with Mrs Kennedy on Thursday – it is a great way to start the day and we were all very good at it.

We read the story ‘Have You Filled Your Bucket Today.’  This is a story about how being kind to others helps them and you to be happy.

Image result for have you filled a bucket today

We worked in groups, reading statements and deciding if they were ‘bucket filling’ or ‘bucket dipping’ actions.  We then wrote some of the things we could do be kind to ourselves and others.

Mr Wells asked each class for some artwork for the corridor so we set to work painting a bugs-eye view of a flower.  We looked closely at part of a flower and painted only some of it.  We also learned a little about the artist Georgia O’Keefe who painted flowers in this way.  They look very effective and we have some of them up in our classroom too.

Our first Play Leaders took some P1s for corridor play on Thursday.  This is a job that every P3 will be doing as we will have several sessions throughout the week where small groups of P3s will take some P1 or P2 children to play with them, they will help the younger children to play nicely and tidy up well!  Fantastic work guys!

We have been enjoying ‘James and the Giant Peach.’  We looked at describing words this week as we listened carefully to Roald Dahl’s descriptions of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker.  We drew pictures of what we think they may look like and wrote lots of great describing words.

We have been learning more about place value in numeracy – partitioning the numbers and identifying how many tens and units make up the whole number, some of us were working with hundreds, tens and units.

On Friday we learned some colours in French – Mrs Kennedy was very impressed by how quickly we picked up the names of the colours and even how they were spelled as we played French hangman 🙂  Maybe you could ask us what these words mean – rouge, marron, bleu, blanc, jaune, vert, rose, gris, noir, violet and orange.

We hope you all have a great weekend.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy




Welcome to Primary 5/6

Hello from primary 5/6.  Lego people  will welcome you into our classroom.

We chose  mining to display our class charter which we discussed in groups. Next week we will be making our class charter .

In groups, we discussed our feelings for the 5 point scale and are happy with the results.

This week we had a visit from SSPCA. They came to talk to us about wildlife in Britain and caring for them. We played a game about Scottish wildlife and then we did some coding. We made an owl from coding blocks and then we programmed it to move and make sounds. It was good fun . We got a sticker and a pencil at the end.


Photos from our SSPCS visit

For maths and art we drew geostars and then we got to choose whether we wanted to paint them in different shades or tones, or we could choose hot or cold colours and make patterns in the shapes. They look fab.

For numeracy this term we are learning about place value and  we did

M   Hth Tth Th    H T U.  We also did some number talks.



Welcome to the new P4B

We have had a good start to the term and most of us didn’t have to do any getting to know you as we were together in P2B. The 4 children who didn’t know me have settled in well and the rest of the class have really helped in explaining my funny little ways.

We have talked about our hopes for the year and have made a display of what we would like to achieve along with some inspirational quotes from famous people. Our favourite moments from our holidays have been made into a comic strip and we have done a writing and spelling assessment. Our writing assessment started off with finding a £1,000,000 pound notes on our tables – task – to write about our dream holiday if we had this amount of money. Oh we wish …..!!

Our Numeracy was to work out addition and subtraction problems using emojis as numbers.

So a busy first week in P4B. Hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine.

Love from P4B and Mrs.Burton

Final blog from p2B

We’ve had a busy last week . On Tuesday we had a French cafe serving Breakfasts. We all enjoyed croissants, fruit, jam and juice and had French cafe music to accompany our eating!

We all enjoyed the inflatables on Wednesday and then had fun in the park on Thursday. Other than that we have been revising multiplication and writing about our favourite memories of P2.

Have a wonderful summer everybody and looking forward to seeing you all back as P3’s in August.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Summer’s Here in P3B!

One of the children asked me why they weren’t doing much work this week and I explained because P3B have worked so hard all year that they deserve to relax and enjoy being with their friends.

We have actually done some work this week! We completed our imaginative stories on Monday when we wrote good endings – we learned about different types of story endings and chose to write either a happy ending, a twist ending or a cliff hanger ending.  We also finished off our maths with some fractions lessons.  We have been practising the days of the week in French too as well as doing some pop art.

