All posts by Mrs Galloway

Story Time For Nursery

Story Time for Nursery  Jack Frost


Hello boys and girls,

I hope you are all keeping busy and enjoying the different activities the nursery staff have been putting on your learners journals.  I have made a video of the story of Jack Frost helped by my lovely granddaughter Sorsha we hope you enjoy it. Stay safe and we will all be together again soon.  Click on the link to hear the story.

Mrs Galloway


Hello to everyone big and small.  We hope you are all well and keeping safe. We have been looking at things we thought you may like to explore or try during the summer holidays.

The image below shows a young child playing a game made from recycled cardboard, lollipop sticks, kitchen roll tubes and toilet roll tubes.  You could use a cereal packet or a cardboard tray easily for this.  It’s up to you how you wish to design your own layout.  A large marble or a bouncy ball are a good size to fit through the tubes.  The aim of the game is to make the ball travel though the obstacles and get to the end. This activity will help with hand eye co-ordination fine and gross motor skills and problem solving. You will need some sticky tape or glue and a few pens to draw the start and finish points.  It’s great fun give it a try.

Please remember to take care with younger siblings and small objects.

Work on Spatial Awareness With This Simple Nature Shape Puzzle .
I love this activity it’s so simple to put together and delivers a different result each time. This gives your child the opportunity to work on spatial awareness using a natural resource stones or pebbles. whilst being imaginative and creative. The image below is of a heart however you can create whatever shape your child prefers such as the outline of an animal maybe a dinosaur or a whale. After placing the large stones encourage your child to fill in the gaps with the smaller ones. To sustain the interest you could use buttons of various sizes or bottle tops. It’s up to you and whatever you happen to have at hand.
Please take a picture of your little ones efforts and share with us all on twitter or on their learners journal.
Below is a link on
Fun Ways To Teach Kids About Emotions! You will need to copy and paste to access.
Help your kids explore emotions with these super fun activities.
We wish you all a calm and relaxed summer break and remember have fun.



Mrs Galloway and Mrs Henderson will be sharing some ideas and thoughts with you which you may want to try. 


Firstly it covers all areas of music singing and dance. Painting, drawing, building models, drama, role play and much much more. Many of the skills our little ones are learning are improved on when being expressive in so many ways. That could be holding a twig, using a brush or wrapping themselves up in fabric.  A child’s imagination knows no bounds and should be encouraged which ever media they prefer to use.  We have a few ideas you may like to try to help keep your little ones busy and engaged.

Jar lids  or bottle tops, caps, corks  all sorts of sizes, shapes or colour can be used in many different ways.  I’ve collected perfume bottle lids, fabric conditioner lids, anything unusual just remember to give it a wash first.  You can use them with twigs pebbles or small pieces  of fabric and buttons to make a picture  or a face.  An old picture frame with the glass removed is great for  framing your child’s work. It can be any size take a picture of it and share it with everyone  on the school’s twitter.

Playing music while your little one paints is very therapeutic.  Lively  music encourages large movements and brush strokes.  Set them up  outside with some cardboard and an old shirt over their clothes to help keep them clean.   Pop the radio on the window sill and off  you go. Remember we are small we make messes but we really love to express ourselves so join in and have fun.

Expressive play.

Hi folks a cardboard box and rolled up socks make a fabulous throwing game. This is great fun n helps with hand eye co ordination. It’s really simple to do, try drawing a target inside the base it can be square, round, triangular  any shape or colour.  you could get your little one to help mark make and draw their own design.  If outside make sure you can retrieve your socks and if indoors  best choose an area away from hazards (corners/ ornaments).  Vary the distance your little one throws from and give lots and lots of praise on all efforts.

If no cardbord box try using a basin or laundry basket and draw on a piece of paper to make your target.  let me know how you score and remember have fun.

Mrs Galloway

European Day of Languages.

Wednesday was European Language Day. Throughout the week the children have been learning how to say a some words in Spanish. A few of the children were able to do this independently which is very encouraging. We watched a short video of Dora the Explorer and were all soon saying Hello Hola, Goodbye Adios and thank you Gracias.  This has prompted the children to discuss their holidays and share their experiences.

The boys and girls have also been exploring printing with large and small lego bricks.  Some of their beautiful creations are on display beside the art area.

We have continued with our Mini Beast spotting and have enjoyed turning over logs and stones to see what we could find and tick on our spotting sheet. Whilst doing this the children have also been keeping the garden tidy and putting all the wind swept rubbish into the bin well done.


Please have a look at our New Planning Wall inside the main nursery room situated beside the desk.

May we please ask if you could check your child has a full change of clothes in their nursery bag as we have had to do a number of changes due to messy play and also due to the changing weather thank you.



This week we have made a start on planting and have asked the children what they would like to plant in the nursery garden.  Using their suggestions we will be doing lots and lots of work outdoors over the next few weeks.

The children have been writing and posting letters to chefs in our local restaurants asking if they are able to come and visit the nursery to talk about their jobs.

We have been very very busy preparing for Newlands Day (June 4th). Many Emoji faces have been painted in preparation for the Simpson Float.

From next Wednesday all library books will be returned and collected for cataloging for the next year so there will be no open library. Thank you for your support and look forward to next year.


What an exciting week we have had. Keir’s dad Robin came in to talk to the children about his very important job as an Air Ambulance Paramedic.  The children were very excited and asked many questions. Ayiah asked Does the helicopter have buttons ?   Robin explained the pilot does the drive and presses the buttons. We have to tell the pilot where we are going because we are in the clouds.  We navigate using a computer.  Struan said a Sat Nav.  Robin said Yes to tell us how to get there.


We would be delighted if any of our parents/ carers, Grandparents or family members would like to talk about their career or skills. Please speak to a member of staff to arrange this thank you.



On Thursday and Friday we had lots of fun during our Egg Hunt everyone found an egg.




Easter Holidays

We are now off for 2 weeks we return on Monday April 9TH.

STAY PLAY AND LEARN  is on Wednesday 18th April . Please feel free to sign up for our other available dates in the new term.

Enjoy the break and we will see you all in the new term.


The children have been engaged in making their own constructions using large and small wooden bricks during their super hero play. We are encouraging children to use digital technologies to photograph their work. You can also take photographs of their creations at home and share them with us in the Learners Journals.

To further extend Gemma’s words (see below) we will be looking at the positive role of Firefighters, Police officers and Doctors and others who help us. Listen out for your child talking about these everyday HEROES and let us know about these situations.  You could leave a post it note on our planning wall and we can then discuss this further with the children.

Gemma’s words this week link well with this topic RESCUE HERO SAVE HELP HURT WORLD and UNIVERSE. 

Please remember to check out the lost property thank you.

Hoping everyone has an enjoyable half term break, we look forward to  seeing you all on Wednesday 14th.