Category Archives: Nursery

Playdough fun

Here is an easy activity that can give children of all age’s hours of fun!

Playdough is a resource that has an endless amount of learning opportunity for children. Children and adults can find it very relaxing, creating things and being very artistic. Here is an easy recipe that uses not a lot of ingredients that you might have in your kitchen cupboard.

Things you need:

  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 tbs oil
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 2 drops food colouring


  1. Combine plain flour and salt.
  2. Add water, food colouring and oil. Mix until ingredients are combined.
  3. Knead well.
  4. If consistency is too wet, add a little plain flour.


Please take pictures and share with us!



Story Time For Nursery

Story Time for Nursery  Jack Frost


Hello boys and girls,

I hope you are all keeping busy and enjoying the different activities the nursery staff have been putting on your learners journals.  I have made a video of the story of Jack Frost helped by my lovely granddaughter Sorsha we hope you enjoy it. Stay safe and we will all be together again soon.  Click on the link to hear the story.

Mrs Galloway

Virtual Biscuits and Blether

Hi All,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who attended our first virtual biscuits and blether last week.
We hope you found this information useful and it gave you an insight into some of the learning about Maths through stories that goes on here at Simpson Nursery Class.
If this is something you missed or could not attend last week, We have attached the power point presentation below to give you an insight into the Counting Principles and Maths Through Stories!
If you attended our Biscuits and Blether session, We value your comments and feedback, to allow us to improve events like these in the future.
Below attached is a link to a short questionnaire, your feedback is appreciated.

Parent Questionnaire

Last week an email was shared with parents and carers with attached our Parent Questionnaire. We would like to thank everyone who has responded so far it has been great feedback for the nursery to receive these and will allow us to continue to improve!

Below is the link to our Questionnaire, If you have not already completed this and you wish to do so please follow the link below, we value your feedback.

Many Thanks,

Miss Sneddon & MrsT

Nursery Update

We understand at the moment that parents and carers are not experiencing their child’s nursery experience as we used to before.

Below we have created and attached  learning sways for each bubble, this will give you an overview of their learning and interests within their bubble, and some the experiences and activities they are taking part in.

The Puddle Jumpers (Purple, Pink and Green Group) –

Go to this Sway

The Explorers (Magnolia, Brown and Grey Group) –

Go to this Sway

The Adventurers (Blue and Orange Group) –

Go to this Sway


The Superheroes and Globe Stars (Red and Yellow Group) –

Go to this Sway

Nursery Update

Here at Simpson Nursery Class we are getting used to our new nursery routines, The children are thriving in their learning bubbles and we would like to tell you a little bit more about what they are getting up to.

The children have come up with their very own names for their bubbles and are directing their own learning within the group through the use of their own floorbooks.

The brown, magnolia and grey bubble are called The Explorers.

The orange and blue bubble are called The Adventurers. 

The red and yellow bubble in the morning are called The Superheroes and the afternoon yellow and red bubble are called The Globe Stars.

The pink, purple and green bubble  are called The Puddle Jumpers.

Here a few snapshots of what we have been getting up to!


Relax Kids Calm Booklet

As we look forward to welcoming our pupils back to school and nursery next week, I thought I would share the ‘Back to Calm with Relax Kids’ booklet for parents.

As children may be worrying or feeling anxious about returning to school or nursery, this booklet contains good information and activities for parents to work on with their children to help prepare them.


I hope you find it useful.

Mr Weir

A few more Expressive Arts Ideas!!

Here are some more little ideas to keep you busy over the holidays if you run out of things to do!

By collecting some twigs from the garden or a walk and using any old material in house and some glue, you can be creative and make your own stick character. Really simple activity and fun to play with. Or add some coloured string to make a garden mobile.

Spare tyres, turn them into sand, water, bark or play areas for cars, dinosaurs, dolls! any kind of containers would work.

Old golf balls, with some paint and or pen markers, change them into bugs for the garden.

Hope these ideas have given you some, have fun creating and enjoy the holidays!