Category Archives: Class Posts

Weekly Reflection 28.01.22

What a great week we have had celebrating Burns Day and hearing all our Scots Poetry Competition finalists. Well done to our own class finalists Ethan, Rory, Minny and Poppy. We have also listened to some videos which taught us some Scots language from different parts of the country, click here to listen to the videos again with your children at home.

In phonics, Primary 1 have been learning the sounds oo and ar and Primary 2 have been revising the long vowel u (ue u-e ew) and the bossy r sound using the digraphs er, ir and ur.  In writing, we have been continuing to think about adjectives and wrote some decriptions about ourselves. 

In numeracy, Primary 1 have been continuing to develop understanding of number bonds to ten and Primary 2 have been learning about subtaction using the counting back strategy. This week we have also been learning the Months of the Year, please continue to practise these at home.

We are continuing to think about different places in Scotland that we have visited and have been developing our understanding of the map of Scotland. We have plotted the main Scottish cities on the map and we learned about some of the food that people associate with Scotland. We also discussed some famous Scots including Andy Murray, Robert Burns and John Logie Baird.

In PE we are learning about gymnastics and this week we practised some balances, jumps and rolls. Some of us showed great perseverance as we worked hard developing our skills.

Here are our highlights this week:

Georgia “I enjoyed learning.”

Cara “I’ve enjoyed maths.”

Rory “I liked building. I was building a camper van and a vets.”

Ethan “I liked logging in to Seesaw and sharing my work with mummy.”

Hunter “I liked drawing and learning.”

Aylar “I liked having fun playing teachers with my friends.”

Dexter “I liked learning about Scotland.”

Cooper “I didn’t know you could make the ‘r’ sound from different letters.”

Kyle “We were doing some jumps and some rolls in gymnastics.”

Dylan “I liked gymnastics.”

Jack “I’ve been learning some letters, the ‘oo’ sound.”

Kaylan “PE’s been good, I liked the gymnastics.”

Poppy “I liked everything.”

Kade “I liked gymnastics and doing the moon jump.”

Minny “I liked everything.”

Theo “I liked gymnastics and doing the forward rolls.”

P2 Learning Reflections W/E 21st January 2022

Well done to everyone who recited a Scots poem this week. It was great to hear the children reciting their poems with confidence, rhythm and expression. It’s going to be very tough for the judges to pick a winner!!

Willow – I liked saying my poem. I did Mince and Tatties by JK Annand. My favourite line is will aye be voted smashing!

Caleb – I made a green lightsabre in free play.

Grace – I have enjoyed doing free play. I have been building blocks with Alexander, Nathan and Oliver. We were making basements and a house.

Louis – I enjoyed numeracy. I was making ten. We used counters and ten frames.

Rhy-Lee – We made 10 and then made 20. If 6 + 4 = 10 then 6+14 =20. We used our friends of 10 to make friends of 20!

Oliver – I liked PE. We were doing gymnastics. I liked when we were doing the pike alien balance.

Thea – I enjoyed doing gymnastics. My favourite move was pike alien!

Josh – I liked free play. I am making lightsabres!

Ella – I like gymnastics. My favourite balance is star!

Alexander – I liked doing Free Writing Friday. I wrote about the craws. One was feeling sad, the second fell!

Georgia – I wrote about a magic pot and I put donuts in it!

Jack – I enjoyed free play. You get to choose whatever you want to do. I was colouring in pictures. I did pictures about secret old mines. There was gold and jewels and treasure chests.

Kyra – I liked gymnastics for PE. The easiest balance is pike alien, all of them are pretty easy!

Nathan – I enjoyed learning.

Olivia – I enjoyed playing with Arianna outside.

Arianna – I liked playing outside!

P3 – 21.1.22

Good afternoon families of P3.

I wanted to say a massive thank you to all of the children for putting on an amazing Scots assembly today. I also would like to thank all the parents and families at home for helping the class learn their lines and practise songs/poems etc. I know how much time and effort the class have made to bring this assembly together.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Love

Weekly Reflection 21.01.22

This week P1 have been learning the sounds igh and ow. Primary 2 have been revising oi and oy and also learning the different sounds for ow. We have worked hard to use our phonics to build words and have been using our phonics really well when we are blending the sounds together in our reading. 

For the Scots poetry competition we have been learning our poems and Mrs Clyne was so impressed with how well we had practised and learned our poems. Well done to Rory, Ethan, Minny and Poppy who have been chosen as the P2/1 finalists and we look forward to finding out who the winner will be. Our favourite poems to learn were Crocodile and Mince and Tatties by JK Annand.

In our numeracy we have been practising our number bonds to 10 (P1) and 20 (P2). To help us with this we used the numicon and tens frames. Perhaps you could try drawing some tens frames at home?

We have also been learning our days of the week and trying to sequence these and also recognise and write them. We sang some songs to help us remember the days of the week and these two are our favourite ones and 

In this week’s story Hamish McHaggis visited Loch Ness in the search for the Loch Ness Monster. We learned that the Loch Ness Monster is called Nessie and she is shy and doesn’t like to be seen by the tourists. We had a discussion about whether Nessie is real and watched a programme about it. What do you think?

Here are our highlights this week:

Cooper – Learning words is important to help us be able to read from books.

Theo – I learned that knowing my number bonds to ten can help me know my number bonds to 20.

Poppy – I enjoyed everything this week but learned that you can count on from any number.

Minny – I never knew that doing reading for 5mins can help you learn new words. 

Dylan –  I enjoyed revising the sounds.

Kaylan – I enjoyed revising the sounds too and playing the Caterpillar ordering game on the computer.

Georgia – I liked the Caterpillar game.

Aylar – I like the Caterpillar game too.

Cara – I liked maths.

Kyle – I enjoyed all my learning.

Jack – I enjoyed playing with the cars. We made a whole city through it.

Hunter – I liked adding numbers.

Dexter – I liked learning about the Loch Ness Monster.

Ethan – I enjoyed learning about Loch Ness.

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 21st January 2022

Good Afternoon. P1 have had a very busy week. In Literacy we have been learning the igh and ow as in snow sounds. We have written words with these sounds, played roll and read, sorted real words into a treasure chest and nonsense words into the bin and coloured real and nonsense words with the ow sound. In writing we wrote a simile about Nessie the Loch Ness Monster.  We also recited our Scottish Poems this week and Miss Maclachlan is very proud of us all.

In Maths we have been focusing on the days of the week. We have been ordering them, saying them and singing them. We have also created our own days of the week wheel where we drew pictures of something we do on each day of the week. Some of us also enjoyed playing monster days of the week snap.

During our Scottish focus we have learned about Nessie the Loch Ness Monster and Greyfriars Bobby. We have created models of Nessie using Lego or playdough and painted pictures of Nessie. When we were learning about Greyfriars Bobby we discussed how he was loyal to his master and where you could find his statue. Some children then created a collage Greyfriars Bobby or coloured in a template of Greyfriars Bobby.

Here are some of the children’s reflections on their week:

Emma: ” we learned a poem.”
Angus: “I was thinking about what a real or a nonsense word was and I finished it all. “
Aaron: “At snacktime we have been chatting about what we are doing and what we are going to do. “
Ayaat: “I liked colouring in the words. ( igh sound)”
Finlay: “I was building a house with a pizza oven in the blocks. Everyone  wishes they  could come too.”
Matthew: “I liked doing nonsense words and zapping them.”
Emily: “We did Yoga and I liked making a treasure chest with my legs.”
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Maclachlan