P2/1 Home Learning Reflection Week Ending 22nd May 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. How can it be Friday already!  Lots of fantastic learning has been taking place again this week.  I have seen and heard of minibeasts being created, dinosaur footprints being measured, coins being counted, sea creature food chains been discussed, planting flowers, building dens for Beavers plus lots more.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focused around the ‘ew’ sound and the tricky word ‘watch’. For literacy we have been looking for our spelling words on a postcard, writing a postcard using our spelling words, sorting treasure into real and nonsense words, making our words with playdoh and playing a game.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was on measuring length using nonstandard units. We measured the length of objects found around our house, wrote sentences about what we found out, measured dinosaur footprints using everyday objects and drew around our shadows and family’s shadows to find out who was the biggest or smallest.


P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘i-e’ spelling pattern, putting capital letters in the correct place, using adjectives to describe a monster and counting in French.

In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was exploring money. We have been identifying notes and their values, counting in coins and playing shops and giving change.

For our Under the Sea topic this week we have been creating factfiles about sea creatures, exploring food chains and drawing an orca or a shark using only 3 colours. In science this week we had to create our own minibeasts. We created some fantastic minibeasts.

Here are a selection of photos of the learning this week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan x