All posts by Ms King

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 20.11.20

Scottish Book Week 

In P1 this week the children have been busy drawing all their favourite books. We used these to turn our classroom door into a bookshelf! The children enjoyed receiving their own P1 bookbug bag from the Scottish Book Trust!

Outdoor Learning

During outdoor learning, the children collected five interesting things for their story bags. Once we had selected the best five interesting things we sat on mats in a circle. Then we shared stories using our interesting finds as characters and settings!

Magic Pencil from P7

P7 surprised us with a magic pencil this week. They made a sway telling us about John Muir and his love for nature. They also told us how we can plant our magic pencils when they are small. They will grow into tomato plants. P1 love tomatoes so we are busy writing so we can plant our magic pencils in the spring!

Reflection Comments:

Josh  – We learned the ‘j’ sound, you go down and curl then a dot. My name begins with the ‘j’ sound.

Ella – We learned the ‘r’ sound. Rug and run have the ‘r’ sound at the start.

Rhy-Lee – In numbertalks we had to questions for the number 10. I did 8 and 2 makes 10.

Oliver – We made shelves on our door. We put books on it that we drew on the front.

Grace – In the woods this week we were telling stories. We had to collect five things when we were walking. We used them to tell stories. I collected some leaves and a stick.

Izaan – We were sewing a stocking we put a bell on in the middle.

Alexander – We were learning numbers in French.

Jessica – P7 gave us a magic pencil because it can grow into a tomato plant.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 13.11.20

This week in P1 we have been learning the digraph sounds ck and sh. A digraph is when two sounds go together to make a new sound! For hold a sentence this week the children successfully used their learned sounds to write a sentence using punctuation and finger spaces. For numeracy, we have been using a ten frame to count on, add two sets to make 10. For number talks, we started with the answer and had to think of lots of different questions. We found lots of different questions which give the answer 7, 5+2, 10-3, 11-4, 4+3, 6+1, and 14-7. For PE this week the children enjoyed learning to play the game port/starboard in the playground.  We also started to learn a dance called The Sid, it was quite a challenge to remember all the steps in the right order!

















We took all the red poppy stones that we have been painting over to the church on Remembrance day. We laid them out to make a big poppy.  When we got back to school we watched a video all about why we wear poppies in November.










The children have been enterprising little elves this week. They have learned to sew a running stitch and have made a great start sewing Christmas decorations.

















Something mysterious happened in P1 this week. We came back from lunch yesterday to find strange footprints leading up to an egg! The children have lots of different ideas as to whom or what made the prints and left the egg. It could be a dinosaur, the Easter bunny, a monster, a werewolf or a cat! So to begin with we might find out what hatches from an egg!


Oliver –  There is a mysterious egg in our classroom!

Grace – There is a mysterious egg left in our class. There were footprints and an egg. The footprints look a bit like swan or penguin footprints.

Josh – We were learning to count to 10 in French. I can count up to 30 in French!

Izaan – We are learning to sew. We are making a stocking. It was tricky to pull the needle. I sewed the heart on!

Georgia – We sewed a love heart on our stocking.

Caleb – We learned the sh sound, s and h make the sh sound!

P1 Learning Reflection for W/E 6.11.20

Oliver – we were learning the sound ‘l’. To write ‘l’ you start at the top and go down the leg!

Grace – we learned the ‘h’ sound. You go down the horse and round the back to its hooves!

Rhy-lee – we were sorting buttons different ways. We sorted them by colour, shapes, holes in the middle and matching pairs.

Jessica – we did number talk for 5. You can have 10 and take 5 away to make 5. We found lots of different ways.

Josh – 3 and 2 make 5!

Elyas – We did a number talk about 4. I did 2 and 2 make 4!

Josh – 200 take away 196 makes 4!

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 30.10.20

This week in P1 the children have been exploring the properties of 3D shapes. They have been busy hunting, building, printing, describing and sorting them. Our focused sounds this week were f and e. The children enjoyed playing a matching game reading CVC words and some were reading sentences and matching them to the correct picture. P1 had lots of Hallowe’en fun today,  it was great to see all the children in their super-spooky costumes!

Oliver – We learned the ‘f’ sound. It’s a pink sound because it’s a soft sound, fat has the ‘f’ sound.

Georgia – A triangular prism is a tent shape!

Grace – We learned the ‘e’ sound. We were doing tell Ted, we had to say how we write the ‘e’ sound.

Josh – I liked today it’s a fun day we are all dressed up, I am Harry Potter!

Olivia – I sounded out the sentences and matched them to the picture.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 23.10.20

This week P1 have enjoyed:

Josh – Freewriting Friday! You can draw whatever you want. I don’t know what I drew but there was kind of patterns in it.

Olivia – Learning about 2D shapes. We used pipe cleaners to make circles and triangles.

Jack – Making rockets with circles, triangles, rectangles and squares.

