Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary One Reading

Thank you for posting on Twitter your favourite books. Many of these are new to me so once we’re back at school I need to order some of these titles for our class library. Keep posting your favourite books please.

To help continue our reading skills, we need to keep practising our common words. To help with this I’ve added some activities on Education City for all P1s. I wonder how many of you will complete these. We’ve been so impressed at how many of you have been attempting online activities,

Lots of you have also been inventing your own games to practise these words. I’ve seen using a Nerf gun and reading the word when you hit it, playing pairs and writing the words on big paper and rolling a ball, when the ball lands on a word, you have to read it. I’ve also seen 2 children pick up a piece of Lego every time these see one of their common words in a book, you can then use the Lego to build a tower, I wonder how high these towers can be. Can you think of any other game to help learn these words. You should have lots of common words in your red reading bags. All of your P1 teachers are looking forward to seeing new ways to help learn your words.

If your want to continue with our class Reading books, you can join Oxford Owl.     On Oxford Owl there is a section on ebooks. Today you could look at these books, they will practise the words you have been learning.

P1- Exploring the Easter Story

Hi Everyone! We have been enjoying seeing how some of you have been participating in the activities we have set. We look forward to hearing a little more about how you are doing.

Your Religious and Moral Education activity this week (or over the holidays)  is to look at the Easter story.

  1. Discuss with your talk partner (your adult) about what you think Easter is.
  2. Get an adult to open this link and read the story to you.                   P1 Easter Story
  3. Can you retell some of the story in your own words?
  4. Select an activity to complete.
  • Make a miniature garden showing the three crosses, the tomb and the stone that was rolled away. (You will need; a container, sticks, a stone, soil and some leaves or grass)

  • Create a book titled ‘The Easter Story’. Draw a picture/ write a sentence to show what happens first, then and at the end. Share your book with someone in your house.
  • Use your imagination to make a model last supper. Build it with lego or use an old box as the table. Make Jesus and the disciples from paper or play dough.

  • Look at some of the symbols associated with Easter,  such as Easter bonnets, bunnies, eggs, chicks, candles and crosses. See if you can find and count each one here –   Easter Symbols
  • Design and draw your own Easter bonnet which could have one or more of the Easter symbols on it and if you have the materials, you could make it to wear. The easiest way to make a hat is to staple, glue or stick a strip of paper to fit your head and then add your pictures to it. Everyone in your home could join in and you could have an Easter parade.

We can’t wait to see how creative you will be with your ideas. Good luck!


Primary1- HWB-Rights Respecting Schools

Here are Jack and Ruby helping us to understand our Rights…..

We have the Right to Play

Fair Play – Prompt Cards (1)

Activity- with your child explore the meaning of words ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ . Then look at the pictures above from the Fair Play PPT – discuss which show a situation that is fair? And which show a situation that is unfair? How do you know this?

Primary 1 Maths

Good morning Primary 1 we hope you are all doing well and are working as best you can! It has been lovely to see all your hard work on Twitter, please keep the pictures coming!

Continue to log in and use Sumdog and Education City to help you with your learning. I have attached our Maths grid. You can find lots of different activities and ideas.

Position and Movement

Ask your adult to hide your favourite toy in your home or garden. Ask your adult to give you directions to find it using- forwards, backwards, left, right and so on.

Maths- beyond number grid

Please upload any of your work to our Twitter page. Take Care from Your P1 teachers 🙂

Expressive Arts – Primary One

Primary one pupils can continue our drama lessons using this link  –   (this should work with a BBC iplayer account login)
Have a go at the stories we have already used or try a new one! (your adult might want to find the story on youtube first just to remind you what happens).
You could also teach an adult one of the songs/rhymes we have been learning.
  • Queen, Queen Caroline
  • Cowboy Joe
  • A Sailor went to sea
  • Early in the morning (postman song!!) – you could use a saucepan and wooden spoon instead of a drum for this!
  • Old Mr Woodpecker
My Twitter is Miss Aikman @cara_aikman if you don’t already follow. I would love to see some pictures of your home drama and music lessons (remember not to name your child).

Primary 2/1

SCIENCE with Mrs. Macandrew

Hello everyone! Hope you are all well.

This week we will be looking at Sustainable (Renewable) Energy and Non Sustainable Energy sources.

  1. We have found out about Sound Energy, Energy produced by wind, water, the sun, Nuclear Energy and Energy made from Fossil Fuels.
  2. But which types of Energy are Renewable/Sustainable?
  3. Look at PowerPoint No. 1 “Renewable and Non-renewable resources”
  4. Do the cut & stick activity. RENEWABLE or NOT
  5. Now watch PowerPoint No. 2 about Sustainability.
  6. Can you draw a poster to help people remember to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE?
  7. Remember to use lovely bright colours and lots of pictures.


  1. RENEWABLE or NOT   
  2. PPT 2 Sustainability-powerpoint questions.
  3. PPT 1 Renewable and non-renewable


Good Morning Primary 1!

We are so impressed to see all the learning and play you are doing at home. We have been enjoying seeing your messages and pictures on the blog or Twitter and hope to see many more.


Before we finished we had been learning about procedural writing. We used sequencing words – First, Next, Then and Finally to write sentences to help others wash their hands in the correct order.

