Category Archives: Class Posts

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 18th March 2022

Good Afternoon.

In Literacy we have learned the split diagraph sounds ‘o-e’ and ‘u-e’ We taught ted how to write ‘o-e’ words, played roll and read, wrote u-e words, played u-e words snakes and ladders. For writing we worked in partners and wrote spring acrostic poems.

In Maths this week we continued to explore number bonds to 20. We used double sided counters and ten frames to help us. We matched ice cream to their partner cone to show bonds to 20, played number bonds to 20 bus stop and completed the missing number bonds on stars. We also explored odd and even numbers using Numicon.

This week was British Science week. On Monday we explored the life cycle of a bee. A bee starts out as an egg, then larva, then pupa and finally a bee. On Tuesday we had our P7 STEM leaders down to help us in an activity called Handy Gardener. We have planted five different seeds in a glove. We planted a broad bean, cress, chives, spinach and radishes. On Wednesday and Thursday, we watched a video all about dinosaurs from the National Museum of Scotland. It told us all about dinosaurs. We then drew our favourite dinosaur and found out what they like to eat, how long or tall they were and when they lived. We made our very own Pterodactyl peg. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Jessica – “I enjoyed learning about Dinosaurs. I drew a Pterodactyl.”

Gracie- “I loved Gym. I liked learning the new star game.”

Leo – “I liked learning about the superheroes in the house corner.”

Aaron – “I loved learning the new games and playing in the hall and playing the mushroom game with the parachute.”

Matthew- “In gym we made a mushroom with the parachute. We went under it.”

Emily – “I made a bee with playdough. I liked Gym.”

Angus – “I liked playing in the tuff tray. I was learning about bees and playing with other people.”

Finlay – “I enjoyed doing PE. It is my favourite! I liked red light, green light. I was the traffic light and a car. In stars and catchers, I was the catcher!”

Ishanvi – “I liked the assembly because we were having red nose day.”

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 11th March 2022

Good afternoon. In Literacy we have learned the split diagraph sounds ‘a-e’ and ‘i-e’ We taught ted how to write ‘a-e’ words, looked for ‘a-e’ words in a picture, played roll and read, read then drew i-e words and played ‘i-e’ snakes and ladders. For writing we worked in partners and wrote superhero acrostic poems.

In Maths this week we have been exploring number bonds to 20. We looked at different strategies for helping us to find number bonds to 20 such as making 10 first. We used rekenreks, counters, number spinners and Numicon to help us make then write down our number bonds to 20. We also played a matching rainbow game where we had to find the pot of gold to match the number at the start of the rainbow.

On Tuesday afternoon we went to the discovery den where our P7 STEM leaders led us in some very exciting activities around the topic of nature. We looked for birds, sorted fish into different categories, explored rocks, sifted soil, sand, salt and sugar out of water and used Scratch junior on the I Pads to make an animal move. In the class we made superhero stick puppets, drew a picture of our superhero helping someone stuck in the snow and discussed people who help us. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I liked practising writing my letters.” David

“I loved doing gym on the mats.” Gracie

“I liked finding words in the ladybug wordsearch.” Ishanvi

“I liked doing the exercises in the gym hall.” Finlay

“I liked assembly. We learned how to be kind and about filling up our buckets. We had the story in class.” Emma

“I liked telling my story in the tent for our writing project.” Orlaith

“I liked filming my story.” Emily

“I loved being a story teller and illustrator.” Aaron

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P2-1 Weekly Reflection 11.03.22

This week in P2-1 we have been busy developing our knowledge of place value within 50. We have been considering different ways of representating numbers and have been ordering and comparing numbers to 50. We have had great fun playing the Caterpillar Ordering game. Primary 1 have also been learning about quarters and enjoyed playing Karate Cats.

In Literacy P2 children have been revising the split diagraphs and the important job of Magic e in changing vowels from their sound to their letter name, for example, pin – pine, cub – cube. We enjoyed singing The Magic E Song . Primary 1 have been revising Set 2 sounds and impressed Mrs Clyne this week with their word building skills.

For Health and Wellbeing we tuned in to Authors Live with Tom Percival who was reading his book The River. It is a beautiful, thought-provoking story about managing unpredictable feelings and Tom showed us how to drawing emotions in our own illustrations.


