P5B Week commencing 26th February 2018

In French this week we were practicing key weather terms. We listened to some French presenters talking about the weather and tried to identify the words we knew. Then we did some written work on the same terms and then we worked with a partner to practice speaking about the weather, pretending we were weather forecasters presenting the weather for different towns in France.

In our topic we continued to learn about the life and times of Mary, Queen of Scots through scanning and comparing some interesting accounts of the lives of different people in different parts of Scotland during the 16th century. In addition, we explored the use of code and encryption by the royals and nobles during Mary’s lifetime, we made up our own codes and asked our friends to decode our messages using our key. This was challenging because we really had to pay attention to what we were writing and think about our spelling. We also had a really good discussion about how code is used today, with lots of excellent examples suggested by the class, including braille, sign language, morse code and secret messages we might make up ourselves to share with friends.

Our maths focus this week has been multiplication. We’ve revised multiplying by 10 and extended this to think about multiplying by 100. Some of us found this quite tricky, so it would be a great thing to practice at home, being sure to identify what happens to our place value each time, and the pattern of adding ’00’ each time we multiply something by 100.

We hope you are all having fun in the snow and keeping nice and warm Hopefully we will all get back together on Monday!

P5B Week commencing 19th February 2018

In Maths this week we have been revising and consolidating our knowledge of subtraction of two digit and three digit numbers. We have also been revising and learning our three, four and five time’s tables.  On Friday we challenged ourselves against the clock with our BIG Maths.

We have also been learning our numbers from one to fifty in French and completing some written work to practice writing our numbers in the French language.

We have been continuing our work on the Mary Queen of Scots topic by researching and making a fact file about the main characters in her life and finding out about what they did. In art we linked the topic by looking at art in the sixteenth century and sketched portraits of some of the famous characters.

Primary 5A 16.2.18

A very busy week in P5A  as  we have been up to all different types of things math, shape shifters, castle shading, times tables and more!

We started learning about Mary Queen of Scots, and this week we have been learning about the places she visited. We sketched Linlithgow Palace, Stirling Castle, Holyrood and Chateau d’Amboise using  pencil and are now adding shading to them.

At science we investigated oil slicks and how to separate the oil from the salt water. We found the sawdust and the cotton wool were best at removing the oil. We were surprised that blood is a mixture and we looked at the things that are in our blood on Tigtag.

We are working hard at getting faster at our multiplication tables and played Buzz to help. We sang multiplication Mashup too.

As promised ! Here is the recipe that some pupils did to make slime. This was not done in school and we cannot give you exact amounts,

They used Optrex, PVA glue, food colouring, shaving foam and hand wash. Another group also used laundry detergent and glitter. The school cannot accept liability for this and it  requires parent supervision.

By Finlay and Freya

P5B Week Commencing 12th February 2018

Hope you all had a great holiday and managed to do something nice on the Monday & Tuesday.

On Wednesday in Maths we worked on our addition skills and linked this to the previous work done on money. We also looked at reading information from a table to solve the addition problems.

We continued our Mary Queen of Scots topic by finding out the various places around Scotland and France where Mary stayed or fled to. We then learned how to sketch pictures of these famous castles and palaces using the medium of pencil.  We also looked at how to use light and shade in the drawings.

In Science we were looking at mixtures and used the context of oil slicks to learn how to separate oil from water.

School And Nursery News…

I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday weekend and are making the most of a couple of days off work and school. Here is our news from last week…

We held a lovely assembly last Friday when Anita, Jayden and Lucas took centre stage to share with us how they celebrate Chinese New Year. We watched a video of The Dragon Dance and learned about different Chinese customs that are traditional to this time of year.

Next week, all children will make or write something in classes to do with Chinese New Year and we will make a whole-school display of our work. We really enjoy learning about different cultures and broadening our understanding of global citizenship.

Here are some of our certificate winners for this week:

Our birthday children are pictured below, including two of our little nursery pupils who also celebrated a birthday last week. Happy Birthday to you all!

Finally, an achievement for last week. Here is G in P1B with his Enjoy-A-Ball trophy. Well done G, we are very proud of you!

The nursery children had a visit from Zoo Lab last week and really enjoyed learning about different animals associated with Chinese New Year. Did you know that 2018 is the year of the dog?

See you all back in school and nursery on Wednesday for a nice, short week.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖💓💖



P5B Week Commencing 5th February 2018

In Maths we have started looking at the different types of bills and how they are calculated. We have been using our addition and multiplication skills to calculate the cost of different products and services that make up different types of bills.  In addition to this we have been practicing our times tables by playing the new “Race Track” multiplication game. We were learning about durations in time in maths and we were also working on the 24 hour clock.  We found it useful to relate our work on time to every day contexts.

We have also started work on our new topic Mary Queen of Scots and have been recording information regarding what we already know about her life and work, what other information we would like to find out and the different ways we would like to learn about her. We then looked at the major events in her life and completed a time-line to cover this historical period.

