Litter and Our Local Area (P3A)

What a busy week we have had in P3A!

In Numeracy we have been learning to multiply by 3 and 4. We have been recalling our multiplication facts and we have been using our times-tables knowledge to solve missing number sums. We have also created our own board games using our multiplication facts and we have made multiplication flowers. Some of us have been learning to multiply multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and some of us have been learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by a single digit.

This week we have also been learning to estimate and measure using centimetres. We estimated the lengths of different objects and then measured their lengths using a ruler. We also drew lines of different lengths. Some of us were estimating and measuring using half centimetres too.

Last week we came in to our classroom and it was covered in litter! In Literacy, we learned to talk about our opinions about litter. We looked at different photos of litter and we discussed how the photos made us feel. This week, we wrote persuasive writing pieces on littering. We looked at examples of persuasive writing and highlighted words used to influence the reader. We also looked at using a title to grab the reader’s attention and how to use sentence openers to state our opinions. Using our notes, we wrote persuasive pieces of writing about litter.

In French we are now learning to name clothes and accessories. We watched a programme on High Five French about clothes, played games on our Promethean board and then in pairs, drew pictures of people and labelled their clothes using French vocabulary.

This week we have been learning about our local area. On Tuesday afternoon we worked in groups to make maps of Linlithgow. On our maps we included our school, Play Bugs, Linlithgow Leisure Centre, the train station and Linlithgow Palace. Afterwards, we helped EaRL (a programming robot) to navigate around Linlithgow by giving him a set of instructions. Sometimes EaRL got a bit lost so we had to evaluate our instructions, fix the problem and suggest improvements. We really enjoyed using EaRL and we have already been showing some Primary 1 and Primary 2 children how to use EaRL in our Primary 3 Play Leader time.

This week we also looked at leisure facilities in Linlithgow. Miss Harrison explained to us that a family were wanting to move to Linlithgow but they wanted to find out what there was to do in Linlithgow before making a final decision. We named places of interest in Linlithgow and then we worked in groups to create PowerPoints about leisure facilities and things to do in Linlithgow. We shared our presentations with another group.

In Health this week we explored transition and change. We listened to a story called ‘Silly Billy’ and we discussed his worries. Some of us had said to Miss Harrison that we were a bit worried about moving on to Primary 4 so we completed an activity where we looked at what would stay the same and what would change in Primary 4. Afterwards, we discussed our feelings about moving into Primary 4 and what we could do if we were feeling worried.

In Art this week we looked at representing objects by creating detailed images, shapes and lines. We looked at photographs of Linlithgow High Street and we discussed the shapes and lines that we could see in the buildings. We used paper tearing to create our buildings and then we used different lines to add detail and effects. We were really pleased with our results.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

STEM, Multiplication and our Class Assembly (P3A)

This week it was STEM Week in P3A!

As part of STEM Week, we carried out an experiment on water absorption. We explored the investigation question; ‘Does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’ We discussed what we were going to find out and planned our experiment. On our notes, we listed resources and things that we were going to keep the same to keep our experiment fair. We drew diagrams and then we made a hypothesis. On Wednesday we carried out our experiment. We found out that the type of paper has a big effect on how far water travels through it.

In Literacy, we learned how to write a scientific report using our experiment notes. We used a title, the correct layout, included a diagram and used scientific vocabulary. We enjoyed being scientists!

On Wednesday afternoon we went to ‘Bricks and Blocks’ by Generation Science. We learned about computer programming. We started our session by talking about robots. We learned that robots do jobs we can’t do and that they require special instructions via computers. To practise giving instructions, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich! Our instructions had to be clear, precise and in the correct order. Afterwards, we learned about computer programming. We worked in pairs to build Lego robots and we used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers! We really enjoyed our session with Generation Science.

In Numeracy we have started multiplication. Some of us were learning the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables, some of us were learning the 3 and 4 times-tables and some of us were learning the 8 and 6 times-tables. We have been using arrays to practise our multiplication facts and we have been playing lots of times-table games to improve our mental recall.

On Friday it was our class assembly. We were leaders in our learning and we made the decision to deliver an assembly on Endangered Animals. We worked in groups and selected an endangered animal to research. Using digital technology, we created presentations about our animals, including videos. On Friday we presented our assembly to the whole school and our families and friends. We spoke confidently and clearly and did a fantastic job of sharing our learning. Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us.

Thank you very much for reading our weekly blog. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Outdoor Learning in P3A

In Numeracy and Mathematics we revised using a written method to subtract 2-digit numbers. Some of us also used addition and subtraction strategies to solve word problems. This week we also revised using coins to pay for items and give change. Some of us were also learning to use notes to make money totals and to give change from £10. Next term we will be learning about multiplication and division, fractions, measure and information handling.

