And now, the weather in P3A…

Welcome back to our P3A blog!

In Literacy this week we have been learning to punctuate sentences correctly. We revised using capital letters for the first word in a sentence and for names of people and we looked at when to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We played a game on Education City called ‘Rapid Rounders’ where we had to correct the sentences by putting in the missing punctuation. Afterwards, we punctuated sentences correctly in our jotters. This week we have also been continuing to practise joining our handwriting.

In French we have been revising the words for parts of the body. We listened to a song about parts of the body, watched and listened to a tutorial on French Games Net, played ‘Simon Says’ using our new vocabulary and we completed a French body parts labelling activity. We have been enjoying our French Fridays!

In Numeracy and Maths we are looking at addition this term. We have been playing some addition games on our laptops such as ‘Hit the Button’ to improve our number bonds recall. Some of us have been revising our number bonds to 20 and using our addition facts to solve word problems. Some of us have been learning strategies to add 9, 19, 11 and 21 to a 2-digit number and some of us have been adding multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. There is lots of amazing addition happening in our class!

This week we started to look at Australian landmarks. We watched a clip from David Attenborough’s series on The Great Barrier Reef and then we discussed with our learning partners what we already knew about Australian landmarks. We divided up into groups and selected an Australian landmark that we wanted to research. We used a search engine to obtain our information and then Miss Harrison showed us how to make a PowerPoint and insert text and images. We worked really hard in our groups and next week we will finish our presentations and present them to the rest of the class.

This week we have also been continuing to compare the natural environments of Scotland and Australia. We completed our fact files on native Scottish animals and we compared the habitats of these animals to the habitats of Australian animals. This week we also learned about climates and compared the climate of Australia to the climate of Scotland. We looked at world climates and then we looked at the weather in Linlithgow and Sydney on BBC weather. Using our knowledge of Scottish and Australian weather, we created weather maps in our groups.

Finally, we presented the weather of Scotland and Australia to the rest of the class. We were fantastic weather people!

This week we also had RME with Mrs Begarnie on Wednesday and music with Mrs Bain on Thursday. This term we will also have Mrs Hogg for Drama on a Thursday afternoon.  We’ve certainly had a busy start to this term in P3A!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


Dotty in P3B

On Monday we learned that this year P3 will be in charge of the Shoebox appeal.  We will have to market the appeal, communicate it to parents and children and organise the shoe boxes as they begin to come into school as well as arrange to have them collected so they can set off on their travels to children less fortunate than ourselves.  It is quite a big task!  We began by making posters to let all children and staff know about the appeal.  Our posters were to be clear, eye-catching and have the correct information on them.  They are very good and are now ready to be distributed to classrooms around the school after the holiday.

We finished reading The BFG this week.  We have really enjoyed it and it was a fantastic exciting but happy ending!  We wrote our own blurbs and designed our own front covers – thinking about how we could entice others to pick up this book and choose to read it. Thay are all very good and thy would certainly make me want to read the book.

We were busy on Wednesday learning the very valuable skill of organising our work.  We sorted out our trays to make sure all work was neat and filed int he correct order.

We continued our Australian topic with some Indigenous artwork.  We learned about the history of very early Australian art – people told stories through pictures as they had no written language.  We tried our own dot paintings which turned out very well.

In maths, we began some data handling – we carried out a survey on our favourite Australian animals and then displayed this information in a bar chart – making sure to label the axes and give it a title.

On Friday we had a lovely Harvest assembly and our very first Committee meetings.

It was lovely to see so many of you this week, have a lovely October break.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Shoe Box Appeal, Information Handling and Indigenous Australian Art (P3A)

In writing this week, we made posters to advertise our Shoe Box Appeal.  We watched a video about the Shoe Box Appeal, looked at what to include and what not to include in a shoe box and which date our shoe boxes need to be ready for so that we had all of the important information needed on our posters.  We also looked at features of an effective poster and we made sure that our posters were clear and easy to read, bright and eye-catching and that we included all of the important information. We worked with our learning partners to make our posters. They will be displayed throughout our school to encourage people to bring in a shoe box and help children in areas of the world who might not get as much as we do at Christmas. We are looking forward to organising and leading the Shoe Box Appeal at Springfield.

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week we revised rounding to the nearest 10 and we learned how to read and write number names. On Thursday, we were learning how to select and use the most appropriate way to gather and sort data. We revised how to use tally marks. We are very confident with using tally marks since we use them to record our house points. Afterwards, Miss Harrison asked us what our favourite Australian animal was and we used a tally mark chart to record our data. To present our data we made bar graphs. We had to include a title and labels!

This week we looked at Indigenous Australian Art.  We listened to an Indigenous dreaming story and then we looked at different examples of Indigenous Australian Art.  We looked at dot painting and then we created our own paintings of Australian animals using a dot style. We worked really hard with our art work and our paintings look fantastic!

On Thursday we started to explore the natural environment of Scotland. We looked at photographs of native Scottish animals and with our learning partners, used the internet and fact sheets to find information on our chosen Scottish animal. After the holidays we will begin to compare the Scottish animals to the Australian animals.

In French this week we learned the names for parts of the body. We listened to a song about parts of the body, watched a video on High Five French which taught us five different body parts and played ‘Simon Says’ using our new vocabulary. We also did ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in French!

On Friday we went to our P1-3 Pupil Voice Committees. There are six committees; Play, Eco, Health and Wellbeing, Pupil Council, Reading and 1+2. We will be helping to make important decisions and we will be involved further in the life of the school.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely October break.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

P3B Estimating, Fact Files and Les Couleurs

P3B have worked very hard this week.  In numeracy we were learning how to estimate on a number line.  We discussed the importance of learning this skill and how it can be used in our everyday lives, for example, when we are measuring or weighing ingredients or using a thermometer.  We estimated individually and also challenged each other to place numbers on large number lines – one from 1 to 100 and one from 0 to 1000.  We also looked at number lines on different measuring and weighing equipment.  We worked hard to explain to others our thoughts as we made our estimations , verbalising the reasoning behind our decisions.  It is good to say our maths thoughts out loud and we learn from each other by doing this.

We have been continuing our research on Australia.  Thank you to D, H and A who brought in some Australian items and photos from home.  We have enjoyed looking at them and learning a bit more about them. I also brought in some Australian story books which we have enjoyed listening to.

During our planning for our Australia topic, quite a few of the questions were about Australian animals.  This week we have been learning a lot more about animals native to Australia and have each begun a ‘Fact File’  We have drawn our animals – looking carefully to make our line drawings as accurate as possible.

We also begun using the internet to search for information.  We have been thinking of good questions and key words to type into the search engine.  We also tried to find child friendly websites that had information that we could read and understand to allow us to take notes.  The Fact Files are really beginning to take shape and we have learned a lot of interesting facts through our research.

We continued to learn colours in French this week.  Last week we begun to say the colours and this week we were also reading and writing them.  We had fun making ‘fortune tellers.’ We wrote the colours on the top in French, spelling the french words out as we played with them.  We also tried an additional challenge to  say as many of the numbers as possible in French and to count in French too.

This is just a taster of our busy week.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week at Parents Night – I can’t believe how quickly we are racing towards the October holiday!

Enjoy the weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Australian Animals and French Friday (P3A)

We have had another fantastic week in P3A and we won Class of the Week again today!

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week we have been learning to count on in fours and fives, estimate numbers on a number line and round numbers to the nearest 10. We completed sequences by counting on in fours and fives and we made a human number line to help us with our rounding. We also played games on Education City to consolidate rounding and estimating and we completed written work in our jotters and workbooks.

In Literacy this week we have been looking at retelling a story in sequence. We listened to the story ‘The Frog Prince’ and we took notes on the setting, characters and structure of the story. We then used our notes to write the story in the correct order. We had to make sure that we included the beginning, middle and end and that we put the events in the correct sequence. This week we have also been continuing to spell words with different letter patterns and we have been practising our common words.

On Friday (we now call this ‘French Friday’) we revised the colours in French. We listened to the Rainbow Song in French, played different games on our Promethean board and used our knowledge of colours in French to complete a paint splat activity. Afterwards we worked with our learning partners to test each other on the French colours.

This week our class were given a very special job! Our house points were relaunched on Friday at the assembly and we have a new House Points display near the hall. Miss Baillie asked us if we could create line drawings for the new House Points display. We looked at photos of Champfleurie, Hopetoun, Ochiltree and Binns and we discussed the lines and shapes that we could see. Miss Harrison then showed us how to create a line drawing by sketching and looking at smaller shapes which go together to make a big picture. We worked so hard on our drawings and we can’t wait to see them up on the new House Points display!

