Week 2 P2/1 Home Learning


Well done to everyone completing week one of learning at home! I have really enjoyed seeing  some of the activities you have done. I can see that some of you have been able to log on and complete activities on Sum Dog, IDL, Teach Your Monster to Read, and Education city.

I have set a numeracy, reading and spelling challenge on Sum Dog for you to try out this week. Good Luck!

Primary One – I hope you have had a go at some of the activities set for all P1 children on our blog and using the pack sent home from school. Mrs McPherson has posted some new numeracy things for you to do this week.

Primary Two – please remember not all activities need to be online. Have a go at some of the other activities on this weeks learning grid. Click this link.  P2 week 2

Remember to follow our class Twitter for additional activities too.

Looking forward to seeing how you are all getting on.

Mrs Davies

4 thoughts on “Week 2 P2/1 Home Learning”

  1. Alannah has really enjoyed using Sumdog, today she will try some of the challenges you have set. She has also being practicing her letter and number formation.

  2. Thanks . Hope all of you are safe and spend quality of time with your family. See you again 🙂

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