Today we had our first whole school assembly since March 2020. We liked being with all the other classes and singing together. Miss Hamilton and some of the P7s were telling us more about Skipper and the tools he uses to help Build Resilience. We can use these tools to help us when things are not going so well.

Rory “I liked Fischy music in the assembly and counting to 100.”

Dexter “I really liked making the train station with the blocks.”

Minny “I liked drawing along with Tom in the Authors Live.”

Dylan “I enjoyed learning numbers to 50.”

Theo “I liked seeing our old head teacher back in the school.”

Cooper “I liked drawing with Tom.”

Hunter “I liked doing Maths and making halves.”

Cara “I liked seeing Mrs Mill back.”



P2-1 Weekly Reflection 4.3.22

This week saw us finish recording our Hamish stories so we could share these as part of our World Book Day celebrations. The link to the Sway has been sent to you in Seesaw! We kicked off World Book Day by listening to the official song by MC Grammar Reading is AmazingWe were able to spot 16 different books within the song, why don’t you have a listen and see how many you can spot? We were very excited when Mrs Clyne tweeted a photo of us dancing to the song and MC Grammar replied!

Throughout the day we enjoyed the Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) sessions, took part in a Masked Reader competition and drew along with Emily MacKenzie in an Authors Live programme. We played Give Us a Clue where we had to guess the character or book title which was lots of fun. We also completed a scavenger hunt which saw us searching through books to find certain items. Throughout these tasks we developed our interpersonal skills as we worked together with our partners.

This week in Numeracy, P2 have been representing numbers to 50 and we have been practising recognising the numbers, building them using manipulatives and writing them. We also consolidated our understanding of one more than/less than. P1 have been learning about halving and have explored halving quantities and halving simple shapes.

On Tuesday we were given the opportunity to visit the school’s new Discovery Den which has been set up by our Young STEM leaders. There were lots of different hands on activities to try where we developed a number of skills. We all had a great time and provided some very positive feedback to the Young STEM leaders.  


















‘I liked the fish pond because we learned about a new animal in the ocean.’ (Cooper)

‘I had fun making my weather vane from K-nex.’ (Dexter)

‘I enjoyed reading the Science books. I really like to read. I enjoyed the maths leaves. I did times tables as well.’ (Minny)

‘I enjoyed all the activities. I enjoyed the crystal cave. I got them all right.’ (Poppy)

‘I enjoyed going in the crystal cave because there was lots of different stones.’ (Dylan)

‘I made a bird from play dough.’ (Kade)

‘I liked spotting the birds in the trees.’ (George)

‘I enjoyed the bird watching.’ (Kyle)

‘I liked cleaning the water also the crystal cave. Me and Dylan found some really cool fossils. It was so fun!’ (Theo)

P3 This Week – W.C. 28/2/22

This weeks round up in P3:

  • A large part of our literacy this week has been given to finishing our mythical creature writing to complete our book. P3 have done an amazing job in their writing and I am very proud of them. Please see the last blog post from P3 which has a sway link to follow, showing the process of our writing project.
  • In other literacy work this week, P3 were showing fantastic listening skills during the readings of book and gave wonderful feedback to the readers.

  • In numeracy, P3 have been looking at the six times table and the patterns and relationships between other times tables (e.g. double the three times table etc.)
  • In maths, P3 have been looking at money. This week they have been focussing on change given from higher amounts and counting multiples of an amount using skip counting e.g. – 5 pence’s.

It was World Book Day on Thursday! We had a wonderful day with lots of literacy fun activities including the masked reader, a BBC live lesson and we ended the week making origami bookmarks!

On Friday, we had the pleasure of working with the P7 Young STEM leaders in the new STEM Discovery Den. They showed us an array of activities with wonderful instruction, which the groups took rotations of. P3 were very impressed and loved their time with the leaders.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Love

P1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 4th March 2022

Good afternoon

In Literacy we have learned the long vowel sounds ‘ea’ and ‘oi’ We taught ted how to write ‘ea’ words, looked for ‘ea’ words in a story, played roll and read and ‘oi’ snakes and ladders. We also sorted ‘oi’ words into real and nonsense. For writing we wrote about our everyday heroes. The link to the sway with our completed Superhero Adventures has been posted on Seesaw.