Pupils had a fantastic last week at rugby, we played various games and they had mini tag rugby matches. It was also exciting walking there in the snow.

In French we have been revising our greetings and playing number games in French.

We also enjoyed watching BBC News Round this week and learning all about the new rocket that was launched into space carrying Elon Musk’s car.

Have a super February break!

This Week’s News…💫

Thank you so much to Mrs McAlpine and P3/4 for their insightful assembly about Growth Mindset. We all really enjoyed it and learned lots of new things.

Here are our nursery angels who came to join us at assembly showing us our ‘resilience’ value. Look at those big muscles!!

Mrs Parlett and the boys and girls have been making ‘slime’ in the nursery this week which particularly fascinated our P7B boys when we went down for a visit last Tuesday morning. Mrs Fraser has also been busy making the Aurora Borealis at pupils’ request, above the ice palace in the Expressive Arts room. Imagine being able to see the Northern Lights in our nursery! How amazing!

Here is D in P5A with his chess achievement  for this week. D took part in a big competition with lots of other children and won! We are so proud of you D!  We are also very grateful to D’s Dad, Mr Kitaev, who comes into school each Monday lunchtime to run a Maths Club for our children. If you have a skill to share and would be interested in running a lunchtime or after-school club for our kids then please get in touch with me at school-we’d love to have you as part of our team!

We are delighted to reveal that we have this year’s Gala Queen once again, with the lovely Emilie Cunningham due to take up reign in June from our previous Queen, Ruby. This is a huge accolade for Springfield and for Emilie and her family. We can’t wait to support Emilie over the coming months as she prepares for her big day!

Keep an eye out for the next edition of our school and nursery newsletters which should be mailed out to you all next week.

At the request of one of our P1 girls, we are planning to rearrange the ‘Big Bedtime Story’ for nursery to P3 children which we had to cancel last month due to the snowy weather.  We are so sorry that we had to cancel. Watch this space for a new date!

Finally, a very Happy Birthday to AL in P3 who got her birthday sticker in Assembly last Friday. We all hope that you had a lovely day!

Speak to you all next week,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖💖🌟





Primary 5A 2.2.18

This week we completed our Shape Shifter stories and we peer assessed them. Mrs Tulloch read some of our feedback and we discussed how to improve our writing. We then went back again to our stories to up level them, choosing a few sentences that we could improve on by adding more descriptive vocabulary or starting the sentence in an interesting way.

In maths, we continued to work with money and also revised how to do chimney sums and decomposition. We are looking at the layout of bills and comparing amounts.

In science we completed our foil boat challenge. Well done Ada and Isaac…..196 marbles was amazing and Mr Wells and Miss Baillie couldn’t believe how many it could hold. We then were able to use all the hard science vocabulary to explain what made the best boat: buoyancy, density and surface volume.

At PE we continued to play handball. It was quite competitive.

We are still presenting our powerpoints on  Charles Rennie Macintosh.

Everyone successfully recited or read aloud their Scots poems. Well done. Those that learned them off by heart went to a class of their choice to recite them. Mr Logan gave 10 house points as they were so good.

P5B Week commencing 29th January 2018

In Maths, we continued to work with money and also revised how to do chimney sums and decomposition. We also looked at planning a party and working out what items we could afford within a set budget.  Next week we will be looking at the layout of bills and comparing amounts.

On Tuesday we went to the Rugby club and played a variety of different rugby based games. We especially liked the game ‘sharks and fishes’ because it gave us a chance to move swiftly and apply our dodging skills. We enjoyed the tag rugby because it allowed us to show off our rugby skills and try our best. Some of us felt tired out from the walking but we were glad to get the fresh air and exercise.

In the afternoon we had maths and we were learning about time, including minutes to and past the hour plus the 24 hour clock. We liked this challenging time work and were identifying aspects of time that we encounter in our daily lives.

On Wednesday we used our ICT skills to carry out research on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and have been making “flip style” display books to record the information about his life, work and achievements. We found out that his work is now very famous and can be found in building design, paintings, posters, jewellery, clocks, furniture and posters.

In science we completed our foil boat challenge. Well done Sam and Arran…..196 marbles was amazing and Mr Ritchie couldn’t believe how many it could hold. We then were able to use all the hard science vocabulary to explain what made the best boat, buoyancy, density, surface volume.

Everyone successfully completed reciting or reading aloud their Scots poems. Some also included actions which really made the poems come to life. Well done everyone!


This year’s P6 and P7 school show, The Lion King, takes place on Tuesday 6th March and Wednesday 7th March at Linlithgow Academy from 7.30-9pm. Tickets will be on sale next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday outside P7b’s classroom from 3.15-3.30pm for ALL parents, carers and families of Springfield.

Please come along if you would like to purchase tickets, they are priced at £5 for adults and £3 for children. You’ll need to get them fast though as they’re selling out quickly!

Thank you

P6 and P7 x

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