So before we start our writing the first thing we need you to do is complete an Easter Project this can be either making a chocolate nest cake  or designing an Easter card or painting an Easter egg.

Then we need you to write instructions for people to follow to help them recreate your Easter Project.

Remember to Include a title that matches your activity e.g. Make a Easter Cake , Painting a Patterned Egg or Making a Bunny Card.

You will also need to include a list of what Ingredients or materials are required.

Then write or cut and stick your instructions for someone to follow to recreate your project.  If you feel it would be too much for your child to write all the sentences you can write the instructions on bits of paper, cut them up and get them to stick in the correct order  e.g. write each of the following words on separate pieces of paper – chocolate. melt the First – Children would then order this – First melt the chocolate.

Children should be encouraged to read and write words they know and then use their sounding out skills to help with other words. Sentence punctuation can also help determine the order of the sentence and clues such as “Where would we find the capital letter?”or “Where would we find the full stop?” will help your child.

Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your instructions but most of all remember to have FUN!

Finally post lots of pictures for your Primary 1 teachers to see.


We are aware that these activities might be challenging to do in the current situation so should you not have access to the required materials then please complete one of the writing tasks from the writing grid in your child’s home learning pack. You can find a copy of the grid below.

Primary 1 Writing Planner

Week 2 P2/1 Home Learning


Well done to everyone completing week one of learning at home! I have really enjoyed seeing  some of the activities you have done. I can see that some of you have been able to log on and complete activities on Sum Dog, IDL, Teach Your Monster to Read, and Education city.

I have set a numeracy, reading and spelling challenge on Sum Dog for you to try out this week. Good Luck!

Primary One – I hope you have had a go at some of the activities set for all P1 children on our blog and using the pack sent home from school. Mrs McPherson has posted some new numeracy things for you to do this week.

Primary Two – please remember not all activities need to be online. Have a go at some of the other activities on this weeks learning grid. Click this link.  P2 week 2

Remember to follow our class Twitter for additional activities too.

Looking forward to seeing how you are all getting on.

Mrs Davies

Primary 1

Week 1 completed and you are all doing amazingly well! Keep your teacher up to date with your learning by messaging or tweeting them with your learning and what you’ve been doing. It may also inspire your friends to try something similar!

Numeracy grid for Home learning Wk1

If you click the above link, it provides the Primary 1 Numeracy grid that was sent home in your learning packs. This week, the challenge is to complete the addition and subtraction activities that involve using a dice.

In Primary one, we use the CPA model for maths. CPA stands for concrete, pictorial and abstract.

Concrete materials are physical objects  that children can move; blocks, toys, counters etc.

Pictorial is pictures that the children can use to visualise a question (either representative pictures or shapes/dots)

Abstract is the written sum  using numbers and symbols (e.g. 3 + 2 = 5).

Children should be able to use these different resources to  help with their counting, addition and subtraction so they gain  confidence when using numbers. Sometimes when a sum is written done, children are using materials or pictures to help them get an answer, this should be encouraged!

For addition.

Roll a dice and collect the correct amount of objects. Roll the dice again and collect that amount too. How many objects do you have altogether?  Can you correctly write down the sum using the numbers and symbols?

Do this another 5 times. If you are feeling confident, perhaps roll two dices together to create bigger numbers to add.

Now, try this again, but instead of collecting objects, draw shapes to represent the amount instead. Once you have drawn your two amounts, draw how many you have altogether.  Again write down the sum using numbers and symbols. Do this another 5 times.

For subtraction.

Roll a dice and collect the correct amount of objects, counting them out in front of you to confirm. Start by physically taking away one item. If you take away one, how many are left?

Do this several times taking away different amounts. Then roll the dice again and try it with a different amount.

Now roll the dice and draw that amount as dots, circles, stars (or anything else you fancy. Now when you are going to take away an amount this time, draw an X through the subtracted amount of pictures. How many have you got left? Can you write the sum that matches it?

Repeat this with different initial amounts and how many you subtract.


Are there any specific items that you like to use when you are adding or subtracting? Can you do your maths with food when you have a snack? Can you add up all the toys in different parts of your house? What other ways can you show your teacher your adding and subtracting methods?



Remember, let each child use whatever materials and resource they feel comfortable with to help build confidence and understanding of addition and subtraction.

Reading for Primary One

Reading activities

We can’t believe how much work you are all doing at home. All your P1 teachers are so impressed. We are really enjoying seeing messages on the blog or Twitter as this lets us see what fun you’ve been having.

Last week we created a grid of reading activities. These have been added here to help if your child was absent or if you have misplaced the pack.

It’s been great also to see that you have been using lots of different ways to learn, some of you have used Sumdog, others Education City and others have been trying the activities on IDL.

Next week, please look at your favourite books at home. Post on Twitter your favourite book. You can post this on Twitter at #SPSLovestoRead. When my children were little their favourites were Owl Babies and Dear Zoo.

After you’ve finished looking at your favourite books you could look for some of your keywords in these books.

Next week focus on- they, that, could, come, do,to- how many times can you find these words. Can you make them too- you could use paint, pens, crayons or maybe you can think of another way to create these words.

The last few sounds we had been learning in class had been th, y and qu. There are some activities on Education City which practise these sounds. Look at literacy and there is a section on jolly phonics. How many words can you find in your books which start or end with these sounds.