In Maths this week we have continued exploring halving and looked at quarters. We made the missing fractions with our playdough, coloured in shapes to show halves, built doubles towers then halved and quartered them. We also used our rekenreks to explore number bonds to 20.

In our superhero learning we designed vehicles for our superheroes and used kinetic sand to build superhero buildings. We also looked at Fairtrade again this week and designed our own Fairtrade lunches. Thursday was World Book Day and we enjoyed lots of book related activities. We enjoyed listening to MC Grammar’s Reading is Amazing rap and trying to guess the books that he mentioned. We shared our favourite storybook, took part in LVPS presents the Masked Reader where we had to guess which teacher was reading and which story they were reading. It was great fun and we earned lots of house points. Some of us also did a book scavenger hunt, designed our own bookmarks and front covers for our favourite books. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“My favourite book is Supertato. Evil Pea says what’s that noise?” Leo

“My favourite book is Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox. She has chicken pox in the book.” Emma

“I love the story Paper Dolls. I like to colour in and make my own paper dolls.” Jessica

“Little Red Riding Hood is my favourite book. I like the big bad wolf.” Orlaith

“Learning numbers with the little mats.” Ayaat

“Playing with kinetic sand.” Lyla

“I enjoyed writing a sentence.” Aaron

“At gym today we played the bean game and it was very fun!” Gracie

“I enjoyed gym – playing the treasure game.” Mia

“I had fun learning the gymnastics and the letters ee, oi and igh yesterday.” Mitchell

“I liked doing PE and playing treasure you have to run and if your partner touches you have to get the treasure. We also played beans.” Finlay

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P5 Reflection

Holly – I enjoyed doing doing gymnastics. I liked doing the routine and showing it to the class.

Jaxon – I enjoyed writing because I enjoy writing. I liked typing my story and drawing the pictures.

Caleb – I liked how we got extra reading on Thursday. It was Drop Everything and Read for World Book Day.

Arya – I liked ringing the bell for Drop Everything and Read.

Sophia – I liked when we did The Masked Reader because I got a lot of house points. It was good looking for the clues.

Pola – I liked doing the writing because we got to become real authors.

Safia – I liked the Authors Live with David Walliams. I like David Walliams books.

Emma – I liked the French with Mme Moore. It was good getting to know the words to use in the cafe.

John – I liked doing the writing because it was fun seeing the whole book at the end.

Anya – I liked the writing because I actually felt like I was an author and going to publish a book.

Alanice – I liked the gymnastics routine.

Poppy – I liked it when we did the writing especially the drawings and front cover.

Maizy – I liked the Masked Reader quiz. It was fun and I got loads of house points.

Amelia – I liked the gymnastics because I learned new things.


P4 Learning Reflection – 4.3.22

I liked the drawing challenge from Authors Live on WBD.  PE was very interesting this week.  I loved the obstacle courses in Hockey.  It was fun and challenging.  – Ethan

I liked writing an information report about African Elephants.  We then wrote our own one about Fairtrade.  Some parts were hard and other parts were easy. I liked practising the maths strategies in Number Talks.  It was really fun to see how many different ways there were to figure out the answers.  I liked the empty numberline. I also liked reading James and the Giant Peach.  It was funny that the rhinoceros ate James’ Mum and Dad. – Lois

I enjoyed WBD because we got to wear our pyjamas.  I also enjoyed visiting the Discovery Den because we got to do lots of activities.  I liked learning about African Elephants and writing about them.  I really liked making lots of different shades of orange and peach in art. – Sevinc

I liked visiting the Discovery Den because I learned about fish and rocks.  We are reading James and the Giant Peach for our class novel and it’s about a boy called James.  His parents died so he has to live with his horrible aunts called Sponge and Spike.  They make him clean up all the mess and locked him in his room. – Lewis

On Monday we started to read James and the Giant Peach.  At the start it was really sad because James’ Mum and Dad were eaten by a rhino and now he has to live with his horrible aunties. – Charley

