Category Archives: Class Posts

P6 highlights of school so far…

I asked the children what had been their highlights so far in school, whether it be learning or activities or things they do with friends. Here is what they said:

  • Measurement in maths using centimetres, metres and kilometres.
  • Playing handball and hockey matches in P.E.
  • Reading Friend Or Foe by Michael Morpurgo as a class novel.
  • Learning about multiples, factors, prime numbers and cubed numbers in numeracy
  • Futsal
  • Girls football
  • Art linked to WWII
  • The WWII topic – all of it!
  • Writing activities linked with grammar and spelling and using the Nelson skills book
  • Making the candy cane reindeer for enterprise
  • Using Scratch coding programme
  • Outdoor Learning – tidying the garden and especially the s’mores!

Well done everybody, looking forward to next terms adventures,

Mrs Smith

Happy holidays, we are back on Wednesday the 6th January.

Christmas Cards and Gifts

There was much excitement today as the children’s Christmas cards arrived.  If you didn’t get yours they will be sent home with your child tomorrow.  The Parent Council are aware of errors in printing and would ask parents to contact them so they can work with the company to organise a refund.  They apologise for any inconvenience and upset this has caused.  The school would like to thank those who have supported this fundraising venture and hope everyone has a lovely festive break.

15 Unusual Christmas Traditions Around The World | Travel.Earth

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 11th December 2020

Good Afternoon. A busy week for P2/1. In Literacy, P1 have been revising the sounds already learned.  We made words on our magnetic boards, played roll and read, played the snail race game and taught ted how to write w or th words. P2 have explored real and nonsense words with a variety of different sounds. We completed a real or nonsense worksheet, read our reading books and made words with long vowel sounds on our magnetic boards.

In Maths P1 have continued to explore subtraction. We have completed subtraction worksheets, played games and used Numicon to help us with subtracting from 10.  P2 have been adding to 20 to colour then reveal a hidden picture and looked at comparing objects such as cookies or counters within 50.

On Tuesday we filmed our Nativity in the morning. Miss Maclachlan is very proud of us all. For our Outdoor Learning this week we learned about fire safety and made s’mores with Mrs Smith. We all had great fun. In science with Miss Whigham we were investigating the seasons. We learned about the weather in each of the seasons. We had to match the seasons with the months of the year. On Friday we got to watch the pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed making s’mores. They were delicious.”

“I liked making the s’mores as we got a shot of trying to make a spark using a flint.”

“I enjoyed filming the nativity because I got to be a narrator.”

“I enjoyed filming the nativity and being an angel.”

“I liked making the s’mores.”

“I liked making the s’mores too. I also enjoyed doing the nativity.”

“I liked the pantomime. The part with the giant was my favourite part.”

“I enjoyed watching Jack and the Beanstalk. My favourite part was with the cow Buttercup.”

“I liked when Buttercup the cow was sticking his head out of the window. It was the funniest part of Jack and the Beanstalk.”

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan

Week ending 11th December

Christmas activities galore this week, but somehow also managing to fit in maths, literacy and PE as well. Fabulous effort from everyone.

Next week we will have our last Mandarin lesson from our lovely tutors in Shanghai. Did you know they come online to teach us at 9:15pm their time? Somehow they are always happy and cheerful even after a long day of studying.

Here are a few of our reflections from this week:

Teme – I liked learning the sign language for the 8th day of Christmas. It was hard to remember the moves but I liked trying to do it.

Freya – I liked the Panto today. It was quite funny because the pantomime dame, Dame Trott, was funny.

Luke N – I enjoyed French yesterday because it was cool learning about what they eat at Christmas. The panto was cool too and I liked the wordsearch sheet about it.

Labib – I enjoyed spelling yesterday. I enjoyed the writing a discussion about should Mandarin be compulsory in primary schools.

Jarrad – I liked the panto because the cow Buttercup blew the wolf away by the smell from its bottom!

Angus – I liked designing Christmas googles for  Rudolph the reindeer. I had lots of good ideas.

Leo – I liked spelling this week. I like how some words have silent k or silent b.

Blake – I liked the panto  – who doesn’t like a panto?!


P6 Sharing the Learning wk.beg.30.11.20

This week in p6 we have been learning multiples and factors in maths. We also did artwork to depict the Blitz or propaganda posters, it was really FUN!!!

We also did outdoor learning where  we toasted marshmallows which were really good. We had so much fun, we got sticks and sharpened them and put the marshmallows on them, we then knelt  and toasted them it was an amazing.                 ‘

Later we watched an online assembly about gender awareness and bullying with the NSPCC and  childline, it was very interesting.  We learned a lot about childline and we learnt the different problems you could get stuck in,  Ant and Deck introduced the assembly at the start which was amazing.   Mrs Clyne also discussed with us  LGBT+, everyone learnt a lot!

We tried the twelve days of Christmas song, but we did it in sign language.

That was our week!!!!!!!

