P1 Learning Reflection W/E 13.11.20

This week in P1 we have been learning the digraph sounds ck and sh. A digraph is when two sounds go together to make a new sound! For hold a sentence this week the children successfully used their learned sounds to write a sentence using punctuation and finger spaces. For numeracy, we have been using a ten frame to count on, add two sets to make 10. For number talks, we started with the answer and had to think of lots of different questions. We found lots of different questions which give the answer 7, 5+2, 10-3, 11-4, 4+3, 6+1, and 14-7. For PE this week the children enjoyed learning to play the game port/starboard in the playground.  We also started to learn a dance called The Sid, it was quite a challenge to remember all the steps in the right order!

















We took all the red poppy stones that we have been painting over to the church on Remembrance day. We laid them out to make a big poppy.  When we got back to school we watched a video all about why we wear poppies in November.










The children have been enterprising little elves this week. They have learned to sew a running stitch and have made a great start sewing Christmas decorations.

















Something mysterious happened in P1 this week. We came back from lunch yesterday to find strange footprints leading up to an egg! The children have lots of different ideas as to whom or what made the prints and left the egg. It could be a dinosaur, the Easter bunny, a monster, a werewolf or a cat! So to begin with we might find out what hatches from an egg!


Oliver –  There is a mysterious egg in our classroom!

Grace – There is a mysterious egg left in our class. There were footprints and an egg. The footprints look a bit like swan or penguin footprints.

Josh – We were learning to count to 10 in French. I can count up to 30 in French!

Izaan – We are learning to sew. We are making a stocking. It was tricky to pull the needle. I sewed the heart on!

Georgia – We sewed a love heart on our stocking.

Caleb – We learned the sh sound, s and h make the sh sound!