Last week we told Miss Harrison that we would like to learn about Australian animals so this week we started to explore the natural environment of Australia. We watched a video about koalas and then we took a trip to Australia to learn about other Australian animals. Afterwards, we selected which animal we would like to research. We completed our own Animal Fact Files! On Thursday we used a search engine to find information and we looked at using key words to find the facts that we needed. We took notes on our animal’s description, habitat and diet and we noted down any other interesting facts. Next week we will be transferring this information onto our fact files.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx



Newspaper Reports, Australia and Parties! (P3A)

We have had a busy 8 days in P3A!

Last week we were the peg challenge winners again and we were also Class of the Week! Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us and we are going to continue to work hard to ensure that we win them again!

Last week we created newspaper reports on James and the Giant Peach. We were writing reports about when the peach landed on the Empire State Building! Firstly, we looked at features of a newspaper report and we created our own interesting headlines! Then we looked at the key facts and wrote these down on our planning sheets. We also used our planning sheets to take notes on the introduction, main story and conclusion. Afterwards we created our first copy of our newspaper reports in our jotters. We had to make sure that we used capital letters and full stops, put the events in the correct sequence and included who, what, when and where. Miss Harrison looked at all of our reports and checked our spelling. Finally we created final copies of our reports and made sure that our writing was neat and that we included a picture. Our newspaper reports are absolutely fantastic and we have displayed them inside and outside of our classroom.

This week we have been continuing to look at different reading skills. We have already looked at summarising and question writing and this week, we looked at illustrating. We looked the job of an illustrator and looked at some examples of famous illustrators and their work. Miss Harrison read us the last two chapters of James and the Giant Peach and we had to use our visualising skills and information from the text to create illustrations for those chapters. On Tuesday, we used our summarising and illustrating skills to create alternative blurbs and front covers for James and the Giant Peach. When we were writing our blurbs, we worked hard to summarise the story and not give too much away to the reader. We also tried to use interesting words. We definitely have authors and illustrators in the making!

This week it was European Day of Languages.  On Friday, we learned different colours in French. We listened to a song about French colours, we played some different games on the Promethean Board and we played a French colours game in our classroom. Miss Harrison will be using different French words and phrases that we learn throughout the week to help us to develop our language.

Over the last fortnight, we have continued to look at symmetry. Last week we reflected shapes and pictures in mirror lines to make them symmetrical. We also created our own symmetrical patterns. This week we concluded our learning on symmetry and we used our knowledge of lines of symmetry to create our own symmetrical designs on squared paper. We had to check if our designs were symmetrical by comparing both halves to check if they were a reflection of each other.

This week we have been learning to find 1 and 2 more or less than and 100 more or less than with numbers to 1000. We have also been learning to count on in twos and threes. When we were revising odd and even numbers, we played a game called ‘Popcorn’. Miss Harrison called out different numbers and if the number was even, we had to ‘pop’ up and if the number was odd then we had to ‘pop’ down!

On Thursday after break we arrived back into our classroom to discover boarding passes to Australia on our seats! Miss Harrison had a suitcase filled with sun cream, a sun hat, sunglasses, a story book called ‘What’s in Your Pocket?’, a weather map of Australia and photographs of Ayres Rock, Sydney Opera House, coral, kangaroos, koala bears, the Australian flag and Australian rugby players.  We discussed what we already knew about Australia and then we wrote down what we want to learn. We are going to be exploring the natural environment of Australia and by comparing the weather in Scotland and Australia, looking at how climate affects living things.

This week we had a very special party in P3A. A member of our class has been undergoing treatment for the last two years and this week, it was the end of her treatment. We are all very proud of how brave, strong and resilient she is and we wanted to celebrate! Miss Harrison also wanted to celebrate how kind, supportive and understanding we are in P3A. We ate lots of party food, listened and danced to music and had lots of fun!

Thank you very much for reading our blog post.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


We are absolutely delighted to inform our pupils, parents, carers and families of the exciting news we received today. Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery have been awarded a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award for 2018-2021!

