Reading for Primary One

Reading activities

We can’t believe how much work you are all doing at home. All your P1 teachers are so impressed. We are really enjoying seeing messages on the blog or Twitter as this lets us see what fun you’ve been having.

Last week we created a grid of reading activities. These have been added here to help if your child was absent or if you have misplaced the pack.

It’s been great also to see that you have been using lots of different ways to learn, some of you have used Sumdog, others Education City and others have been trying the activities on IDL.

Next week, please look at your favourite books at home. Post on Twitter your favourite book. You can post this on Twitter at #SPSLovestoRead. When my children were little their favourites were Owl Babies and Dear Zoo.

After you’ve finished looking at your favourite books you could look for some of your keywords in these books.

Next week focus on- they, that, could, come, do,to- how many times can you find these words. Can you make them too- you could use paint, pens, crayons or maybe you can think of another way to create these words.

The last few sounds we had been learning in class had been th, y and qu. There are some activities on Education City which practise these sounds. Look at literacy and there is a section on jolly phonics. How many words can you find in your books which start or end with these sounds.


All P2 and P1 Children

Join Mrs Davies and her own kids today and make your own cafe.  Make a name for your cafe, write a menu detailing what foods are on offer and how much they will cost. We have decided that lunch will be toast and banana today and my mini chefs will be preparing and serving. Can’t wait to see if anyone joins us. I would love to see how creative you can be.

P2A Daily Timetable

Hi all, hope you are keeping safe and enjoying learning at home. I have made a timetable that could be followed daily.  All of the links to live lessons can be viewed at any-time so you don’t have to worry about watching at the exact time.  Please make sure to incorporate Free Play into your day as well. I will be posting updates on Twitter too @CetrangoloMiss

Daily Timetable

P2B Weekly Timetable Overview

Good morning P2B cherubs!

I’m really enjoying hearing and seeing photos of how you’re all getting on, on Twitter! Please continue to  share your learning with me on here or on twitter, as it give other families ideas for learning.

Some parents and carers have been asking me what the structure is like each day for Primary 2B.  I have attached a rough outline of what we do each day in P2B alongside some possible activities.

This is not mandatory at all, just a rough structure of each day for the parents and carers that would like it.

Please remember: lots of free play and outdoor learning is important too 🙂


P2B Weekly TImetable Example


A message for P3B!

Hi everyone! Miss Blyth here! Hope you are all doing well this morning and are enjoying the activities we have posted here. I will be posting lots of other ideas on my twitter account @MissBlyth1 for fun activities, challenges and educational content!


Good afternoon p2! I hope you are all managing to stay safe and healthy.

Here is a copy of this weeks learning grid, if you can I would love to see some pictures of your tasks (I know some people have managed to send me some on twitter). You can also upload pictures to the blog for everyone to see. I will post each weeks learning grid here for you to access.

I will also try to pop as many fun and educational activities onto twitter as I can. Again these are only suggestions, no need to complete these daily – they are just some fun activities to keep the children going through this time. for anyone who does not have a note of my twitter account it is @MissButlerSPS. There are some lovely step by step disney drawing activities on there just now.


Stay safe everyone! week 1 grid

p2c clicker

Here is a very useful link for downloading and using a writing package called Clicker 8.

Your unique Clicker 8 serial number for Simpson Primary is:




Go to for all the information you need to get started, including installation instructions and helpful hints for getting the most out of the software.  I would also recommend that you join our Facebook group, where there will always be someone on hand if you have any Clicker questions or ideas to share.

Clicker 8 is compatible with Windows/Mac machines (full system requirements can be found here).

This was sent from the Clicker Team

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