Category Archives: Class Posts

Primary 6 Weekly Reflection – WB 07-02-22


This week we have been busy preparing for our assembly on children’s mental health.  We have been learning about our support networks and making connections with others. We also made colourful posters about what compassion meant to us.  The assembly went very well and we did lots of practising throughout the week. We felt very proud of our work and felt better after the stressful part was over.

Luke, Freya, Olly

Senora Gordon and Senorita Martinez have been working with us in class on our Spanish. Finn and Luke made a tortilla at home and shared their learning in class. Luke thought his tasted very nice, he added pork and cheese to his.
Luke, Finn

In maths we have been focusing on drawing angles, it was a bit tricky. but we will continue to practise. We have also been working on our fractions and we will soon be moving on to decimals.
Lakshya, Leo 

We are in the middle of our authors and illustrators project. Our stories are going well and they are going to be very good.  This week we have finished our build up sections and are now working on our dilemma.  We are starting to think about how we will present our work and are looking forward to this part of the process.
Angus, Anna

11.2.22 Reflections in P4

This week in P4 we learned the bus stop method for division, we thought about our support network for our mental health and created hot air balloons to share this. In poetry, we created rhyming poems which were quite funny and some were a little silly! In P.E. we developed skills in gymnastics and badminton. Here are some of our thoughts on this week’s learning;

Lewis “The bust stop method was challenging but we all persevered.”

Lois ” The hot air balloons make us respect our families and you can show your unique personality through your design.”

Sevinc “Sharing your feelings in writing is a better way to express yourself.”

Sushanth “We were improving hitting, aiming and returning skills in badminton. We learned to hold the racquet correctly…it was like shaking a person’s hand.”

To finish the week, we made magic flowers that open when they float in water! Look out for the messages inside.

Happy holiday weekend, everyone.

First Week of February Reflections

This week we welcomed a new pupil, Sophie, into our class. P5 have been busy making friends and demonstrating our school value of  compassion.

It has been another busy week of learning starting with a visit from Senora Gordon and Senorita Martinez who came to teach us some Spanish greetings. We have followed the lesson up in class by watching The Gruffalo in Spanish and listening for some familiar words while trying to pick up some new ones. It was a great way to celebrate Language Week Scotland.

We have continued to prepare for our writing project by using a storyboard with 2 timelines so that we can coordinate the 2 different time periods in our stories.

Our main focus of maths has been multiplying and dividing using formal written methods. We have been building in lots of practice on the 6x and 8x tables.

Looking forward to next week, we have another Spanish lesson on Monday and we will focus on Health and Wellbeing for Children’s Mental Health Week.

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 4th February 2022

Good afternoon

In Literacy we have learned the ‘or’ and ‘air’ long vowel sounds and the red word want. We have written words with ‘or’ and ‘air’, built words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read and sorted real and nonsense words. In writing we wrote a description of our superhero.

In Maths this week we have explored reading and writing o’clock times on an analogue and digital clock. We looked at reading half past times on an analogue clock too. We found matching times, made our own clocks, solved time jigsaws and played stop the clock on the netbooks.

We have been exploring the theme of superheroes through our play. We looked at how we get day and night, sorted activities into the right category and made superhero potions in the tuff spot. We also watched Emily MacKenzie who is an author and illustrator read her story ‘There’s Broccoli in my Ice Cream’ and she taught us how to draw Granville. In P.E we have been doing gymnastics and have explored a variety of shapes and rolls.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I have enjoyed writing about my superhero Gorgeous Gracie.” Gracie

“I love superheroes. I am Electric Emily.” Emily

“I liked writing about my superhero. I am Marvellous Matthew.” Matthew

“I can write o’clock times on an analogue clock.” Ishanvi

“I have learned how to read and write ‘air’ words.” Angus

“I have enjoyed learning everything.” Aaron

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

Friday 4th February – Class Blog

P7 Blog

By Rocco and Chloe

This week we have been learning:

Algebra, we started working on it on Monday and some of it can be easy but some bits of it can be a bit challenging.

Spanish, we had our first Spanish session on Monday with Mrs Gordon and Miss Martinez. We enjoyed learning new words.

Gymnastics, we have been working on Gymnastics routines the past few sessions and performed them on Wednesday in front of the class in groups and we enjoyed giving feedback to each other.

Science, we had science with Mr Keast and we were learning about the Chinese New Year on Wednesday.

French, Madame Moore came in on Thursday morning and we learnt some the words for vegetables in French. We found it fun to play the games too. We have learned 41 new words over the last 3 weeks!

Writing, we have been working on an ‘Author’s Journey’ writing piece, about someone famous or someone in the past which was fun to write about. Next we need to edit and revise our writing further to make sure we are creating a great final piece of writing for our book.

Scottish Loves Languages, for this event we have been challenged to do several different things to earn points and we have done some drawing of the Eiffel tower, we listened to The Gruffalo in Spanish and sang a French song.

We have really enjoyed this week with Mrs Taylor and other teachers, and we are looking forward for the week ahead.

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 04.02.22

ScotlandlovesLanguages - Alliance Française Glasgow


What a great week we have had learning about the different countries and continents of the world and what a super response to the Cultural Challenges set for home learning, well done to everyone who completed a challenge task. Hopefully your language skills are now a little more developed than they were at the beginning of the week.

This week P1 have been learning the or and air sounds and P2 have been learning about double consonants ff, ll, ss and zz. We have had great fun playing different games to practise these sounds while also developing our observational skills and our turn taking skills. Some people were very good at spotting our focus sounds within differents texts in the classroom. I wonder how many you can spot around your home or when out and about?

In numeracy this week we have been continuing to practise our number bonds to 10 and 20 and have been using these to help us with our subtraction.  We have also been learning about o’clock times on an analogue clock. I wonder how many analogue clocks you can find around your home?

