P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 18.3.22

Ella – I have enjoyed PE. We were doing hockey. I was dribbling with the ball and we were controlling the ball.

Grace – I liked going in the gym hall for assembly. It was about red nose day.

Josh – We were trying to stop the ball before it hits the white line. You had to keep the hockey stick on the right side and turn.

Kyra – I enjoyed crazy hair day. We are raising money for Red Nose Day!

Rhy-Lee – I enjoyed making seed bombs. We had to put water in the big bowl. Then we had to rip up paper and put it in the water. Ms King used a blender to mush it all up. Then we put in blue food colouring. We mixed in seeds. Then we put the seed bombs in the ice cube tray and let them dry.

Willow – I enjoyed making the seed bombs. We put a lot of paper into a bowl with water in it. Then we waited five minutes. We put food colouring in it. We mixed seeds in it. Then we put them in trays.

Alexander – we were doing hockey we were doing a race and had to control the ball around the cones and then come back. You had to dribble the ball all the way.

Louis – We made seed bombs. We needed scrunched up paper and some seeds. Then we put it into a tiny pot. Then they dry up and that’s when we can throw them.

Elyas – I liked doing the seed bombs. We put paper in bowl and then we blended it. Then we also put food colouring in and mixed it. We put flower seeds in and then also mixed that. Then we put them in little containers and waited for them to dry.

Olivia – I enjoyed doing the seed bombs. We needed to tear up paper in warm water and it felt so nice. Then Ms King used the blender and got covered in the paper mixture. We put in some food colouring and then we mixed in some seeds. Then we let it dry.

Oliver – I enjoyed PE. We were doing hockey. We were controlling the ball. We had to dribble through cones.

Caleb – We made a box to capture a Leprechaun. I made it so it was like a box and I would pull the stick back and that would shut the box.

Georgia – I liked free play. We were trying to play a song we really liked. I had a jingle thing and Willow had a clicker thing. Rhy-Lee had the tambourine and Kyra and Ella had the maracas. Grace was using the guitar.

Arianna –  I liked crazy hair day. I had bunches.

Jack – I made a castle with the big blocks. We just stacked each brick and we made gaps for the gun holes.