P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 27th November 2020

Good Afternoon. Yet another busy week in P2/1. In Literacy, P1 have been learning the ‘v’ and ‘y’ sounds and the tricky word are. We made words on our magnetic boards, coloured pictures that began with ‘v’, taught ted, played roll and read and created graffiti walls with y words. P2 have again been looking at high frequency words (common words). We played bingo, made the words on magnetic boards and played our own board games that we created a couple of weeks ago.

In Maths P1 have been exploring addition and number bonds to 10. We used linking tens which are ten frames and Numicon to explore our number bonds to 10. We played dice addition where we had to roll two dice and then add the numbers together. We also played race to the moon. P2 have been comparing number sentences using <,> or = symbols. We also explored numerals and number words to 20. We filled in the missing numbers to make statements true, completed a worksheet and created pictorial representations of teen numbers. In Number Talks P2 have been exploring number strings and using the counting on/all strategy. P1 have been exploring dot patterns and seeing how many and saying how they have seen them.

This week we have started practising for our class nativity. We have explored the Christmas story, re-told it in our own words, handed out roles and practised our acting. In Science, we have been learning about the sun. We learned that it takes 24 hours for the planets to go around the sun.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I enjoyed playing my own board game. I liked saying my lines in the nativity.”

“I liked writing the letter y and y words on my own graffiti wall. I enjoyed practising for our own nativity.”

“I enjoyed playing my board game.”

“I also enjoyed playing my board game. I enjoyed the nativity.”

“I enjoyed doing Science with Miss Whigham. I found it tricky circling the living things.”

“I have enjoyed starting our nativity.”

“I liked playing my board game.”

“I like being an angel and acting in our nativity practice.”

“I enjoyed learning about the sun and the moon.”

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Maclachlan

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 27.11.20

This week in P1 our sound focus was v and y. The children have been busy word building and making sentences using words with y and v sounds. In numeracy the children have been exploring subtracting from 10.  The children enjoyed writing their sums using highlighters then checking the answers using an ultraviolet torch which we borrowed from Miss Greig! Our numbertalks focus is looking at the different number patterns we see in dot patterns.  P1 have been learning to sign The 12 days of Christmas using BSL. They are all very good at it and have managed to learn all the way to five gold rings!


Reflection Comments:

Olivia – We are making stockings. Today I was stitching the sparkly bit onto the stocking.

Jessica – We are learning sign language. You need to be very careful or you might forget one of the signs.

Grace – For Freewriting Friday I drew a Christmas tree!

Jack – I liked playing in the garden, we are building a place to hide penguins.

Kade – We made monkeys for our emotion tree. We put the monkeys on it.  If you are happy you go at the top if you are sad you go at the bottom. My monkey is up, I am happy!

Rhy-Lee – We learned the ‘v’ sound, you go down the line and up the line. Van has the ‘v’ sound.

Kyra – I liked colouring in the monkeys too. We put them on the emotion tree. It shows if we feel happy or sad. My monkey is on a high branch because I am happy.

Weronika – We learned the ‘y’ sound!

Louis – We learned the ‘v’ sound!

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 20.11.20

Scottish Book Week 

In P1 this week the children have been busy drawing all their favourite books. We used these to turn our classroom door into a bookshelf! The children enjoyed receiving their own P1 bookbug bag from the Scottish Book Trust!

Outdoor Learning

During outdoor learning, the children collected five interesting things for their story bags. Once we had selected the best five interesting things we sat on mats in a circle. Then we shared stories using our interesting finds as characters and settings!

Magic Pencil from P7

P7 surprised us with a magic pencil this week. They made a sway telling us about John Muir and his love for nature. They also told us how we can plant our magic pencils when they are small. They will grow into tomato plants. P1 love tomatoes so we are busy writing so we can plant our magic pencils in the spring!

Reflection Comments:

Josh  – We learned the ‘j’ sound, you go down and curl then a dot. My name begins with the ‘j’ sound.

Ella – We learned the ‘r’ sound. Rug and run have the ‘r’ sound at the start.

Rhy-Lee – In numbertalks we had to questions for the number 10. I did 8 and 2 makes 10.

Oliver – We made shelves on our door. We put books on it that we drew on the front.

Grace – In the woods this week we were telling stories. We had to collect five things when we were walking. We used them to tell stories. I collected some leaves and a stick.

Izaan – We were sewing a stocking we put a bell on in the middle.

Alexander – We were learning numbers in French.

Jessica – P7 gave us a magic pencil because it can grow into a tomato plant.

P5 Week beginning 23 November

P5 have once again had a week full of great learning. Here are some of the pupils’ comments.

Olly – I really enjoyed learning the 6x table. When I told Mum and Dad they started testing me at home. I was excited to be learning the 9x table today.

Emma F – I loved French this week. We were learning how to say some pets. I like une tortue – a tortoise.

Lakshya – It was good to do revision of pets in French. I would like to have un chat.

Finn – We are learning some animals in French. The crossword we did really got me thinking.

Darcy – In French I liked the worksheet. On the last question you had to try and write a whole sentence. It was a good opportunity.

Luke C – On PE on Monday I liked it because we got to choose our games and the whole class chose Chaos Tig and that is my favourite Tig game.

Luke N – I think it was interesting when we had to think about For and Against answers for Should learning Mandarin be compulsory for all Scottish primary school pupils? There were lots of things other people said that I hadn’t thought of.

Angus – In PE on Thursday it was good because we did lots of fun exercises and my legs still hurt.

Jarrad – I liked my CLIC maths sheet today. I am hoping I get 10/10.

Labib – I liked RME with Mr Keast because we were learning about Islam and I am a muslim so it was interesting for me.