All posts by Mrs Clyne

P1 Weekly Learning 20.04.20

Good morning P1 families and welcome back!

I hope you have had a relaxing Easter break spending quality time together and are now ready to begin some formal learning again.  It might be nice to get back to some structure and routine, I know we are needing it in the Clyne household!

Please find attached the Weekly Learning Grid and relevant activity sheets.  These can be printed off if you wish but can also be used by viewing them on the screen and talking through the activity with an adult.  We would love to see evidence of your learning and welcome you to send the completed activity sheets, photos of your work or even just your thoughts to either individual teachers or through the school office on

Each week we will post a Learning Grid containing 4 literacy, 4 numeracy/maths and 4 topic tasks.  The expectation would be that children complete at least one task from each curricular area.

Here is this week’s Learning Grid and everything you will need to help you with the activities:-

Learning Grid week beg. 20th April

‘ur’ Piggy Bank Activity

Sam the Cat phoneme story


Marine Biologist application

blank world map

Each week Miss Whigham will also be including some separate tasks for science which we hope you enjoy!  This week we are introducing the topic of Minibeasts.


minibeasts and their habitats sheet

Minibeasts home learning challenges

Miss Whigham would also like you to check out the following BBC Bitesize Science Clips

What are Minibeasts?  and Magnificent Minibeasts

We hope you have a good week and please get in touch if you have any questions.  Parents will receive a letter tomorrow with teacher’s individual email addresses if you prefer to contact us directly.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Clyne & Mrs Smith


Speech and Language Helpline

A new helpline is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-5pm for parents with concerns or questions regarding their child’s speech, language or communication development. If you would like to speak to a speech and language therapist for advice, please call 07866219181.

STEAM Activities

Anyone missing STEAM?  Anyone not sure what STEAM is?  Mr Keast has compiled a list of websites where you can take part in games, join in activities (both online and offline) and carry out investigations. Some sites use Flash so using laptops or netbooks is best.

Check out the attached file with the website addresses if you’d like to find out more.

LVPS STEAM Home Learning

Easter Holidays

Easter Holidays

The Easter break begins from Friday 3 April until Monday 20 April. While it might feel very different from the traditional Easter holidays it is still important for everyone to give themselves a break. Check out the links below for useful information and for some ideas on how pupils and families can keep busy over the Easter period:

·      CBeebies

·      Tinkergarten – Activities

·      Parent Club

·      National Parent Forum of Scotland – Activities and Well-Being Resources

·      Think U Know – Home activity packs

Useful Information for Parents/Carers

Parent Club Scotland is a great website with lots of useful information and guidance for families to help with adjusting to the new way of life we are facing at the moment.

It provides the latest information and advice on Coronavirus and has useful sections on:

  • Talking to your kids about Coronavirus
  • Staying at home with children
  • Tips for learning at home
  • Learning at home resources
  • Working from home tips and ideas
  • Keeping active during the  Coronavirus outbreak
  • Financial Support

I hope you find this useful and your family are keeping healthy.

Missing you all, take care

Mrs Clyne


Primary 1 Learning 30.03.20

Good evening everyone!

Would you believe I have been trying to post this since lunchtime!  Like most of your mums and dads I am realising this working from home with a young child is not an easy task!

Anyway I hope you are all well and beginning to settle into a wee routine of learning and working at home.  I’m sure you’ve all made a good start on your learning pack we sent home with you when the schools closed.  I have made a weekly task grid for Literacy and Numeracy/Maths (see below).  Each grid has 6 tasks which will help you to revise and consolidate recent learning.  I thought at this point while we are all getting used to this new way of working it  would be best to focus our activities on things we already know a little bit about.  After the easter holidays we will look at progressing our learning by looking at new concepts.  Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing the school on .

I am enjoying seeing people’s tweets about their learning and hope that I can contribute to this too because we had a delivery today at the Clyne household.  Euan was so excited to receive his butterfly growing kit with 9 real, live caterpillars! I’ll post some updates of their progress!

Missing you all but hoping you are all staying safe and well.

Take care,

Mrs Clyne

Primary 1 Literacy Grid wb30.03.20

Primary 1 Numeracy and Maths Grid wb30.03.20

P1 Weekly Reflection 20.03.20

Well folks, what a week it’s been in school and I can’t praise the children enough, they have been wonderful!  Their smiles this week have made it worthwhile!

This week Primary 1 children from P2/1 class joined us for a few days and we have had great fun practising for our assembly which we shared this morning, sorry we were unable to invite parents and carers in to watch.  The children were amazing and all said their parts with confidence.  Perhaps they will tell you about it at home.

In literacy we have been learning the sounds aw  and are and we worked together to sort out real words from nonsense/alien words.  We learned the tricky words where and were, it was a wee bit tricky to tell these two words apart so please practise these at home.

In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and had to sort some real life objects according to their shape.  Perhaps you could talk about 2D and 3D shapes at home.  In numeracy we have been practising our fact families and we did some addition and subtraction sums.

This week we have also been working on our Wellbeing Web and have talked about the eight different Health and Wellbeing indicators and the children self-evaluated each of these.  We’ve talked about how we were feeling and the children have been supported to share their concerns around the Coronavirus.

As the children leave today I have a mixture of emotions.  I will miss them all over the coming weeks but I want you all to stay safe and healthy.  Your child has brought home their home learning pack today and I hope you will support them in continuing their learning.  Please take good care of each other and I look forward to seeing you all back in school soon.

Mrs Clyne


P1 Weekly Reflection 13.03.20

This week we have continued learning about magic ‘e’ and how it changes the vowel in a word from its sound to its name.  We focused on making words with the o-e and u-e sounds and we worked on sorting real words from alien words.  We have also completed our sound assessments and Mrs Smith and Mrs Clyne are very impressed with the progress we are making with our reading.  Reading bags will not come home this weekend to allow us to sort the new reading groups and have the books ready for Monday.  In writing we were writing about why our mums are special and we wrote some lovely things.

In Maths we have been continuing with our number bonds and we were making kites to show the different number bonds to 10.  We have also been learning the months of the year and learned a wee song to help us remember the order of them.

In science we learned about springtime and we talked about it being a time of new life.  We learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and we had to sequence the different stages of a butterflies life.

We started to practise for our assembly next week and have been learning some songs and making some video clips to share.  Unforunately we will no longer be inviting parents to join us at the P1 assembly.  While we are sorry this is the case we appreciate your continued support as we follow guidance surrounding the current circumstances.