Authors: Zara, Rebecca,

P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 4.12.20

This week the children have been learning the sounds ‘th’ and ‘w’. In numeracy we have been continuing with addition and subtraction within 10. P1 have also enjoyed taking part in the 12 Sways of Christmas challenges. So far they have designed Christmas crackers, carried out a survey of favourite class Christmas snacks and designed glasses suitable for a reindeer. The children have also been learning BSL Christmas songs. On Wednesday the children were out in the garden with Ms Wigham putting up bird feeders, just in time for the snow! The highlight of the week for us all was sitting around the campfire with Mrs Smith and toasting marshmallows to make s’mores, yum, yum!

Reflection Comments:

Oliver – I enjoyed designing reindeer glasses. My glasses have a walkie talkie and also a hood and decorations!

Georgia – I made reindeer glasses with a rainbow.

Lily – We have an elf in the classroom. It’s in a jar because of the virus. We are crossing off the days so it can come out!

Grace – We have an elf in the classroom. We are only allowed to let it out when we have crossed off all the days we have 10 days left.

Rhy-Lee – We made a fire and we put the marshmallows beside it. Then we put the marshmallow on biscuits.

Josh – We learned the ‘th’ sound you need a ‘t’ and a ‘h’!

Kade – We were guessing the reindeer’s name. I guessed Santa Claus!

Alexander – You can open the elf in 10 days!

Jack – We are learning the 12 days of Christmas. We are learning sign language!

Izaan – We went into the back garden. We put some bird things on the trees with bird food.

Ella – We learned sign language for jingle Bells!

12 Sways of Christmas

Feeding our Garden Birds


P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 4th December 2020

Good Afternoon. P2/1 have been working hard again this week. In Literacy, P1 have been learning the ‘w’ sound and the diagraph ‘th’ and the tricky word was. We made words on our magnetic boards, coloured pictures that began with ‘w’, taught ted, played roll and read, cut out and made ‘th’ words and drew pictures of something beginning with ‘w’. P2 have explored the last 25 of the first 100 Fry’s common words. We made the words on magnetic boards, wrote the missing words from the sentences on a white board and played our own board games.

In Maths P1 have been exploring subtraction We have used counters and ourselves to explore subtraction. We played dice subtraction where we had to roll two dice and then take the small number away from the bigger number. We also completed subtraction worksheets. P2 have been exploring numerals and number words to 20 and place value to 20 and beyond. We have played snap with numerals and number words, made numbers using base 10 materials, explored one more and one less than using the base 10. We completed a two sided worksheet where we had to say how many tens and ones were shown.

In Science we have been learning about the four seasons. The seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn. We have continued to practise our nativity and had a go of acting in front of the green screen. Our nativity will be filmed next week. For art we painted our salt dough ornaments and created our sign for our advert. Our salt dough ornaments are £1 each. This week we have practised signing the second day of Christmas for the 12 Days of Christmas.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed painting my salt dough ornament”

“I enjoyed making my salt dough ornament and practising for our nativity.”

“I enjoyed learning the sound ‘th’.”

“I liked learning the cheeky sound ‘th’.”

“I enjoyed painting my ornament.”

“I enjoyed our Christmas enterprise. I also enjoyed practising the nativity.”

“I enjoyed being the narrator in our nativity.”

“I enjoyed learning how to sign the second day of Christmas.”

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 27th November 2020

Good Afternoon. Yet another busy week in P2/1. In Literacy, P1 have been learning the ‘v’ and ‘y’ sounds and the tricky word are. We made words on our magnetic boards, coloured pictures that began with ‘v’, taught ted, played roll and read and created graffiti walls with y words. P2 have again been looking at high frequency words (common words). We played bingo, made the words on magnetic boards and played our own board games that we created a couple of weeks ago.

In Maths P1 have been exploring addition and number bonds to 10. We used linking tens which are ten frames and Numicon to explore our number bonds to 10. We played dice addition where we had to roll two dice and then add the numbers together. We also played race to the moon. P2 have been comparing number sentences using <,> or = symbols. We also explored numerals and number words to 20. We filled in the missing numbers to make statements true, completed a worksheet and created pictorial representations of teen numbers. In Number Talks P2 have been exploring number strings and using the counting on/all strategy. P1 have been exploring dot patterns and seeing how many and saying how they have seen them.

This week we have started practising for our class nativity. We have explored the Christmas story, re-told it in our own words, handed out roles and practised our acting. In Science, we have been learning about the sun. We learned that it takes 24 hours for the planets to go around the sun.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed playing my own board game. I liked saying my lines in the nativity.”

“I liked writing the letter y and y words on my own graffiti wall. I enjoyed practising for our own nativity.”

“I enjoyed playing my board game.”

“I also enjoyed playing my board game. I enjoyed the nativity.”

“I enjoyed doing Science with Miss Whigham. I found it tricky circling the living things.”

“I have enjoyed starting our nativity.”

“I liked playing my board game.”

“I like being an angel and acting in our nativity practice.”

“I enjoyed learning about the sun and the moon.”

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan