Shoe Box Appeal, Information Handling and Indigenous Australian Art (P3A)

In writing this week, we made posters to advertise our Shoe Box Appeal.  We watched a video about the Shoe Box Appeal, looked at what to include and what not to include in a shoe box and which date our shoe boxes need to be ready for so that we had all of the important information needed on our posters.  We also looked at features of an effective poster and we made sure that our posters were clear and easy to read, bright and eye-catching and that we included all of the important information. We worked with our learning partners to make our posters. They will be displayed throughout our school to encourage people to bring in a shoe box and help children in areas of the world who might not get as much as we do at Christmas. We are looking forward to organising and leading the Shoe Box Appeal at Springfield.

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week we revised rounding to the nearest 10 and we learned how to read and write number names. On Thursday, we were learning how to select and use the most appropriate way to gather and sort data. We revised how to use tally marks. We are very confident with using tally marks since we use them to record our house points. Afterwards, Miss Harrison asked us what our favourite Australian animal was and we used a tally mark chart to record our data. To present our data we made bar graphs. We had to include a title and labels!

This week we looked at Indigenous Australian Art.  We listened to an Indigenous dreaming story and then we looked at different examples of Indigenous Australian Art.  We looked at dot painting and then we created our own paintings of Australian animals using a dot style. We worked really hard with our art work and our paintings look fantastic!

On Thursday we started to explore the natural environment of Scotland. We looked at photographs of native Scottish animals and with our learning partners, used the internet and fact sheets to find information on our chosen Scottish animal. After the holidays we will begin to compare the Scottish animals to the Australian animals.

In French this week we learned the names for parts of the body. We listened to a song about parts of the body, watched a video on High Five French which taught us five different body parts and played ‘Simon Says’ using our new vocabulary. We also did ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in French!

On Friday we went to our P1-3 Pupil Voice Committees. There are six committees; Play, Eco, Health and Wellbeing, Pupil Council, Reading and 1+2. We will be helping to make important decisions and we will be involved further in the life of the school.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely October break.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

One Reply to “Shoe Box Appeal, Information Handling and Indigenous Australian Art (P3A)”

  1. Well done Miss Harrison. Is it any wonder that my girls love this school, their teachers and other staff. Have a great holiday!

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