What a great virtual sports week we had last week! Huge thank you to Mrs Reid for organising our daily sports challenges and gathering together all of our scores and also to our class teachers for sending out lots of fun and engaging sport-related tasks and activities for us to try.
Well done to all of our pupils, parents, carers and families who got involved, it was lovely to see photos and videos of what you’ve all been getting up to! We’ve had over 180 pupils submit scores, 1,800 daily challenges completed and travelled the equivalent of Edinburgh to Leicester in the house distance challenge! That’s a massive 391 kilometres!
I’m sure you’re all eager to hear who is this year’s winning house and the new holders of the House Cup, but there’s one more little step to take before you can find out. Click on the link below to see the results from the week, including: our winning house, the highest scoring pupil in each class, the winners of the house distance challenge and even our top 3 parents!
Springfield Virtual Sports RESULTS
Mr Logan
Social Enterprise School
We were delighted to find out that Springfield Primary School have become a Social Enterprise School having been awarded the ‘Start-Up Award’ by the Social Enterprise Academy. P5 worked hard throughout the year to run small businesses and take forward various projects. The aim being for their initiatives to have a social purpose and ultimately give something back to causes that are meaningful to them. In total, P5 have raised over £2,500 during this academic session which is an incredible total given the year has been rather disrupted since March. Super job P5, we’re incredibly proud of your efforts! The framed certificate will be in school for you all to see in August. Aimee Lamb has also been awarded a ‘Community Champion Award’ for her response to Covid-19 – she’s been making masks for ‘whoever needs them’. Very well done Aimee!
Virtual Sports Week
Next week will be our Virtual Sports Week!
From Monday 15th of June – Friday 19th June I would like to invite all our pupils and families to take part in our Virtual Sports Challenges.
For each challenge you complete you will score points for your school house and at the end of Virtual Sports Week we will have a winning house for 2020.
Each slide in the attached Powerpoint will explain one of our 11 challenges and give details on how to score points for your house.
Keep a note of your score for each challenge and then fill in the score form attached and send it back when all your challenges are complete! This can be done using the Forms link on the final slide.
Everyone in your family is welcome to get involved so lets get active and have lots of fun!
Click on the link to access the Powerpoint with all the information you need – Virtual Sports Week
Mrs Reid
Home Learning in P7a
This was our first week of learning from home. Monday was a bit confusing with lots of tech issues and many questions, however we all managed to complete the work and helped each other where we could.
Tuesday was better as we were able to access the work more easily. We still had questions but Mrs Newton was able to help us.
On Wednesday we started the daily photo challenge, this tested Mrs Newton’s IT skills, however she found some work arounds and spent Thursday and Friday trying to fix the issues. If you want to join us in taking pictures the details are below (but remember to follow the new rules about social distancing and staying safe.)
Today we listened to David Walliams read a story, the story was very funny. We have also been taking part in The Body Coach work out each day, this is good fun and some of our Mums, Dads, brothers and sisters have also joined in.
At the end of week 1 we are a bit more used to home learning, even though it is very different from being in school, have helped each other everyday(and Mrs Newton misses us all lots!) and had some fun sharing our photographs.
Have a lovely weekend,
P7a and Mrs Newton
Vikings galore!
This week we have continued to work on division strategies as well as some revision on addition and subtraction.
We have enjoyed listening to lots of class talks on the Vikings and have been impressed with the effort everyone has put into their presentations so far and how confidently they have been delivered! We have also had lots of brilliant props brought in to support the talks such as a shield, a sword, Viking runes and jewellery. Well done everyone!
We also learned a bit more about what Vikings might have worn. We created our own Viking characters and designed some outfits for them. These look great on our topic wall in the classroom and we had lots of fun making them. We enjoyed listening to some Viking myths about Thor and Odin online.
We worked with our reflective reading partners and completed a ‘Blankety Blank’ activity which was an extract from Willy Wonka. This week we have also written letters and postcards to practise our skills within functional writing.
We have also enjoyed some learning through play, both inside and outside, and we particularly enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine yesterday with our friends!