In Literacy we continued to learn about how to use adjectives. With a partner, we looked at different pictures and wrote down adjectives to describe them. Next we looked at using adjectives to make sentences more interesting. Finally, we used the laptops to sign in to Education City and Miss Harrison added some adjectives games on to our My Cities.

This week we shared our presentations about how computers have developed and changed over time with P3B. We were confident with sharing our learning and we learned about how cameras have developed over time from P3B.

This week we continued to learn ways to keep safe and secure online. At the start of our lesson, we worked in groups to draw or write about what we already knew about online gaming. Afterwards, we watched a video about playing games. We explored examples of personal information and learned how important it is not to share this. At the end of our lesson, we discussed the difference between a secret and a surprise and we identified adults that can help us if we ever have a problem online.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a special visitor in P3A. KM’s grandad came in to talk to us about the building trade. He brought in lots of props and he talked to us about all the stages and equipment involved in building a house. We have been learning about materials with Mrs Begarnie so it was fantastic to learn about these in a real life context. Thank you to Rab for coming in to visit us!

On Tuesday afternoon, we went with P3B to Dovecot Park as part of our House Points/Springs rewards system. We had a lovely time playing at the park.

On Tuesday morning we went to Linlithgow Loch for some outdoor learning. We learned what animals need to survive and we played a water, food and shelter game. Afterwards, we completed a tracks and trails challenge. We followed a trail of footprints and we used pictures and clues to match them to the correct animal. Finally, we learned about red squirrels, otters, spiders, badgers, wild rabbits, bats, tawny owls and red foxes. We enjoyed learning outside and Miss Harrison was pleased with our behaviour.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that everyone has a happy and safe Easter break.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Internet Safety, Endangered Animals and Pink Peach Trees in P3A!

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been revising our subtraction strategies with bridging and we have been learning to use a written method to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. Some of us have been revising our mental and written subtraction strategies and some of us have been subtracting three-digit numbers from four-digit numbers.

This week we looked at giving change from £1. We used a strategy that we learned in subtraction to help us to calculate change. We remembered that £1 is the same as 100p so when we were solving £1-34p, we started at 100, subtracted 30 and then subtracted 4. Some of us were also learning to make money totals using £5 and £10 notes.

This week we revised what we already know about internet safety. We remembered that we should never give away any personal information online and that we should tell an adult if anything on the internet ever upsets us. We watched a video from Jessie and Friends about sharing pictures. Afterwards, we completed an activity and then we made our own helping hands, naming adults that we can talk to if we are ever feeling worried or sad. We will continue to learn about internet safety next week.

On Monday afternoon, we started working on our class assembly. Miss Harrison is letting us plan our own assembly and we gave her a list of suggested topics. We had a vote and we have decided that our assembly is going to be about Endangered Animals.  We sorted ourselves into groups and we selected an endangered animal to research. Currently, we are working on our presentations.

In Expressive Arts, we looked at a painting called ‘The Pink Peach Tree’ by Vincent van Gogh. Miss Harrison explained to us that Vincent van Gogh used short brushstrokes to create his paintings and we tried to make our own images in a similar style. We used short strokes with oil pastels to create our trees and landscapes and then we used paint to add blossom. Our paintings are displayed as part of our ‘Great Outdoors’ theme in our infant area.

Thank you for reading our blog post.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


A Digital Disaster in P3A!

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number, with bridging. When solving 72 – 39, first we have been subtracting 30 and then subtracting 9. Some of us have also been linking addition and subtraction and some of us have been using a written method to subtract two-digit numbers from three-digit numbers, with bridging.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have also been learning to use money to pay for items. We played a game called ‘Shopping Spree’ and then we had to lay out coins to buy different items. Some of us were also learning to use the correct notation to record money amounts.

This week we participated in the Linlithgow Round Table Competition. We were asked to draw what we would see on the African Savannah. We created beautiful sunset backgrounds by using paint and blending colours. Afterwards we looked at animals that we would find on the African Savannah and then we drew their silhouettes onto our sunset backgrounds. Our competition entries look fantastic!

This week we concluded our learning on how computers have developed over time. We explored how we use technology in our everyday lives and discussed how we use computers today. In our groups, we finished our PowerPoints on the development of computers. We will be presenting these to P3B before the end of term.

On Wednesday and Thursday we became journalists and reported on a digital disaster! Using our knowledge of computers and how technology has developed over time, we discussed what the impact would be if there was no technology. We worked in groups to make notes on the difficulties it would cause in schools and workplaces and the impact it would have on communication. Afterwards we used our notes to plan our newspaper reports. On Thursday, Miss Harrison showed us how to use our notes to write our newspaper reports. We used an interesting headline and organised our reports into sections using columns.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Growing Up and Bear Hunts (P3A)

In Numeracy this week, we have been learning to subtract a teen number from a two-digit number, with bridging. When solving 72 – 14, we have been learning to subtract 10 and then subtract 4. Some of us have been learning to use a written method to subtract two-digit numbers, with exchange and some of us have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers from three-digit numbers.

