Category Archives: Primary 7

P7 Learning Grid 25th – 29th May

Our grid looks a little different this week.  As discussed during our call last Friday, we need to focus on our Leavers tasks over the next two weeks.  I have highlighted these in yellow for you.  Please work through all of these tasks before moving on to the others.

I will be available on Teams from 10:00am – 12:00pm each day to answer any questions that you may have.  You can also help one another using the Learning Chat Help channel.

We will have a ‘Friday Feedback’ session on Friday.  Please make sure you share your learning for the Blog in this channel before our live chat at 11:00am.

Learning at Home Grid 25.5.20

The Daily Rigour 205

2nd Level May Calendar

3rd Level May Calendar


PE – WLYF Home Learning booklet (1)

Play Park Reminder

A reminder that our public parks can be used for exercise as long as the national government rules on social distancing are adhered to. Please avoid, where possible, touching potentially contaminated surfaces in public parks including play equipment, outdoor gym equipment, park furniture, handrails, gates, and signage etc. Children’s play areas, ball courts, skate parks, and outdoor gyms remain closed until further notice. Please do not use them, even if no-one else is present.


It’s also important that those exercising should, at all times, continue to do so alone or with members of their household.


Any resident witnessing an issue that causes a public safety concern regarding people ignoring the national government rules on social distancing, can report such incidences to the police on 101.’

West Lothian Recovery Plan Survey

As part of the West Lothian recovery plan, the council would like to hear the views of parents and pupils.

P4-7 pupils can access their survey through their TEAMs.

Parents can access the survey through this link:

http://Parents –

Thank you for taking the time to share your views.

P7 Transition Tasks for The James Young High School

Below is the message posted on Teams, sent directly to P7’s confirmed to be attending The James Young High School.
The James Young High School have sent over some transition tasks for you to work on individually.
  • Transition Booklet
  • Transition Passport
They have provided an example Passport and a support sheet.  There is also a PowerPoint with a virtual tour of the school.
Please take your time to complete both tasks.  It would be beneficial if you could work with an adult at home on this.
If you need any help, you can contact me too.  Once you’ve completed them, please email them to me and I will pass them on to JYHS for you.  You have the next few weeks to work on this so don’t rush it.
Mrs B

P7 Learning Grid 19.5.20-22.5.20

Learning at Home Grid 19.5.20

Maths lesson videos will be posted on Teams each day (Tuesday – Thursday this week).

Additional resources:

PE – WLYF Home Learning booklet (1)


Tuesday – Y6-Lesson-3-Add-and-subtract-fractions-2-2019

Wednesday – Y6-Lesson-4-Mixed-addition-and-subtraction-2019

Thursday – Lesson-1-Multiply-fractions-by-integers-2019

Flashback 4 – 19.5.20

DYW Key Worker Poem template can be downloaded here.

P7 Learning & Homeschool Camp

School Camp was cancelled but Homeschool Camp is open for business!
This week I went on a walk and did a lot of the camp activities which were really fun. I baked cupcakes which tasted really good. I also built a den and watched Fantastic Beasts and all the Harry Potters. I’ve also been playing and talking to my friends.
This week I have been at my dad’s apartment playing on the Atari there are so many fun games on there despite the age. We have been on many walks around the area we also built some more furniture. Overall a great week. – Aiden
This week I went on a walk down at the farm and I saw the baby alpaca.  She is called Rainbow. I also made a den with my bothers but then it fell down 🙁.  I have been making lots of scones this week too. I also saw Mrs Mill and Mrs Young at the school when I was on a walk. – Logan Y
This week I played my Xbox with some friends.  I went on walks to Eliburn and I watched the builders in my back garden. – Cade
This week I was on Xbox with some of my friends.  I played football and I also built a den. – Finlay

This week I enjoyed doing some camp activities which were really fun and I’ve been going on walks and cycles a lot.  – Cameron


I did lots of school work.  I also made a fort.
This week I did some camp activities and I have been playing with my siblings in my back  garden.  I also built a den and made a treasure hunt.
This week I’ve done some camp activities which were really fun, I’ve made some pom-poms and door signs. Lastly I helped my friends with getting on social media over the phone.



This week I have been doing been school work. I have been playing Xbox. I have been going for walks about the village.  I also made s’mores a few weeks ago.






Katy enjoyed her nature walk this week and took this beautiful photo.


Callum L created a treasure hunt for his sister as part of his homeschool camp activities.

Coding at Home

The Raspberry Pi Foundation have launched a new, free Digital Making at Home initiative to support parents and young people with coding at home. You don’t need any coding experience to join in, and all of their resources and activities are free forever.

Every Monday, they release new themed code-along videos about projects designed for all levels of ability. They also provide support tutorials for parents who are interested in learning more about coding tools like Scratch and Python, and over 200 projects with step-by-step instructions that are accessible online at any time — all for free.

Sign up now to start receiving free activities suitable to your child’s age and ability straight to your inbox.

