Primary One Reading

This week I want you again to think about some of your favourite stories and add them to Twitter. Maybe you could even add a video of you reading some of your book ( parents remember no names of children if photograph or video is added.) Use @ReadSPS when you add your favourite book or any activities you do related to these stories. You may inspire other children to read your favourite book too.

I am going to read to you one of my favourite stories, I hope you enjoy it.

Maybe you could retell the story in your own words. I’ve started to draw some pictures of the characters in the book and I’m going to put these onto sticks. I’ll then use these puppets to retell the story, can you do this too?

Can you think about our Emotion Works, orange cog too. How do you think the platypus was feeling , when each animal said, this zoo is not for you, how many different emotion words can you think of? How were the animals feeling too when they realised they hadn’t been very nice to platypus?

Remember to keep practising keywords and letter sounds. Use these sounds to make lots of words, remember the vowel sounds- ai, oa and igh in some of your words too, not just- a,e,i,o,u. More activities for phonics and common word recognition have been added to Education City.

I have also added some suggestions for reading books for next week, remember you will find these on Oxford Owl ebooks.

An Exciting Caterpillar Update

At nursery the children were showing a real interest in life cycles and we were just beginning to discuss and learn about the life cycle of a caterpillar before the nursery closed.

As some of you may know Miss Meldrum was lucky enough to purchase caterpillars.

Miss Meldrum wanted to share the process of the life cycle of these caterpillars with our children and families.

The caterpillars are now beginning to move onto the next stage in their life cycle and some of them have started to form their chrysalis!

Find below a little video update of the caterpillars!

Simpson Nursery Team




Online activities added.

Good morning P3C. I hope you are all well. I have added some food chain activities to Education City.  The times tables songs and games have been reset, just in case you missed them the  first time round. There are new data handling and spelling challenges on Sumdog too.

Best wishes, Mrs Dunsmore.

P1 Art



Good morning P1. You are doing a great job of learning at home.  Keep up the great efforts! Here are some activities for you to try.

Transient Art

This art task does not need any particular resources. Transient art is art that you don’t need to stick down. Go wild with your imagination and create a picture with loose parts. Use any materials you can find. You may want to go outdoors and use leaves, stones, sticks, pine cones etc or you might stay indoors and use pasta, lids, buttons, cocktail sticks, ribbons or anything you can find. Be creative and let’s see what interesting pictures you can create. Remember to send us a photo so we can be inspired by your work.

Have fun!

Nursery Sharing Home Learning

It has been so lovely to see families engaging through our Twitter page.  Did you know that you can also share your child’s learning experiences and achievements at home through our Learning Journals? 

The Learning Journals website  is not a social media channel so you may prefer to share and record achievements here. 

We have already seen some fantastic contributions from parents.     If this is something you would like to use to share some of these learning  experiences or achievements here is a quick guide showing how to do it. 

When you log into your child’s personal learning journal there will be a box on the left hand side saying ‘wider achievements’ (see below) . You can then add photographs and a short description of the activity here! The information which you share on here is safe and is only shared with the Simpson nursery and school staff team. 

We hope you are all remaining safe at home and enjoying some quality time with your family. 

Please do not hesitate to share your achievements and experiences with the nursery staff through the use of any of these channels: Twitter, the Blog or Learning Journals. We love to hear how you are getting on!

Simpson Nursery Team 

P1 – 3 Assembly

Good morning everyone

Please use the link below to access the first online P1 – 3 assembly.

We apologise for the delay and thank you for your patience whilst we become familiar with the new delivery format and  technologies involved.

Please click the play button to access sound whenever you see this image.

We hope you enjoy our assembly.


Primary 1 Maths- Money money money………

Good Morning Primary 1 I hope you are all well and keeping safe.   We love seeing all your pictures on Twitter. More importantly we love seeing all your happy faces. Today’s Maths is focusing on adding coins together and saving.

Ready, steady save…..

Can you create a bank using a variety of different materials or anything you can find around the house. Why not try to help around the house and see if your adult can give you a small amount of pocket money.

Below are some examples.

                                                                                     Perfect bank for Mrs Lurinsky  I would like to save up for a holiday to Florida!


One for our super heroes

Please take pictures of your creations along with a sentence about what you would like to save up for. If you can, upload them to our Twitter page. Remember not to write your child’s name if your post has photograph of them.

Adding coins together…… 

Caterpillar Coins

Ask your adult for a handful of coins. Place them on a piece pf paper and draw around them and create a caterpillar shape. Once you have finished add all of your coins together and write your total. Remember to write the p or £ sign.

Online games- 

Toy Shop Money Game-

Coins game-


SCIENCE Primary 2/1

Hello everyone! Mrs. Macandrew here. I hope you are all well and managing to get outside a bit and enjoy looking at all the signs that Spring is here. There are lots of new leaves on trees, little flowers and lots of twittering birds.

Here is this week’s lesson.

Week 2       PLANTS              Primary 2/1

This week we will be looking at the parts of a plant and deciding what the plant needs to grow big and strong.

You will need these resources.

What Does A Healthy Plant Need

The Growth of a Plant

  1. Firstly, do you remember what a plant needs?
  2. Plants need light, water, air and soil.
  3. How do we know how much of each of these things the plant needs?
  4. Watch the PowerPoint above. It is called “What Does a Plant Need?”
  5. After you have watched the PowerPoint, complete the activity called “The Growth of a Plant.”
  6. After you have finished, can you draw a beautiful, healthy plant? Use some nice, bright colours.
  7. Next week we will be looking at what the different parts of a plant are and the jobs they do.

Have a lovely week!

P2 First Bus Education Pack

Good Morning P2!

First Bus has worked closely with teachers across Scotland to develop a resource pack for schools, with the aim of providing children with a fun filled set of activities focused around buses. This is a great resource to educate pupils on the benefits of using public transport.  Each page has been created specifically around the core educational framework of the curriculum for excellence; literacy, numeracy, creativity and problem solving. Remember to share your learning with us on Twitter @CetrangoloMiss, @MsHBrown1, @MrsVDavies1 and @MissButlerSPS. 

First Bus Education pack FINAL April 2020

Keep up the hard work, you are all doing amazing!

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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