This week we completed our Shape Shifter stories and we peer assessed them. Mrs Tulloch read some of our feedback and we discussed how to improve our writing. We then went back again to our stories to up level them, choosing a few sentences that we could improve on by adding more descriptive vocabulary or starting the sentence in an interesting way.
In maths, we continued to work with money and also revised how to do chimney sums and decomposition. We are looking at the layout of bills and comparing amounts.
In science we completed our foil boat challenge. Well done Ada and Isaac…..196 marbles was amazing and Mr Wells and Miss Baillie couldn’t believe how many it could hold. We then were able to use all the hard science vocabulary to explain what made the best boat: buoyancy, density and surface volume.
At PE we continued to play handball. It was quite competitive.
We are still presenting our powerpoints on Charles Rennie Macintosh.
Everyone successfully recited or read aloud their Scots poems. Well done. Those that learned them off by heart went to a class of their choice to recite them. Mr Logan gave 10 house points as they were so good.
And a well deserved 10 house points! The girls’ poems were fantastic. I was amazed they were able to recite them off-script and with such expression. Well done again!