P7 Learning Grid 25th – 29th May

Our grid looks a little different this week.  As discussed during our call last Friday, we need to focus on our Leavers tasks over the next two weeks.  I have highlighted these in yellow for you.  Please work through all of these tasks before moving on to the others.

I will be available on Teams from 10:00am – 12:00pm each day to answer any questions that you may have.  You can also help one another using the Learning Chat Help channel.

We will have a ‘Friday Feedback’ session on Friday.  Please make sure you share your learning for the Blog in this channel before our live chat at 11:00am.

Learning at Home Grid 25.5.20

The Daily Rigour 205

2nd Level May Calendar

3rd Level May Calendar


PE – WLYF Home Learning booklet (1)