In Art, we continued to develop our observational skills as we watched a Charles Rennie MacIntosh tutorial about how to draw a Rennie MacIntosh rose. We have drawn these using black pens and will finish colouring them next week and let you see them.

In PE we have continued to work on our gymnastics skills and have been practising more rolls. Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Wednesday and children should come dressed ready for PE on those days. You might also like to provide your child with 2 water bottles on PE days so they have plenty to drink.

Yesterday we enjoyed a Digital Schools session with the National Museum of Scotland and it was very informative. We learned about the different parts of a plane and went on a journey to Australia where we met koalas, kangaroos, emus and kookaburras.

Image preview

Here are some of the children’s comments this week:-

Poppy “I liked learning about the planes and how the animals move a little bit like the aeroplane and I also liked learning the gymnastics moves.”

Dylan “I liked singing the songs about the different parts of the aeroplanes.”

Ethan “I agree with Dylan.”

Cooper “I really really liked writing.”

Minny “I liked learning about the Rennie Mackintosh rose.”

Kyle “I liked drawing the rose.”

Aylar “I liked doing the rose too.”

Rory “I liked the rose too.”

Theo “I liked learning about the guy who makes the poems – Robert Burns.”

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 28.1.22

This week P2 have been looking at the spelling patterns for ee, ea and e. In numeracy the children have been using a number track and a number line to subtract. The children noticed that they had to be careful when counting back on the number track as each jump had to be made from the middle of the box and for the number line they had to make each jump from the line. A big well done to our finalists and winner in the Scots poetry recital!

Willow – I liked learning about orang-utans and doing gymnastics. Orang-utans have four fingers and a thumb just like us. They are really cleaver they can make gloves from leaves to protect their hands from prickly fruits. The build a nest each evening so they always have a clean bed.

Arianna – I made a Loch Ness monster with Mrs Brown.

Josh – I liked free play. I am making a poster for Jacks party.

Grace – I have enjoyed learning about orang-utans. They are the closest animal to us.  They are born with a fear of snakes because a snake can swallow a baby orang-utan in one mouthful. They are really good climbers. They live in the rainforest canopy.

Elyas – I liked doing my Scottish poem. We were adding actions to it to make it more interesting. I won a certificate that I can put in a frame and hang up.

Ella – I liked doing gymnastics. We were doing rolls. The rolls were rocket roll and flying saucer roll. My routine was rocket balance and then we went down and did a flying saucer roll, we did a rocket roll to the other side. Then we finished with a rocket balance.

Louis – I enjoyed gymnastics we needed to do gymnastics things. I done a star, pike alien and rocket balance.

Kyra –  I liked gymnastics. I liked rocket roll.

Olivia – I liked making the tartan. So you needed to get the bits of paper and weave it through the other bits of paper. On my last one it was tricky because there was hardly any room!

Oliver – I liked when we were doing PE. We were doing rolls. We were doing a routine.

Rhy-Lee – Orang-utans are really cleaver. They can make gloves with leaves. They build a roof over their nest if it rains. They eat fruit, insects and bark.

Alexander – I like finding out about orang-utans. They can swing from tree to tree.

Caleb – I liked making tartan. We had to go the opposite way from the other one. The paper went in and out and in and out. I used red blue and green to make my tartan.

Thea – I got a certificate and a book and I won. It was for saying the poem Mince and Tatties!

Jack – I enjoyed making the tartan. You had to pick three or four colours and they had to be different colours. We got pieces of paper and slid them through some slots. It was difficult to get a black space to give the other colour some space!

Georgia – I liked free play. I was playing in the doll’s house. We were moving house. We had to put furniture out and move different furniture back into different spaces.

Nathan – I liked learning orang-utans can climb trees. They can build a nest just like a bird!

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 28th January 2022

Another busy week for Primary 1. In Literacy we have learned the ‘oo’ and ‘ar’ long vowel sounds and the red word like. We have written words with ‘oo’ and ‘ar’, built words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read and snakes and ladders and sorted real and nonsense words. In writing we wrote a description of one of our favourite characters from a book, Arnie from Arnie the Doughnut.

In Maths this week we have continued with exploring time. We learned the seasons, the months of the year and how to tell o’clock times on an analogue clock. We sorted the months of year, cut and stuck the months of the year down in the correct order, explored the hands on an analogue clock and made o’clock times using playdough and clock mats.

On Tuesday we learned about Robert Burns and took an interactive virtual tour of his house. We discussed the differences between his house and our houses. On Thursday afternoon we became superheroes. We chose our superhero name, super power and what we use our super power for. Some of the children used alliteration to create their super hero name.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“We did learning of the days and the months and the clocks” Matthew

“We were learning our sounds /oo/ and /ar/” Gracie

“I liked playing the cat and mouse game in gym. I was laughing” Leo

“I liked running in the hall and I was the mouse. It was funny.”  David

“I made a picture which was a garden and then I knew it was an ar word.” Aaron

“I was proud of my picture which was a park with a seesaw, a star and a spark.

We learnt new words -“of” and I love school because I learn so much words and letters.” Emily

“I was learning to listen and to listen to what the teachers tell me.” Ishanvi

“I liked playing with my friend” Lyla

“I was learning the new sounds and writing the letters. “Jessica

Have a good weekend

Miss Maclachlan

Languages Week Scotland

Next week is Languages Week Scotland and as part of our learning we have set some home learning challenges. The challenges are attached and children can complete as many challenges as they like, 5 house points will be awarded for each challenge completed so make sure to share your child’s learning on  Seesaw or Teams or send it in to share in the classroom. Have a great week.

Languages Week Scotland P1-4

Languages Week Scotland P5-7