Please find the window into learning for term 1 attached below.
Ms King x
Please find the window into learning for term 1 attached below.
Ms King x
Good Afternoon
Please find the link below to the Window into Learning for P2/1 for this term.
LVPS Window into Learning Term 1
Miss Maclachlan
Good afternoon,
I hope you are all well. Here is our Term 1 window into learning.
Mrs Love
In math this week we have been learning about place value up to 7 digits it was very hard but it did help a lot because some people were struggling.
In P.E we were doing a lot of running and sometimes games like splat and the running game. We also did girls vs boys cone game
In art we made cards for a boy in our class that fractured his jaw. We also made drawings of the inside out characters with our own twists and we did mindfulness colouring and drawing to.
In health and wellbeing we did a colouring sheet about staying healthy physically and mentally.
In RME we were talking about Nelson Mandela’s values and beliefs and who he was and what he was famous for!!!!!!! We think we have more to learn and will revisit this in October.
In writing we were describing a picture of a mammoth stuck in ice and a man trying to save him with a hairdryer and how he got their then what would happen next!!!
It was a great week it was soooo fun
Authors: Jessica and Ellie
Oops, I forgot to post some of the children’s comments along with our learning reflection for the week. Here they are:
Josh – we learned down the tower across the tower for the t sound.
Caleb – doing the numbers we have learned.
Grace – we learned tricky word ‘the’, I can write it!
Izaan – we were learning about number 8, 4 and 4 make 8 and 3 and 5 make 8.
Ella – we were learning about the five senses with Mrs Whigham, they are feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting
Grace – and smelling.
Good Afternoon. I can’t believe that is another week over already. We have been very busy this week.
In Literacy P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘t’ and ‘i’ and the tricky word the. We have made the letters with playdough, looked for them in a book, made a tiger mask, iced a biscuit and taught ted. We also made words on our magnetic boards using the letters learned so far. P2 have been revising the oi and oy sounds. We have looked for words in a word search, taught ted words with these sounds, played roll and read and searched for sounds in a story.
In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the numbers 6 and 7 We have made 6 and 7out of playdough, made families of 6 using our counting bears, completed an activity sheet all about 7 and drew a story of 7 in our jotters. P2 have been focusing on one to one correspondence and have been introduced to the greater than, less than and equals symbols. We have played higher or lower using playing cards, compared groups of objects depending on whether groups where greater than or less than and used to dice to compare numbers using the correct symbol.
In Health and Wellbeing this week we looked at resilience and spoke about how we have up moments and down moments. We then drew pictures of the things that make us feel happy and treasured. This week we have also been discussing and planning what we would like to learn about for our interdisciplinary topic. We have decided on the theme of animals and worked together to create a mind map of what we want to learn.
Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
“I really enjoyed drawing things that make me happy.”
“I liked learning about the numbers 6 and 7.”
“I learned about Skipper in assembly today.”
“I liked learning about Skipper and his tools to help him be resilient.”
“I liked our learning of the oi and oy sounds.”
“I enjoyed learning our set 3 sounds this week.”
“I learned about Skipper too.”
“I enjoyed learning the sounds ‘t’ and ‘i’.”
In P1 this week we have been learning about the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We have been sorting and counting using bricks, numicon, beads, ten frames and dot patterns. Our phonics focus this week was the tunnel sound ‘i‘ and the tongue sound ‘t‘, our tricky words this week were the and of. P1 enjoyed playing games such as duck, duck, goose and 2+1 on the field for PE this week.
Please click on the above to access our Window into Learning for term 1.
Good Afternoon. P2/1 have settled in really well to our new routines. We have been having lots of fun getting to know each other and learning.
In Literacy P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘s’ and ‘d’ and the tricky word me. We have made the letters with playdough, looked for them in a book, made a finger painted snake and a dinosaur. P2 have been revising the ee and ea sound. We have looked for words in a word search, taught ted words with these sounds, played roll and read and completed graffiti spelling.
In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the numbers 2 and 3. We have made 2 and 3 out of playdough, made families of 3 using our counting bears, made towers of 2 and 3 using Lego and counted out buttons on a gingerbread man up to 5. P2 have been focusing on one more than and one less than within 10 then 20. We have found the number one more than and less than using number fans, numbers spinners and played a game using dice. We have completed missing number worksheets as well.
As a class we have been focusing on our wellbeing indicators. These are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. We have spoken about what these words mean to us and how we can be these things. We have drawn pictures to illustrate how we feel healthy, active, nurtured and included.
We explored using mime to take on a character when reading Rumble in the Jungle. We acted out the different animals found in the book and our friends had to guess what animal we were.
Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
“I enjoyed everything this week.”
“I learned how to write the letter d.”
“I learned to write the letters s and d.”
“I have been using the sounds ee and ea to write words.”
“I also enjoyed everything this week.”
“I enjoyed learning this week.”