The inflatable afternoon was great fun! We all tried a few of the inflatables and some children played the carnival games while others just had enjoyed being together outside, making up their own games with outdoor toys.

As well as all of that we were at a lovely awards assembly on Thursday where L was presented with the ‘Fair Medal’ It was very well deserved and we are all very proud of her 🙂


We had another busy afternoon on Thursday when we had our class party.  The games were good fun and highly competitive!  Well done to all the winners and to those who took part to make it a success.

I can’t believe we are at the end of the year already, it has flown by.  We have had a great year, all of the children have given above and beyond anything I have asked of them.  They are a great bunch and they are really ready to move onto P4 and the new challenges and adventures ahead. You are all welcome to pop in to see me anytime.

Have a wonderful summer.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy


Primary 5 – w/e 28th June 2019

Our final week in Primary 5 and we are all looking forward to our summer break!!

We have had the opportunity to play with our P2 Pals this week and to share our non-fiction books with them and with others in our class.

We had a great afternoon on the inflatables on Wednesday. Thankyou Mrs Anderson for organising this for us.

In maths we played ‘The Pirate Game’. Ask us how this works!!

On Tuesday Mrs Campbell had arranged a delicious french breakfast for us where we practised ordering in french. Thankyou Mrs Campbell and Ian for helping us with this.

We’ve played rounders with Mrs Reid.

We would like to wish Charlie every success in his new school as he leaves Springfield today.

Have an amazing break.

Kind regards

Primary 5 (soon to be Primary 6!) and Mrs  Kerr

P1B – Week ending 28th June

Wow!  What a busy, fun week we have had in P1B!

In Literacy this week we worked on our diary writing skills and tricky word spelling.  We wrote some super sentences about our weekend.  Most of us had been to the Gala Day and we wrote about the fun we had during the procession and the crowning of the Queen.  We continued to work on our listening and talking skills too, sharing what we had done after the Gala Day procession too.

In Numeracy we completed our topic assessment on our Numbers to 20 and Mrs Reid was very impressed with how well we remembered how to sequence in 1s, 2s and 3s.

We had the chance to spend time with our new P6 pals and had great fun reading, playing and drawing with them.

On Tuesday we had our trip to the Bo’ness Railway Museum.  We enjoyed our bus journey very much and had great fun when we got to the Museum, looking at all of the trains and models. We even managed to find all of the teddies on the Teddy Trail!  When we got back to the station, our steam train was waiting for us.  We had our lunch on the train and saw some of the fast trains passing by on the neighbouring line.  Mrs Reid thought the class behaved beautifully and represented the school perfectly!

On Wednesday we had our Teddy Bears’ Picnic with our P7 buddies and then our fun inflatable afternoon.  We were super excited about it!  We played outside games with our buddies and then sat together to have our picnic.  At our inflatable afternoon, everyone waited patiently for their turn and had a lot of fun bouncing around on the pirate galleon and playing the fun fair games.

On Thursday we went to the P7 Leavers’ Assembly and thanked them for being such good buddies.

We have had a super term in P1B, learning lots whilst having plenty of fun and laughs along with the way!  Mrs Reid has thoroughly enjoyed working with the class and is very sorry to be leaving but will keep in touch to hear how P2B are doing!!  She might even pop in to say hello!

Have a super holiday and a well-earned rest!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

School’s out for Summer in P2A!

Where has this year gone?! It doesn’t seem like yesterday that it was our first day in Primary 2.

We’ve had a fun filled week – we loved our warm fuzzy party and the inflatable fun afternoon. Here are some photos of our last week of school:

Have a fantastic summer everyone!

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

Springfield Stars in Linlithgow Gala Day 2019

What a privilege for Mrs Gordon and Mrs Matos to have celebrated the Gala Day with so many of our wonderful Springfield children. The main retinue delivered confident speeches and everyone did so well on a long and warm day. We were very lucky to have the Queen, Chief Lady, Champion, Herald, Train Bearer, Crown Bearer, Bower Girls, Flower Girls, Fairies, Guards and Junior Guards all from our school. Well done everyone!

Mrs Gordon and Mrs Matos


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