P2 Learning Reflections
Austin – I liked using the crocodiles for less or greater than. The little number eats the big number so you know the symbol is the right way. So with 1 and 10 the number 1 eats number 10 ( 1<10).
Roshan – I liked assembly today was all about stop bullying. Everybody in the whole school is in my back up team.
Poppy – I liked doing the oy, oi sound. The oy can be at the start or the end and the oi is at the start or the middle in most words.
Euan – I liked finding oi words in the word search.
Nicholas – boy has the oy sound and choice has the oi sound.
Charley – I liked doing the posters about equals, less and greater than. 10 is greater than 8.
Subhan – I liked assembly it was all about respect, don’t hurt people.
Kaelan – We learned the ee, ea sound this week. Tea has the ea sound and sheep has the ee sound.
Leighton – I liked number talks we were counting on a rekenrek.
Lewis – Assembly was about respect and not bullying people.
Sushanth – I liked assembly today in my back up team I have my Mother, my Dad, friends and the teachers.
James – The word tea has the ea sound and sleep has ‘ee’ in it.
Sevinc – We wrote sentences with the oy,oi sound. I used a capital letter at the front, finger spaces and a full stop. We did our marking my sentence was really good.
Lois – I enjoyed learning the double e makes ee sound, see and bee have that sound.
Rory – I enjoyed PE I liked catching the fish in team games.
Leo – I like reading, it’s fun reading!
Isaac – I enjoy reading, I am reading the duck chick. I made a book it’s called Piggy Escape!
Emma – I enjoyed reading this week, I like reading a lot. I like the Bedtime Story Book for Girls.
Ziva – I liked the class story Charley and the Chocolate Factory. He nibbled on his chocolate.
Coben – We did real word, nonsense word, if it’s a fake word you put it in the one with a cross and if it’s a real word you put it with the tick.