STEAM Activities

Anyone missing STEAM?  Anyone not sure what STEAM is?  Mr Keast has compiled a list of websites where you can take part in games, join in activities (both online and offline) and carry out investigations. Some sites use Flash so using laptops or netbooks is best.

Check out the attached file with the website addresses if you’d like to find out more.

LVPS STEAM Home Learning

Easter Holidays

Easter Holidays

The Easter break begins from Friday 3 April until Monday 20 April. While it might feel very different from the traditional Easter holidays it is still important for everyone to give themselves a break. Check out the links below for useful information and for some ideas on how pupils and families can keep busy over the Easter period:

·      CBeebies

·      Tinkergarten – Activities

·      Parent Club

·      National Parent Forum of Scotland – Activities and Well-Being Resources

·      Think U Know – Home activity packs

P4 Weekly Reading Activities

Good afternoon everyone! Thank you for hanging on in there as we all try to adjust to our new way of living and learning. I know that for me it feels as if every time I get used to something new, I end up finding another 2 things that I still have to learn about. Well done for all the resourceful ways you are finding to show me your learning.

I have set all these reading activities as Assignments in Teams, but I know that sometimes it is easier to access files on here. You only do the activity that is for your reading group.

Week 2 Mr Skip

Week 2 What’s For Dinner Mr Gum

Week 2 A Pack of Liars

Week 2 LR RM FP LN

Week 2 JG

Week 2 HS

The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save the Day Ch 1