All posts by Mrs Sansom

Reflection of P5 So Far…

P5 have had an amazing start to the year. They have been working hard on all sorts of things. Here are the highlights for everyone so far. Well done!

Nathan – I have like CLIC maths because it set for the level you are good at.

Maizy – I like doing indoor PE because I didn’t like going outside on cold days.

Arya – I like doing Partitioning in maths because I like separating numbers.

Calum – I am enjoying working on the 20th birthday project.

Emma – I like doing maths on the whiteboards.

Holly – I enjoy doing the imaginative writing because I like writing that kind of story.

Rayyaan – I like free writing because you can write about anything.

Safia – I like ERIC time. I am reading Oor Wullie just now.

Poppy – I like reading Christophe’s Story because it is interesting seeing what happened in Rwanda.

Aakruti – I like doing place value  because I like knowing how the numbers are made up.

Caleb – I like doing handwriting with Mrs Fraser because we are learning how to do joined up writing.

Anya – I like maths because it levels up my brain.

Maddie – I enjoy free writing because I like to write a lot. I write a lot of stories at home.

Sophia – I like doing science with Mr Keast because I am enjoying learning about all the famous scientists.

Pola – I like doing PE because it is fun and keeps us fit.

Alanice – I like doing PE because I enjoy it and it gets my heart rate up.

Aiden – I find dividing hard so I still need to do lots more practise.

John –  I enjoyed doing rounding in maths because it helps you estimate your answers.

Amelia – I enjoyed colouring the stars for the welcome to P5 display.

Mathew – I enjoyed PE and I like handball and I am looking forward to learn more about it.

Elena – I have enjoyed working with Mrs Fraser because I like doing spelling.

James – I like doing handball. I like doing the dribbling skils.

Lewis – I like learning about coin multiplication because it helps you multiply big numbers.

Zach – I liked PE because I like learning new skills like for handball.

Ruiyang – I like writing and I like the story I wrote about Star Wars.

Jaxon – I like doing free writing Friday and I am working on illustrating my story. I am writing a chapter book.

P5 Window into Learning for Term 4

Hello everyone, and welcome back to school for the last term of the session. Here is the Window into Learning for Primary 5.

T4 Window-into-Learning

We had our first Outdoor Learning session on Wednesday and this will continue fortnightly during the term. PE will continue to be first thing on a Monday morning and also on Thursday afternoons. Madame Moore from Inveralmond Community High School will hopefully be able to resume her weekly visits to teach us French this coming week.

Week ending 11th December

Christmas activities galore this week, but somehow also managing to fit in maths, literacy and PE as well. Fabulous effort from everyone.

Next week we will have our last Mandarin lesson from our lovely tutors in Shanghai. Did you know they come online to teach us at 9:15pm their time? Somehow they are always happy and cheerful even after a long day of studying.

Here are a few of our reflections from this week:

Teme – I liked learning the sign language for the 8th day of Christmas. It was hard to remember the moves but I liked trying to do it.

Freya – I liked the Panto today. It was quite funny because the pantomime dame, Dame Trott, was funny.

Luke N – I enjoyed French yesterday because it was cool learning about what they eat at Christmas. The panto was cool too and I liked the wordsearch sheet about it.

Labib – I enjoyed spelling yesterday. I enjoyed the writing a discussion about should Mandarin be compulsory in primary schools.

Jarrad – I liked the panto because the cow Buttercup blew the wolf away by the smell from its bottom!

Angus – I liked designing Christmas googles for  Rudolph the reindeer. I had lots of good ideas.

Leo – I liked spelling this week. I like how some words have silent k or silent b.

Blake – I liked the panto  – who doesn’t like a panto?!


P5 Week beginning 23 November

P5 have once again had a week full of great learning. Here are some of the pupils’ comments.

Olly – I really enjoyed learning the 6x table. When I told Mum and Dad they started testing me at home. I was excited to be learning the 9x table today.

Emma F – I loved French this week. We were learning how to say some pets. I like une tortue – a tortoise.

Lakshya – It was good to do revision of pets in French. I would like to have un chat.

Finn – We are learning some animals in French. The crossword we did really got me thinking.

Darcy – In French I liked the worksheet. On the last question you had to try and write a whole sentence. It was a good opportunity.

Luke C – On PE on Monday I liked it because we got to choose our games and the whole class chose Chaos Tig and that is my favourite Tig game.

Luke N – I think it was interesting when we had to think about For and Against answers for Should learning Mandarin be compulsory for all Scottish primary school pupils? There were lots of things other people said that I hadn’t thought of.

Angus – In PE on Thursday it was good because we did lots of fun exercises and my legs still hurt.

Jarrad – I liked my CLIC maths sheet today. I am hoping I get 10/10.

Labib – I liked RME with Mr Keast because we were learning about Islam and I am a muslim so it was interesting for me.

P5 Reflection

As always P5 have had a busy week of learning. Here are some of our highlights.

Emma F – I am enjoying the Mandarin lessons. This week we learned numbers to 100 and about how people in China celebrate birthdays.

Kaitlyn – I enjoyed the lesson with Sandie from the zoo. It was about Giant Pandas and it was really interesting.

Lakshya – It was really good when Madame Moore was teaching us how to say different pets in French.

Leo – We went to the church to show our respect to the soldiers who died in wars. We left our poppy stones to show our respect.

Olly – It was really interesting to learn how Giant Pandas hold bamboo. They have an extra bit on their wrist that is like a thumb. I liked the books we used to do our spelling this week.

Kayden – I liked doing multiplying by 10 and I liked learning about the giant pandas.

Emma M – It was interesting to find out about the giant panda. We learned that it has a bigger rounder head than a black bear so that it is strong enough to chew the bamboo.

Jarrad – I liked learning about baby pandas. They are so small and they don’t look like pandas when they are born.

Primary 5 Reflection for the First Week of November

There has been so much learning in Primary 5 again this week. We learned about angles and compass points in outdoor learning when once again we were fortunate to have lovely weather for this session. In health and wellbeing we have considered safety around fireworks and thought about what compassion is and how we can show it.

  • I liked yesterday because we designed a Christmas card and we were able to go online and learn how to draw some of the pictures.

Blake – I liked drawing the Christmas card because it helps my drawing because I could watch a tutorial online to help me improve my drawing skills.

Emma M – I like to learn about perimeter in maths because I can now measure my garden to see how long it is.

Harris – I liked painting the poppies on the stones because it was fun and I like the look of them.

Olly – I enjoyed ERIC time this week because I got to do crosswords and word crosses.

Leo – I liked how we saw a powerpoint for remembrance day and enjoyed painting the poppies. We learned about 2 people who earned the Victoria Cross because they didn’t give up.

Kayden – I liked the painting the poppies because it had to have different layers. I enjoyed the cards and learning how to search to draw things.

Jarrad – I liked learning about the people who won the Victoria Cross because they were brave and helped in the war.

Labib – I enjoyed learning about perimeter. I enjoyed Mandarin and learning about the great wall of China. Also learning more about friction with Mr Keast.

Emma F – I enjoyed learning about numbers in Mandarin.

Lakshya –  I liked French with Madame Moore because we learned how to say Mum, Dad, Gran and Grandpa.

Darcy – I liked doing French because we got to do a worksheet with a family tree on it. It was a bit of a challenge.

Finn – I liked when we were doing science with Mr Keast and had different boards out and rolling cars to see how far they would go. I thought the felt wouldn’t go far but I was right. It was about friction.

Luke – I enjoyed the Mandarin and learning about the great wall of China. It takes more than 18 months to walk along the whole wall!

Halloween Horror or Happy Hardworking Heroes :-)

What a fabulous week we have had in Primary 5 this week. The pupils have been working so hard learning about length and distance in maths. Lots of measuring and thinking about how we really do need to know this maths in real life. Most pupils were able to explain how their parents use measuring skills in their jobs. It is so important to make the link between what we are learning and why.

The pupils were truly heroes during the bleep test this week. It started off a bit chilly but we ended up running in the rain. All the pupils were so determined that they wanted to run regardless of the weather. Some amazing scores were posted.

We ended the week with some spooky looking pupils. We were able to use Teams to share our Halloween jokes with P4, P6 and P7 – some big groans there but a few giggles too.

Labib – I enjoyed everything this week, especially the maths because I like measuring. I also liked the PE and the Smart Start on Tuesday when we had to see if we could find lots of words from some random letters.

Luke – I enjoyed Mandarin and I enjoyed dressing up for Halloween.

Freya – I liked the maths because it was challenging in some parts and sometimes I like to think about it.

Leo – I liked being allowed to dress up on Friday. My sister has a really cool costume.

Finn – I liked how when we were on Teams and we got to say our jokes to the other classes.

William – I liked colouring in the pumpkin pictures and I liked playing hockey in PE on Monday.