I liked visiting the Discovery Den because there were so many activities.  I liked PE because we had to hit the ball in between the cones in Hockey.  I also liked dressing in my pjs for WBD and I liked reading James and the Giant Peach. – Sam

I enjoyed visiting the Discovery Den.  My favourite activity was the Crystal Cave.  It was cool to learn that all the rocks had names and weren’t just called rocks. In PE, I enjoyed Hockey because it was really hard but fun. – Leighton

I labelled all the rocks correctly in the Crystal Cave when we visited the Discovery Den.  It won me 40 house points and I was the first person to get them all right. – Coben

I enjoyed learning about Science in the Discovery Den.  I also enjoyed reading James and the Giant Peach. – Zach

I liked learning in the Discovery Den because you get to do different activities like bird watching or coding on Scratch.  If you win in one of the activities you get 5 or 10 house points. – Sushanth

I enjoyed WBD because it was fun that I got to dress up and guess the teacher in the Masked Reader.  I also liked visiting the Discovery Den.  I liked coding on Scratch.  I also loved the bird watching and I got to make my own bird called the Science Bird. – Ziva

I liked visiting the Discovery Den because it was fun when we got to build our dream house out of K’Nex. – Solomia

I enjoyed going to the Discovery Den to do the fish pond activity. It was hard but we completed it and earned some house points. – Alister

I enjoyed the Discovery Den.  The fish pond was amazing and lots of fun. I enjoyed reading in the science corner in the DD.  I got house points for it. – Euan

I enjoyed visiting the Discovery Den.  Matching the fish was fun.  I also liked the Crystal Cave activity and it was fun to make my own bird. – Emma

I enjoyed visiting the Discovery Den.  I liked the fish pond because me and Lewis worked together to find out which fish lived in Scotland or elsewhere in the world. There was one from Japan. – James

I think the Discovery Den was good because we did Scratch and bird watching.  I also think the information reports was good because we wrote about African Elephants and we wrote Fairtrade reports as well.  We also did hockey in PE and it was fun.  We held the hockey stick and navigated the ball. – Murdo

On Wednesday we went to the Discovery Den and it was so fun because there was the Crystal Cave, bird watching, water filtration, a Scratch challenge, K’Nex building challenges, Maths Leaves, science reading den and the fish pond.  The fish pond was my favourite activity.  You had to read the information and match the fish then find out if they were from Scotland or not. – Poppy

I really liked reading James and the Giant Peach because it was about a smart boy called James.  He hated his horrible, hag-like aunties, called Aunt Sponge who was as fat as 90 cabbages and Aunt Spiker who was the opposite.  She was as thin as a stick.  I bet everyone could see her bones through her clothes.  PE was fun too.  We learned how to play hockey.  It was really, really fun to figure out how to play and everyone enjoyed it. We went into the Discovery Den and we had to match the right name of rock or stone to the right label.  K’Nex was fun because we had to make our own dream house, Maths Leaves, Scratch and bird watching.  We had to make our own bird. I imagine a Queen Bird.  This week was really fun! – Teria

I enjoyed celebrating WBD because we got to dress up as our favourite book character or you could wear your pjs.  I also enjoyed reading in the Discovery Den.  There were lots of books about science and there was one about Minecraft. – Gabriel

The Discovery Den taught me about tons of fish and where they live whether in Scotland or not.  The Crystal Cave taught me the names of crystals and rocks. – Isaac

I liked learning about what happened in James and the Giant Peach.  There were these little green things that make your life better.  The little green things got to a peach tree and the peach grew bigger and bigger. – Leo



Primary 6 Weekly Reflection – WB: 21-02-22

This week we have been working very hard on our stories and trying to improve them. In writing we have been also working hard on our book covers and four pictures to put into our published books.

In numeracy we have been working on our decimals and converting fractions into decimals. We started off with recapping on our learning from last year.

P6 have started to learn about natural disasters. Our main focus has been earthquakes and we have had the chance to do a video, sway or PowerPoint in groups to show our research. We will then teach the rest of class about earthquakes that have happened around the world.

We really enjoyed P4’s assembly about Fairtrade. The banana song will be stuck in our head all weekend.

We would also like to say “Happy Birthday!” to Sophie and Freya.

Written by: Sophie, Emma and Lakshya