P7 Learning at Home Grid (catch up week)

Learning at Home Grid 5.5.20 (catch up week)

Basketball Workout 1

Be Internet Legends – Questions

Chase Game Code Cards (Scratch)

The Story Starter Shed & Self-Assessment


We’re using this short week as an opportunity to catch up and ensure all online learning platforms have been set up correctly.  I know from speaking to some families last week that a breather week would be beneficial.  I have amended the Learning at Home grid for children to catch up or move on so there’s still plenty for everyone to do.  We also have a new task related to our Leavers plans.  This should be emailed to me directly via pupil email accounts.   I know some parents would find it useful having access to all supporting documents at the beginning of the week for printing.  I will upload these to the blog along with the grid at the beginning of each week.

Please feel free to email me or the school if you require any further support.

Mrs Brodie

FAO: P7 Parents/Carers

Dear P7 Parents/Carers

I hope you are all safe and well. I’m trying to contact everyone to check in but as you can imagine, this is a big task and it’s taking me a while to reach you all. I thought this might be the most effective way to get an important message out to you all at once.
Firstly, I want to reiterate Mrs Mill’s message that your children’s health and wellbeing is our top priority during this uncertain period. This is especially important for our Primary 7’s as we want them to be confident and in a good place mentally for their transition to high school. Please don’t allow expectations of school work to add unnecessary pressure on to them or the rest of your family.
I understand that every household has different challenges at the moment. Some of you are trying to work from home; others are working as key workers; some may even face a period of unexpected unemployment. I know that for many there’s more than one child at home, which can bring about additional challenges. They may be sharing devices or you may be trying to support different stages of learning at the same time.
Please know that there is no pressure from me with regards to completing all of the tasks online. I am not chasing up missed tasks or expecting children to go back and catch up on everything that’s been set. However, I do think that engaging with some learning through a ‘little and often’ approach would be beneficial to them going forward. Most of the tasks I’ve set have been designed with this in mind. It’s unrealistic for us to expect children to sit from 8:50 – 3:20 working at home each day. They will need regular breaks and maybe even some days off to do things with family (walks, garden play, helping to make dinner, etc.). Please don’t forget that there is so much learning in everyday chores. How many P7 children can work the washing machine?
I also think it’s important that you hear from me that I am not concerned about the move to high school. Any learning that is missed will be picked up by teachers next year. Be reassured in knowing that we were already a little ahead of where we needed to be. Term 4 is always busy but for P7, that is an understatement. I can say with certainty that there would have been very few weeks of uninterrupted learning this term. We had trips planned as well as school visitors. The various transition programmes all begin at different times and as the weeks went on, we’d have been lucky to have a full class for a full week. We also would have spent lots of time planning and preparing our leavers assembly and we’d have had our Fitness Fortnight. I have planned for this all year and so we worked extremely hard to cover what we needed to in the first three terms, leaving us time for all that term 4 brings. We also didn’t waste time getting started at the beginning of the session as I knew all the children well from last year. Your children will begin high school in a good place academically.
With all that being said, I do think it’s important for the children to engage in some learning activities going forward but not at the expense of their health and wellbeing. I will continue to post a grid of suggested activities for children to work through Monday to Thursday. We will use Fridays for feedback sessions. I will post the answers to tasks and the children will have the opportunity to self assess, share and discuss their learning. I will also hold a group video call to finish off the week. Please note that the children can see and hear me but they can only be heard and not seen. This is a great opportunity for us to connect as a class and discuss what we’ve been up to throughout the week. Even if your child hasn’t completed any tasks that week I would still encourage them to join our chat and keep connected.
I will post the learning at home grid on to the blog each week to help you to plan some activities into your week, where possible. However, I must ask that you don’t use your child’s Glow details to access Teams as we must keep the platform safe, which means it is for pupils and teachers only. I realise it’s a little daunting leaving it up to the children to manage but feel free to sit beside them and help them if they need it. This is actually good practice for next year when they will be responsible for managing their own home learning. Most high schools use Teams for this already.
Finally, something I won’t be covering this term is the relationships, sexual health and parenthood topic. This requires a safe space for children to learn and ask questions and it’s not possible for us to recreate that safe space online. Younger classes will cover this when school resumes but as our P7s may not be back to LVPS I am offering to send you the national resource with the specific lessons I planned to cover. I would not suggest you try to follow the lesson plans as they are designed for a classroom/group setting. I suggest reading over the plans and then perhaps have a conversation with your child if you think they would cope with that. If this is something you’d be interested in, please send me an email requesting this. You can get my email address from your child or contact the school office. I must ask that you do not give the resource to your child to read as it is not written for children. If you would rather not cover the topic or you find your child is not in a place to discuss it with you, please just leave it. It will all be covered again at high school. I just want to give you the option to have those discussions if you feel your child would benefit from it.
I hope I’ve been able to put your minds at ease. This is not the final term we hoped for but we will make sure the children get some kind of leavers celebration. The children have started planning for how we might do this remotely instead of holding the usual assembly. If you need any help or support going forward, please feel free to send me an email. You can also contact the school office at
Give your child a giant hug from me and take care.

Mrs Brodie