Luke – I enjoyed the Friday CLIC maths because I think I’m going to move up this week.

Jarrad – I like the Project Code X book I am reading this week. It is good how the characters have gadgets and can do different things. I like the French and saying the numbers. Neuf is my favourite. It is nine.

Anna – I like doing French with Madame Moore. I learned how to say I have a sister and how to pronounce it properly. You say “J’ai une soeur.”

Emma – I enjoyed the Mandarin lessons. I learned to say hi. It is ni hao.


P5 9th October 2020

What a great week we have had in Primary 5. Our first Outdoor Learning was a great success and amazingly it stayed dry for us. We had our second French lesson with Madame Moore who taught us how to say how many brothers and sisters we have. We are all very sad to say goodbye to Mrs Mill, but we have made her two lovely  books to help her remember us. One is full of memories and messages, the other is the P5 Guide to Peace and Positivity which is full of great ideas to cheer Mrs Mill up on a gloomy day.

Anna – I liked Outdoor Learning. I liked trying to balance the leaf on the water and seeing if the needle would turn the right way.

Jarrad – I am sad about Mrs Mill leaving. I liked learning the hockey skills in PE.

Harris – I liked the Teams assembly today when I found out I won the decorate a mug competition.

Lakshya – I liked the Outdoor Learning when we were working out which way was North. We tried to make our own compass but it was hard to get the needle to balance on the water.

Labib – I like the French class because we were learning about how to say How are you? and What is your age? I also liked trying to make a compass in Outdoor Learning and learning hockey in PE. The RME was good too it was interesting. It was good when we played the How to Train Your Dragon game too.

Teme – I liked the How to Train Your Dragon board games when we got to play them. I am very sad that Mrs Mill is leaving.

Luke N – I feel really sad that Mrs Mill is leaving today because she was really nice to us and always had a smile.

Leo – I liked it when we were outside for an assembly to say goodbye to Mrs Mill. The Outdoor Learning was good because we did proper nature things and we made a compass. I also liked learning about RME with Mr Keast because it was interesting to find out about buildings that different religions have and are special to them. In PE I liked how we were doing hockey and learning hockey skills.

Rohan – I liked the nice and fresh air when we went for our walk in Outdoor Learning. I liked the big stairs that were muddy.

Kaitlyn – I am really sad that Mrs Mill has to leave. She was always so nice to us.

P5 reflection

Before we reflect on this busy week, just a reminder that P5 will be starting their Outdoor Learning lessons on Wednesday afternoon 7th October. Please ensure your child is dressed so that they can stay warm and dry.

There was a lot of new learning and activities in Primary 5 this week. Madame Moore from Inveralmond CHS came to visit this morning to teach us French. She was impressed by how much we have remembered from previous lessons. Madame Moore will be coming back every Thursday afternoon starting next week.

Emma M finally received her prize for the poetry competition she won during lockdown. Congratulations Emma!

We have watched a video from Mr Gourdie the school instrumental teacher about learning to play a brass instrument. A few of us were very interested in taking up this opportunity.

As part of Maths week Scotland we have been watching some videos of STEM Ambassadors talking about their jobs and how they use STEM subjects even in jobs where you wouldn’t think about it. We also heard some of them say how important it is to check and double check our work in case we make a mistake.

Freya – I liked when Madame Moore came this morning. It was fun to learn and I enjoyed it.

Finn – I liked the maths when it was learning about taking away with more than one exchange. I didn’t whizz through it because it was more challenging but it was good.

Jarrad – I liked the French with Madame Moore and I liked the PE. We learned some skills for hockey and I enjoyed it. On Tuesday it was fun when we were looking at the different leaf shapes in the garden. It started to rain and it was fun.

William – I like PE because I enjoy the laps around the field and I like the duck walks.

Olly – I enjoyed doing the card for Mrs Robertson because it was really quiet and I liked doing something nice for Mrs Robertson.

Labib – I liked PE when we did hockey and I also liked it when we did PE Bingo. I liked the Smart Start when we have to find as many words as we can. I liked doing French with Madame Moore.

Angus – I liked it when Mrs Sansom included Super Mario as one of the Odd One Out things during Smart Start. It was Mario’s 35th birthday.

Darcy – I liked doing the subtracting with more than one exchange because it was a challenge.

Luke – It is quite fun to be creating a cover for our book for French lessons.

Leo – I liked French with Madame Moore because it was fun and she was nice. I am enjoying making the cover for my French book.