This week we have been continuing to learn about money. We were learning to make different money amounts up to £5 using coins up to £1. Some of us were also learning to give change from £1 and £2. We played different money games on the laptops to revise our learning.

As part of our school’s Health and Wellbeing Relationships trail, this week we learned about growing up. We discussed things that we could do as a baby, things we can do now and things that we would like to do when we are teenagers and adults! We looked at life cycles, growth and change.

In French, we have been learning words for classroom objects. We listened to a song called ‘Dans ma salle de classe’, learned key vocabulary and then worked in pairs to draw and label items in a pencil case. This week we have also been helping Miss Harrison with her Spanish homework and we learned how to say ‘My name is’ in Spanish.

In Literacy, we learned how to write an information leaflet. Our infant area is changing to a ‘Great Outdoors’ theme and Miss Baillie asked us to watch the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. After we watched and sequenced the main parts of the story, we created a story map using all of the settings in the text. Then we wrote step by step instructions on how to find the bear. We used descriptive language from the story and bossy verbs in our instructions. We look forward to seeing our work on Miss Baillie’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ display.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

World Book Day in P3A

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been learning to subtract a single digit bridging 20 and to subtract a single digit bridging a multiple of 10. For example, when we have been solving subtraction sums such as 72-4, we have started at 72 and then counted back 4. We have also been subtracting 2 to get to 70 and then another 2 to get to our answer. Some of us have also been learning to use a written method to subtract 2-digit numbers and some of us have been subtracting multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers, with bridging.

This week we were also learning to use coins to give change. First we had to work out how much change to give by using our subtraction skills and then we listed the coins to make the change. Some of us were also learning to make different money amounts using all coins.

On Tuesday, we continued to learn about how computers have developed. We revised what we already knew about how computers have changed over time and then we watched a video about the introduction of the World Wide Web. We looked at when personal computers became popular in the household and then we worked in our groups to make our presentations on the development of computers.

In Art & Design this week we became Fairtrade chocolate wrapper designers! We looked at the story of chocolate and watched a video about Tayna’s visit to the Dominican Republic. We learned that Fairtrade farmers get a fair price for their cocoa beans and that Fairtrade makes a difference and makes things better for the farmers. Afterwards, we looked at examples of Fairtrade chocolate bars and then we designed our own Fairtrade chocolate wrappers. On Thursday, we went to the P6 Fairtrade Bake Sale.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day. We designed book covers, created our own bookmarks and some of us even started writing our own books at free play!  We also became illustrators for the day! We participated in a draw-along with Chris Riddell and then we watched a video on how to draw Mr Willy Wonka with Quentin Blake. We definitely have lots of budding illustrators in P3A. In the afternoon, we read stories to our friends in Primary One.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we also created our own aliens! We read a chapter from our class novel ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. In the chapter, ‘Something Nasty in the Lifts’, Charlie and his family, and Mr Wonka, meet some aliens! We looked at the text and highlighted the descriptive language. It helped us to create a picture of the alien. In pairs, we created our own aliens and we used descriptive language to write sentences about our interesting creatures!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Fairtrade Fortnight in P3A

In P3A we have been very busy since our last blog post!

Last week we concluded learning about time in Numeracy and Mathematics. We revised quarter past and quarter to times and we learned how to calculate time durations and solve time word problems.

This week we started to explore money. We were learning to use coins to make money totals and to use coins to give change. We played different money games on the laptops, used coins to make different money amounts and used our subtraction skills to give change from 50p and £1.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers from two-digit numbers and we have been solving subtraction problems with two digit whole numbers. Some of us have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers with bridging and some of us have been using a written method to solve addition and subtraction problems with three digit whole numbers. This week we completed subtraction check-ups and Miss Harrison was very pleased with our understanding.

Last week, Miss Harrison showed us some adverts for Disney and Lego hotels. We looked at powerful words used in the adverts to persuade people to stay in the hotels and we highlighted persuasive vocabulary on a written hotel advert. Then we created our own Space Hotels for our class novel ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. We drew pictures of our hotels and a room in our hotel and then we listed powerful words to describe them. We also included information about things to do at our hotels and included a quote from a previous hotel visitor! On Thursday last week, we used our planning sheets and our notes to write an advert for our own Space Hotel. We used titles to grab the reader’s attention, we used joining words to link our sentences together and we used powerful words to influence the reader. This week we redrafted our adverts and we got to choose whether we used word processing or lined paper to create our final drafts.

In Literacy this week, we also explored different types of news and how technologies have changed over time, giving us different ways to access the news. We identified all the ways that we can get the news and then we worked in groups to make posters about different types of news.

This Monday marked the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight. On Tuesday afternoon, we watched a video about Fairtrade and we discussed what Fairtrade means. We also looked at different Fairtrade products. Then we entered the P6 Fairtrade Competition to design your own Fairtrade superhero.  We had lots of creative ideas such as a Fairtrade banana superhero and superheroes sporting the Fairtrade logo! On Wednesday we had a visitor in our classroom. Karri came to talk to us about Fairtrade. We learned that Linlithgow is a Fairtrade town and she told us all about the story of Fairtrade chocolate and how chocolate is made.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Spanish, Prismatic Winds and Computer Game Characters (P3A)

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been learning to subtract a two-digit number from a two-digit number. We have been subtracting the tens and then subtracting the units. Some of us have been learning to subtract single digits and teen numbers bridging a multiple of 10 and some of us have been learning to use a written method to subtract three-digit numbers. This week we also revised finding quarter past and quarter to times whilst some of us calculated time durations. We also worked in pairs to make clocks for our time display and we created images in a similar style to Salvador Dali. We made our own imaginative landscapes and added unusual clocks telling o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to times.

On Monday afternoon we had two sets of visitors in P3A! Firstly, Miss Baillie and two of our school’s Language ambassadors came along to our classroom to teach us Spanish as part of Scotland Loves Languages Week. We listened to ‘The Gruffalo’ in Spanish, learned parts of the body and we learned how to count to five. On Friday we also learned how to tell the weather in French with Miss Harrison. We listened to a French weather song, watched the weather episode on High Five French, played different weather games and drew the correct weather to match the words in French.

Our second set of visitors on Monday afternoon was Prismatic Winds, a wind quintet. They played the French horn, oboe, clarinet, flute and bassoon and we really enjoyed listening to their different songs. They performed the theme tune to The Simpsons, a song from The Greatest Showman and a song from Disney. We explored the different instruments and discussed which ones were the quietest, loudest, slowest and fastest.

In Literacy this week we have been practising our spelling, exploring common nouns and learning to create our own characters. On Wednesday afternoon, Miss Harrison showed us two of the first ever computer games. Afterwards, we created our own computer game characters and listed words to describe their appearance, skills and abilities. On Thursday we used our planning sheets to write about our own computer game characters. We were able to use adjectives to describe our characters and we were able to use joining words to link our sentences together.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Park Play, Friendships and Reading Strategies (P3A)

This week we went to Dovecot Park for a free play! This was a reward as part of our House Points/Springs system. Each term there are different rewards that we can pick from so since each house (Champfleurie, Hopetoun, Ochiltree and Binns) had achieved over 1000 springs, we went to the park! We had a lot of fun playing on the different equipment!

As part of Health and Wellbeing this week, we looked at friendships. We explored what it meant to be a good friend and then we discussed whether everyone can be a friend and if you can be friends with someone all the time. Afterwards, Miss Harrison gave us different scenarios that we had to act out.  We shared these scenarios with the rest of the class and then we discussed how we could help in each of the situations.

In Numeracy this week we revised some of our subtraction strategies and we learned how to subtract a teens number from a two-digit number. First we subtracted ten and then we subtracted the number of units. Some of us were learning how to subtract two-digit numbers and subtract over a multiple of 10 and some of us were learning to subtract three-digit multiples of 10. This week we have also been using our subtraction skills to solve problems.

This week we have been revising finding quarter past and quarter to times and using am and pm times. We are going to continue revising using quarter to times next week and then look at finding time durations.

This week we produced a final draft of our discursive writing on ‘For and Against Computers’. We discussed what ‘Presentation Perfect’ would look like in P3A and then we made our own success criteria. We decided that our writing should be neat, we should use the appropriate punctuation, we should include a detailed picture and that our words should be spelled correctly. We were very proud of our writing and Miss Harrison has displayed our final drafts in our classroom.

On Friday we revised our numbers to 20 in French. We listened to a numbers song, revised our counting and then we played a French numbers game. We rolled the dice, added two numbers together, said the answer in French and then coloured in the answer. The winner was the one with the most coloured in at the end.

In Literacy this week we have been learning to use strategies as we read to help make the meaning of texts clear.  We discussed strategies that we could use to help us when reading aloud and to help us when we encounter a tricky word. We explored different reading strategies and then we made posters to describe each strategy which have been displayed in our reading area. We also gave some of our posters to P1 to help them with their reading too! In reading this week, we have also been looking at answering and creating true or false questions about our reading books.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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