The Gold School Sport Award is recognition of the school and nursery’s achievements in putting sport at the heart of  our school’s planning, practice and ethos. It highlights that as a school we have shown excellent practice across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to increase our young people’s opportunities and engagement in physical education, school sport and leadership. We aim to build upon and further improve our existing provision of sport whilst creating clear pathways for lifelong participation.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has played their part in achieving this award, we really couldn’t have done it without you. This includes; our wonderful staff and P.E specialist who ensure that our children participate in 2 hours of high quality P.E per week, those who volunteer to give up their time every week to provide an extra-curricular club, the parents and volunteers who assist with school sport and our committed P7 Sports Leaders. Last but not least, thank you to our Sports Committee for all of their hard work towards achieving this award and to all of our pupils across both the school and nursery for their boundless enthusiasm towards all things sport at Springfield.

“It’s not always the team with the best players that win. It’s the players in the best team that win. Together, everyone, achieves, more.” 


Pupil Achievements From This Week.

Here are some of our latest pupil achievements . Once again, we are very proud of our fantastic children.

-Well done to a group of P6 children who each took part in a recent triathalon.

-A super effort from C in P3 for her brilliant work in gymnastics!

– A massive congratulations to H in P2 who has been busy fundraising with her family to help others. Great work H!

-Well done to D and H in P3 for bringing along their ‘control panel for a rocket’ to show me.

– H and E in P5 worked together at home to make this solar system mobile. What great teamwork! We are proud of you!

Miss Baillie x💫

The 5-Point Scale arrives in P3A!

Congratulations to two members of our class who took part in Pedal for Scotland last Sunday. Well done boys! We are very proud of you!

In Literacy this week, we have been looking at answering and creating questions about texts. On Monday we looked at the role of a questioner and in pairs, we constructed our own questions using ‘who, what, where, when, how and why’ openers. We played a game on Education City called ‘Wild River’ where we had to answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions about events in the story. Afterwards, we read an extract from Jack and the Beanstalk and we answered questions about the events to show our understanding.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been working with numbers to 1000. We have been learning to find numbers before and after a given number and to find numbers between. We used different songs and a Splat Square to revise numbers before, after and between to 100 and then we used this knowledge to find numbers before, after and between to 1000.

On Thursday, we continued to learn about symmetry. We revised finding lines of symmetry using a mirror and then we looked at shapes which have more than one line of symmetry or none at all. We also explored how to make pictures and shapes symmetrical.

This week we started to use the 5-Point scale. We looked at different cartoon faces and discussed how we felt each of the faces was feeling. We listened to a story called ‘When My Worries Get Too Big’ to help us to understand the 5-Point scale. Miss Harrison read out different scenarios and we had to rate how we would feel and decide where we would be on the scale. We will be using the 5-Point scale in our class everyday as it is very important that we are able to talk about our feelings.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that everyone has a healthy and happy long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

P3B Density and Dreams

This term the children are learning about Literature Circle roles to allow them to take part in discussions about text rather than just reading the words.

This week they were looking at the job of the ‘Summariser.’ This means to tell a shorter version of the story, selecting the main points.  They have summarised Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a passage from the The BFG and The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  The Tale of Peter Rabbit  writing was for Miss Baillie’s corridor display and everyone worked very hard on their summary.  Please stop and have a read when you are in school.

We also made paper flowers for the display.  It was quite tricky but good fun using card to shape the petals and stem.  They look fantastic on the wall.

In numeracy, we have continued our work on place value, continuing to partition and order numbers according to the value of their digits.

On Thursday we began some outer maths, extending our learning on symmetry this week.  We were using a mirror to find lines of symmetry and drawing mirror images.  We will continue to do some outer maths each Thursday.

In our class novel, The BFG, there has been a lot about dream catching and dream jars.  The children particularly liked the part where The BFG put a nightmare into the nose of the Fleshlumpeater and all his wriggling about started a fight with all the other giants!  The children made their own Dream Jars on Thursday as part of a lesson on density and chemical reactions.  It was really good fun and our dream jars looked really cool.  They thought about density – why the oil sank initially and then floated to the top.  They also enjoyed making their dreams fizz with the little bubbles of gas created by the Vitamin C effervescent tablets.

In PE this week we did a bit of yoga.  It wasn’t quite as quiet as a normal yoga class, as the children were excited at holding positions and wobbling about quite a lot!  They worked really hard though and the relaxation session at the end was lovely – great breathing!

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

From P3B and Mrs Kennedy

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