Category Archives: Primary 1

P1,P2/1 and P2 Science Activities Week Beginning 25th May 2020

Please find below the links to some science activities from Miss Whigham. This week we are starting a new topic of lifecycles. You only need to complete one of the written activities.

Please watch the following clip

Butterfly Life Cycle Spin Wheel

Life cycle of a butterfly writing activities

The Cautious Caterpillar life cycle of a butterfly powerpoint english_ver_2 (1)

Miss Maclachlan


P1 Sharing The Learning 22.5.20

It has been a See-Saw week this week with lots of ups and down, weather wise, emotions wise and news wise.  However, our families are continuing to be Home Heroes  keeping busy and keeping learning.

Some of our families have shared their learning and some photos they want to show their friends.  They have done some creative work this week. Even the ordinary things like reading can be fun when done somewhere different, or measuring exciting when you are baking.

What are you proud of?  What was the highlight of your week?












What was the funniest or best thing that you did?


























What was challenging and made you think?
































What and where have you been reading this week?

Wow, well done. Another 25 book read this week, Epic!

Play Park Reminder

A reminder that our public parks can be used for exercise as long as the national government rules on social distancing are adhered to. Please avoid, where possible, touching potentially contaminated surfaces in public parks including play equipment, outdoor gym equipment, park furniture, handrails, gates, and signage etc. Children’s play areas, ball courts, skate parks, and outdoor gyms remain closed until further notice. Please do not use them, even if no-one else is present.


It’s also important that those exercising should, at all times, continue to do so alone or with members of their household.


Any resident witnessing an issue that causes a public safety concern regarding people ignoring the national government rules on social distancing, can report such incidences to the police on 101.’

West Lothian Recovery Plan Survey

As part of the West Lothian recovery plan, the council would like to hear the views of parents and pupils.

P4-7 pupils can access their survey through their TEAMs.

Parents can access the survey through this link:

http://Parents –

Thank you for taking the time to share your views.

P1 Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 18th May 2020

Good evening. Please find attached the weekly learning grid and resources. Just a wee reminder that tomorrow Monday 18th is a holiday.

P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-18th-May

‘ew’ Sound Buried Treasure Game


Playdough Recipe

Dinosaur footprints

Blank sea creature factfile




We hope you have a good week.

Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith

P1 Sharing The Learning 15.5.20

What a great week, the sun has shone and we have had just enough rain to keep the plants growing. However, it has also been a tough week for adults as we face more time in lockdown, and the children are maybe feeling out of sorts but don’t really know why. We as teachers and as parents, recognise what a fantastic job you are doing keeping busy, staying at home and keeping safe. Thank you.

Well done class we have got our first reading award from epic!

As we go forward with our sharing of learning we would like to ask if you would think about what you would like to see on the blog.

Think about what you would like to share with your classmates.

What are you proud of? What was the highlight of your week?

What was the funniest or best thing that happened?

What was difficult or challenging that made you think?

We are looking forward to seeing what some of you might send in to share and why?

This week some of the class have shared a variety work and it has been a privilege to see all the things you do to keep active, healthy and learning.

Some of you have been out and about keeping active and busy, even leaving messages for your teachers:















Some of you have been doing maths and writing:
















And – some of the marine biologists have had fun:


















And some have explored under rocks and logs collecting more than information perhaps?:

Thank you for sharing your learning with your friends.

Photography Competition

Here is some information for any budding photographers amongst us:

Video-camera-clipart-free-clipart-images | Homestyling by Cathy

‘RiverLife: Almond and Avon are excited to announce our online Resilient Rivers Photography Competition! We are looking for photo submissions that show how our rivers and burns can still be beautiful despite the pressures that are put on them. They have been heavily affected by humans over the centuries through industrialisation, urbanisation, agriculture and pollution. If you take a walk down by your local river or burn, there is a good chance that you’ll see signs of these impacts. The remains of the old weirs constructed to provide water to mills, pollution and plastic from the surrounding industries, or even an old tyre or shopping trolley sticking out of the water, it’s usually easy to spot some of the pressures these waterways face.

So if you snap some pictures of your local Resilient River while out exercising, or if you already have a great photo showing just how strong our rivers can be, upload it by clicking the link below. Once we have our entries we’ll be showcasing them in the Resilient Rivers Photography Exhibition, so keep your eyes peeled for that coming soon!’

Submit a photo here:

Have fun and don’t forget we can share your photos on here too, just email them to your teacher or send via the school office on


EPIC Reading Accounts for P1

The Netflix for Books? – A Review of Epic!

P1 parents who requested to have their child set up with a home  access account on EPIC (online resource to support reading at home) should have received an invite email today. The email will have a link to click on which will activate your account. If anyone has not received an email please let Mrs Clyne know. Many thanks.