26.6.20 P1 Sharing Our Learning and Au Revoir.

Mixed feelings this week.

Joy because it has been week of fun and easy going activities and the ‘pressure’ of home school is coming to an end.  There are increasing freedoms in the lockdown  and there is light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

Sadness because we are not only at the end of the term but also at the end of the year and we are saying au revoir, we are ready for the holidays and ready to move on to our next year of school.

Some of you have been keeping busy and have shared your learning and activities from the week:


We are proud of all our children, you have achieved great things this year.

P2/1 End of Term

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. Just a short reflection today to wish you all a lovely summer holiday. I am so proud of you all and the hard work you have put in this year. Enjoy your well earned summer holidays.  See you all in August.  Take care and stay safe. Miss Maclachlan xx

Here is a snapshot of photos of learning from the last two weeks




P3 Sumdog update

Good morning Primary 3,

An update on the West Lothian Sumdog competition…

Unfortunately we came 79th ☹️ Well done to those who played along.

A special congratulations to Mrs Sansom’s P4 class who came 9th! Well done P4! 👏🏅

Mrs Love