Airports, digraph revision and finding the difference in P1
We have had a lovely week in Primary 1. We were so busy making and playing in our new role play area. As our current topic is transport we talked all about different ideas and had a vote in each class as to what we wanted to make. Both classes ended up picking airports. We then had to talk about what we needed to make and what parts an airport would need. A plane was of course a top priority…Mrs Anderson was an excellent help and is an expert plane builder we discovered. We also made passports, boarding tickets and luggage labels as well as prices for the items in our shop (lots of sweets!). Then it was time to play! Lots of fabulous role play and dialogue between the different characters with lots of dressing up involved too.
In literacy we had a revision weeks of some of our digraphs so far. We have found this very difficult and need to have lots of practice at home to make sure we can recognise the key sounds. The main ones we are mixing up are oo and oa and igh and ai. Our common word recognition is fairly good, but writing them is a lot trickier…again lots of practise at home would be great.
In numeracy we have been working on finding the difference. Lots of us found this concept very difficult, the language around it is difficult. We did lots of practical ways like I have 8 sweets and you have 6 sweets what is the difference between the sweets.
We also tried lots of visual ways where you can see the difference by putting cubes lined up beside each other, or numicon overlaying each other. Maybe this video clip might help with a bit more practice at home.
In French Camembear taught us about body parts. We remembered lots from our head, shoulders, knees and toes clip, but we did’t know hands (les mains). See if you can play Jacques a dit at home (Simon says) using body parts. Say touchez first which means touch. Here is our wee song to practise.
Today we had some buddy time outside. It was lovely playing with our P7 buddies.
Mrs Gordon and Mrs Bell want to say a huge thanks to all the children and parents for supporting us during these tricky times. We will certainly miss seeing your gorgeous wee faces over the next few weeks. We are really hoping to see you again soon. We will post lots of messages and videos for you.
Thanks also to Mrs Donald for her support in P1 this week, she has gone above and beyond.
Happy weekend xxxx
P2A’s Weekly News
Please have a look at what we have been doing in our play based learning this week…
In our Relationships topic we looked at food chains. We discussed what we already knew about them. We then watched Dr Binocs who was great to watch to introduce us to food chains. We learned that the animals in a food chain depend on each other. We learned what the words producer and consumer mean. We now know that a producer is always at the start of a food chain. We explored different food chains and the animals that are in them from sea to woodland animals. We participated in various activities as individuals or in small groups. We played a food chain challenge game on the board which we did really well in. We even took part in a food chain quiz!
In Literacy it has been our second week of learning the ‘u-e’ sound. We watched and sang along to the Jude the Mule song where we picked out lots of u-e words. We enjoyed watching Jude the Mule fly in the parachute. That was the biggest u-e word we had ever seen! Using the magnetic boards we were shown picture cards with missing letters of u-e words. We had to show what the missing letters would be using our boards. Some of us after drew our own u-e picture cards which the class had to figure out at the end of the lesson. We also enjoyed figuring out what common words were hidden behind Bullseye and some of us played another round of common word scavenger hunt in the open area. In writing we wrote a procedure based on what we had been learning about food chains. We read the story ‘Ronald the Rhino’ and used the animals in the story to create a food chain. We had to make sure we wrote our food chain in order and described what happened at each stage. Some of us even used challenge words such as first, then and producer.
In our Money topic for Numeracy and Mathematics we have continued with adding different amounts of coins within 20p and £1 to make a given total. We have also been adding up coins to 30p, 50p and/or £2. We are still enjoying playing the Toy Shop game on the board and playing in our very own toy shop in the classroom. In Time this week we looked at the months of the year. We were able to order them correctly and say them backwards in order…mostly! We learned what the terms ‘month before’ and ‘month after’ meant too.
In P.E we looked at improving our coordination. We practised catching and throwing by participating in different activities. We played Keep the Garden Tidy, Zookeeper Tig and Flick and Catch. Flick and Catch was challenging. We discussed the challenges of it and what we could do to overcome it. We then tried it again and it got a little easier. Practise makes perfect!
Stay safe and we hope to see you again soon to share our learning.
P2A and Miss Muir
Food Chains and Months of the Year (P2B)
This week, as part of our ‘Relationships’ focus, we have been learning about food chains. We have been exploring different food chains and learning about how animals and plants depend on each other for food. On Tuesday, we learned that each food chain starts with a producer and that the arrows show the flow of energy. We created food chains using the small world animals, stacked cups with different animals to make a food chain, played a Food Chain Challenge game on the Promethean board and drew different examples of food chains.