Ella – A circle has 1 curved side.

Oliver – We had to use finger spaces because when you don’t do them it’s hard to read.

Grace – Learning about putting a full stop at the end of a sentence.

A short but busy week in P1! This week we have been revising all of our learned sounds and building CVC words with them. P1 have been learning to write a sentence. There were lots of new challenges with this task. The children had to remember the sentence, use their sounds to spell each word, remember to use finger spaces between each word, use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end! They all tried their very best and successfully wrote their first sentence!








2D Shape

The children have explored 2D shapes. They have made them using pipe cleaners, lolly sticks, lego, blocks and pegboards. They have also spotted 2D shapes around the classroom and sorted and described their properties.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 9.10.20

In P1 this week our learned sounds were u and b and the tricky word no!  Some of the children went on an environmental word hunt around the school. They were amazed at how many words they could read! For numeracy, we have been adding 1 more to a number. The children all enjoyed outdoor learning this week. We went for a walk and explored the woods; we had to look up, down, over, under and through to see what we could see. We saw the river, brambles, broom, trees, leaves, sticks, branches, slugs, beetles, pinecones, feathers, moss and the light shimmering through the trees onto the ground!

Please see below for goodbye wishes to Mrs Mill along with learning reflection comments:

Rhy-Lee – I will miss you!

Georgia – I hope you have a nice holiday.

Olivia – I will miss you!

Grace – I hope you have a good retirement!

Jack – I will miss you!

Weronika – Goodbye!

Lily – I will miss you!

Aylar – Goodbye!

Kaylan – I love you!

Ms King – Mrs Mill, I will miss your positive and motivational assemblies and your funny stories in the staff room! x

Learning Reflection Comments

Kyra – I liked going in the woods. I liked looking at stuff, I saw trees.

Oliver – playing cave games and mind craft games in the woods.

Izaan – I liked going for a walk. I saw a big dip in the grass.

Ella – I liked playing in the woods, I saw the sun coming through the trees, the light made circles.

Jessica – We went to the woods we found a little hill in the ground.

Kade – I liked building with the bricks we made a seat for Ms King!

Elyas – I liked going to the woods, I saw lots of sticks.

Caleb – I liked building stuff with the bricks. I made a seat and Ms King sat in it and read a story!

Louis – I had fun in the woods.

Alexander – I was doing a pattern.

Josh – We did the letters u and b this week.

Outdoor Learning

Environmental Print 














P1 Learning Reflection W/E 2.10.20

This week in P1 we have been learning the sounds c and k along with tricky word he! In maths, we have continued to explore repeating patterns and had a go at designing our own patterned jumpers just in time for the frosty weather this morning! In assembly today we learned that being active is good for our wellbeing.

Oliver – We had our photo taken in the garden, it was fun!

Kade – We made a repeating pattern caterpillar. We cut the circles to make them.

Kaylan – We danced to music.

Alexander – We did science with Miss Whigham.

Rhy-Lee -I made a pattern with three colours.

P1 Learning reflection W/E 25.9.20

This has been a short but busy week in P1. We revised all our learned sounds and built words using the magnetic boards, so far we have learned: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, and o! In handwriting the children had to focus on using a good pencil grip and correct letter formation, some of the children managed to write some CVC words independently using learned sounds, fantastic! The children have started to use tickled pink and green for growth to self-assess their learning. For tickled pink the children highlight in pink one piece of super writing, then they use the green for growth highlighter to show something they need to practise more. In maths, the children have used beads, bricks, paint, ICT and pegboards to create their own repeated patterns using two or three different colours. You can access the ICT game they have enjoyed playing below:

Children’s Learning Highlights

Grace – We were drawing the things we like to smell and the things we don’t like to smell. I like to smell apple cake and I don’t like to smell Dad’s slippers.

Oliver – We did repeating colours, we made a repeating pattern. I made a necklace with red and orange!

Georgia – We were making words with the letters, I made ‘sam’.

Kyra – I liked handwriting, we did down the insect’s body and a dot for his head. The pink pen is for your best one and the green one if for your worst one.

Ella – I enjoyed playing in the garden.

Josh – Learning French, we learned to say hello, bonjour!

Grace – I have enjoyed colouring the little boy and girl who were saying bonjour to each other.

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 18.9.20

This week in P1 we have been learning the sounds o and g. In numeracy, we have been counting and sorting numbers and finding the number before.  P1 enjoyed playing bean bag games for outdoor PE this week. Please see below for some of the children’s comments about their learning highlights from this week.

Kaylan – I enjoyed playing outside

Jessica – I liked playing the game with the beanbags

Izaan – Learning the sound ‘o’ and ‘g

Josh – Learning about ‘o’ we painted ‘o‘ and did tell ted. You have to tell the teddy and show them how to do ‘o‘, you go all the way around the orange.

Kyra – I liked music,  we thought about how the music makes us feel. I felt like I was dancing in a party.