P2/3 working with P4.

Mrs Newton’s class have been working with P2/3 on SUMDOG. They were very helpful teaching P2/3, the skills of logging onto the netbooks, the internet and finding SUMDOG. The P4s talked the children through the different areas of the Maths’ games.

Thank you P4!

P2/3’s Research for the 1960’s.

For their Homework, the P3 children found out about the 1960’s and brought in their research and artefacts. They confidently talked about their writing, pictures and artefacts.

Eilidh told us about her slide rule and her granny being a Flower Girl in the Linlithgow Gala Day.

Aleisha had talked with her Grandparents about their favourite music and children’s programmes when they were younger. We have enjoyed listening to the music, suggested by Aleisha, and watching some clips.

Dean talked about his Grandad’s school photo and his record, as well as other things he brought in.

Finlay had found out lots of interesting information, which he shared clearly with the other P3s.

Daniel brought in some interesting styles of knitting patterns from his Granny.

Mark had a great selection of Boy’s comics, which he shared with everyone.

Charlie had lots of pictures of his Grandad  and Granny looking very smart! So we were able to talk about some of the fashions of the time. He had also found out lots of facts and information that was super!

      Layla brought in a treasure trove of items, including her Grandad’s very special medal. She was able to give excellent descriptions and stories about her items.

It was interesting and fascinating listening to all their information. Super effort, well done!

P2/3 Victorian Research.

The children were set a task to find out information about the Victorians, out and about where we live and places they had visited. Also, they were asked to bring in artefacts and be able to talk about them. Here are some of their findings and special things from the Victorian times-

We now have our own museum of information and artefacts.

Thank you for all of your wonderful efforts!

P2, P2/3 and P3’s Victorian Day- Part 2

We have had a wonderful couple of days being Victorians. On Thursday, the children dressed as Victorians and had a session at a Victorian School. Then they had ‘gruel’ for breakfast.

Some children wanted ‘MORE’!

The children had their daily march. They played some traditional games.


The children made kites. Freya is studiously measuring the string she needed. I was very impressed with her measuring skills.

The children were very busy with a tricky task.

Fortunately, it was a windy day to test the kites!

The P5s came to observe our kite making skills.

The children also made peg dolls. There were some interesting characters!




P2/3’s week.

Daniel won a medal for the best Barbarians team at an Edinburgh and The Lothian’s chess competition on Sunday. Well done, Daniel!

The children were doing an art lesson on Victorian silhouettes and went outside to look at shadows first.

World Book Day parade.

Fabulous effort and lots of interesting characters!

New Lanark/ Victorian Assembly.

Some clips of our assembly today about New Lanark and Victorians.

The children sang and danced to Food Glorious Food from Oliver. They also sang beautifully- Daisy Daisy and My Daddy wouldn’t buy me a bow wow.


The children spoke very clearly.



A timeline showing the beginning and end of the Victorian Era, to the 1960’s (a comparison for P3s) and present day.



Different jobs that the children would do- miners,





watercress seller and pure finder.


Emily was a great schoolmistress!

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Layla sang a solo of Coulter’s Candy.



One very proud teacher today! Excellent effort by all the children!

Victorian Day- Part 1

The children dressed up in  a variety of Victorian costumes.


They were not happy when they had to go to work!


We played some traditional games outside.




Skipping rhymes.


Hopscotch or Peevers.


Maureen Liddle, from the West Lothian Museum Service, brought in some artefacts for the children to wear, look at and play with.


Homemade stilts using tins and string. Trying the diablo, which was tricky!


Trying out some toys-


A clothes peg.                                      A whip and top.


Some of the wonderful artefacts.


The children were given pinafores or sailor collars to wear. They looked very smart!



Outdoor Learning Committee.

These are the members of the Outdoor Learning Committee.


Today, we surveyed the playground and field areas to generate ideas of how we can improve outdoor learning opportunities. The committee members worked in groups to create a list of ideas.

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