P1 Learning Reflection W/E 20.11.20

Scottish Book Week 

In P1 this week the children have been busy drawing all their favourite books. We used these to turn our classroom door into a bookshelf! The children enjoyed receiving their own P1 bookbug bag from the Scottish Book Trust!

Outdoor Learning

During outdoor learning, the children collected five interesting things for their story bags. Once we had selected the best five interesting things we sat on mats in a circle. Then we shared stories using our interesting finds as characters and settings!

Magic Pencil from P7

P7 surprised us with a magic pencil this week. They made a sway telling us about John Muir and his love for nature. They also told us how we can plant our magic pencils when they are small. They will grow into tomato plants. P1 love tomatoes so we are busy writing so we can plant our magic pencils in the spring!

Reflection Comments:

Josh  – We learned the ‘j’ sound, you go down and curl then a dot. My name begins with the ‘j’ sound.

Ella – We learned the ‘r’ sound. Rug and run have the ‘r’ sound at the start.

Rhy-Lee – In numbertalks we had to questions for the number 10. I did 8 and 2 makes 10.

Oliver – We made shelves on our door. We put books on it that we drew on the front.

Grace – In the woods this week we were telling stories. We had to collect five things when we were walking. We used them to tell stories. I collected some leaves and a stick.

Izaan – We were sewing a stocking we put a bell on in the middle.

Alexander – We were learning numbers in French.

Jessica – P7 gave us a magic pencil because it can grow into a tomato plant.