P4A Blog Week Ending 6.12.19

P4A Blog Week Ending 6.12.19

Literacy and English

In literacy this week, we have been focusing on informal letters. In our Big Writing we have been writing letters to people we know to say thank you for a gift or to people who live far away. We learned that informal letters should be addressed to Dear then the person’s first name or the name we know them by e.g. gran. We also learned that letters are signed off more casually e.g. Hope to see you soon. We learned to structure the letter with our own address at the right side and that we do not need to put the address of where we were sending it to on the left side underneath.

In grammar we learned that an adverb describes a verb and usually ends in ‘ly’. The adverb describes how ‘how’ an action is being performed, e.g. ran quickly. For spelling this week, we were learning to spell words with ‘-iest’ or ‘y’.

In our short read we were learning about Christmas traditions around the world focusing on guessing the missing word from a passage about Iceland. We got points if we got the exact word that was missing or a word that meant the same or a word that made sense in the passage.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been learning subtraction strategies of ‘partitioning’ and used our other strategies to check our answers. We played lots of games to reinforce our learning.

Learning across the Curriculum

We have been busy this week preparing for the Christmas Fayre. Well done to CL, TK, RM, ZC and KM for receiving an achievement certificate for school values.

Have a good weekend!

P4A and Ms McAlpine

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