In writing we learned to write a procedure. We listened to a story called ‘Ronald the Rhino’ and discussed the events and characters in the story. One of the main characters was a python. We explored an example of a food chain featuring a python and for our plan, drew the food chain using arrows to show the energy flow. On Wednesday we used our diagrams to write about our food chain. We used words such as ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘next’ and ‘finally’ to order our writing.
In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been learning to add coins to 50p. We have been adding with 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins and we have been making different money amounts using these coins. Some of us have also been adding coins to £1. This week we also looked at using different ways to make the same money total. On Thursday we completed our work with time and learned to sequence the months of the year. We listened to a song about months of the year and then we put the months of the year in the correct order. In Number Talks, we have been exploring the strategy ‘Making Tens’. Miss Harrison put some beads on a rekenrek and we discussed how many beads we could see and how we could see them. Sometimes there were 6 and 4 beads or 7 and 3 beads and we used our knowledge of number bonds to work out that there were 10 beads. Then Miss Harrison put some more beads on the rekenrek and we made 10 beads first and then worked out how many extra to count on.
This week we revised the sound ‘u-e’. We wrote different ‘u-e’ words on our whiteboards and we self-assessed our work. After each ‘u-e’ word, Miss Harrison told us the correct spelling and we checked our own words and marked our work! We also wrote sentences containing ‘u-e’ words. Some of us were also revising our common words.
In PE this week, we continued to develop our movement skills. We played ‘Shark Attack’ as a warm-up activity and then we rotated round different stations which helped us to develop skills such as throwing, catching, skipping and jumping. Afterwards we had a whole class game of Benchball. Miss Harrison had to play as well to make the teams even! It was an interesting game!
In Art we looked at adding detail to images using different media. We don’t want to say anything else about our art work as it will spoil the surprise! Miss Harrison did say however that we worked very hard with our work and put in a lot of effort!
Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that we can share our learning with you again soon and we send lots of love and wishes to everyone during this difficult time.
Take care.
P2B and Miss Harrison xxx
P1a’s weekly news
This week we have been learning all about the oo and ew digraphs as in good and new. We learnt that oo is mainly found in the middle of words and ew at the end (but not always…). Look how many words we managed to write independently!
We also learnt 2 new common words her and of. We have learnt so many common words that we really need to keep practising them at home. It would be good to do lots of reading and writing activities with common words. You could try things like pick a few that you find hard and make snap cards with those words. You could try the look, say, cover, write, check process for those you find hard to write. Or you may want to try this game, pick year 1 – tricky 1
In numeracy we did some revision of our number bonds to 10 to see how well we could recall them. Lots of us can manage but only when using our fingers. It would be great to get to the stage where we just automatically know that 8 + 2=10 etc. We did lots of practise with numicon too.
Have a wee practise with this song at home, and see if an adult or an older sibling can test you!
As part of our transport topic we had a special visitor called Bob the Train Driver. Bob took us on a Magic Train Ride with our magic ticket. It was very exciting! After we visited lots of different lands on our train we had to think of the land we would like to visit and draw what we saw out the train window. This was our plan for writing, and the next day we wrote about what we had seen when we visited a land. Some of us went to Fairyland, Candyland, Under the Sea Land, Star Wars land and even the Bat Cave! Mrs Gordon was very impressed with our writing. Most of us even managed to add and as a connective to make our sentences more exciting. Next week we are going to redesign our role play corner to have a transport theme…
Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a
A busy week in P4A!
This week we have been working really hard on our division skills. We have explored different strategies and used concrete materials to help us see when there is a remainder and some of us have also begun working on short division. In number talks we have started to look at negative numbers. We have also started learning the 7 times table and had fun singing and moving along to this video – try it at home!
We enjoyed another session of hockey on Monday and played a game which helped us work on scoring.
We worked in pairs to come up with an idea for an event and then we designed a poster advertising our event. We made sure we included the place, date, time, cost and any other important information. We have continued our learning about the Vikings and have found out more about their daily lives. We wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a Viking child and decided we are very lucky to be children in 2020 rather than Viking times! We revised counting to 20 in French and played a game of bingo and a game called Killer 12 – this was a fun way to improve our fluency!
We have also worked together to come up with some new class rules and we created a superhero themed Class Charter to reflect our rules and remind us of our rights.