This Week in P4

Our highlights this week have been:

Sharing our poetry homework. The children really seemed to enjoy reading out their poems and discussing their answers and ideas about the poems.

Our walk with some of our P1 reading buddies.  The children were challenged to teach the P1’s 5 plant names and collect their leaves.  Most of the children did a great job teaching the children while being responsible for their young buddies, keeping them safe, making them feel included and sharing a sense of fun and adventure.

The Christmas party was a lot of fun,  the class did you proud with their Dashing White Sergeant and they really loved showing off their moves in the freestyle and disco. Great fun was had during the mars bar game. Now they are used to putting the gloves on I am sure they would get used to doing the washing up too!

We have also been creating posters, making patterns for wrapping paper in art, had a movie morning, some choral speaking poem practice, a visit to church for the end of term service and lots of singing, especially today in our Christmas sing-a-long.


All that is left is to take this opportunity to say Thank you and Happy Christmas. Looking forward to next term already.

P3’s last reflection of 2018

The children have enjoyed the Christmas themed work this week and have very much earned their holidays.

This week we have been playing drama games to develop our voice and dialogue.  What fun we had seeing the expressions on people’s faces as we demonstrated different emotions.

We also took part in a game where we developed our understanding of needs and wants.  We were told by the Prime Minister that we had 30mins to gather our stuff as we would be leaving to go and live on another planet.  We worked in groups to choose things we would take with us to help us survive.  Mrs Clyne hopes she is never stranded with us because mobile phones and games consoles would not be good choices!

During this week’s work on The Power of Kindness Calendar we learned what a refugee is and Mrs Clyne read the story “There’s a Boy Just Like Me” which we were surprised to know was written by 9 year old Frasier Cox when he won a writing competition.  Maybe next year one of us might win the competition?

On Thursday we celebrated the end of term with our Christmas party and this was the highlight of the week for most children.  Here’s what they said:

Elisha “I enjoyed the party.”

William “I enjoyed the Grand Old Duke of York.”

Jarrad “I liked the balloon game.”

Finn “I enjoyed learning the first aid skills.”

Luke C “I enjoyed Pass the Parcel.”

Kayden “I enjoyed the dancing competition.”

Well done to the children for all their hard work this term.  I hope that Santa is good to them all and I wish you all a very happy and relaxing Christmas break.  See you in January.

P3 Weekly Reflection 14.12.18

What a busy week to begin putting us in the festive spirit!  On Monday we were delighted to watch the dress rehearsal of the P2/1 Nativity which was fantastic, well done to all the boys and girls and the staff for their hard work.

On Tuesday we learnt about Christmas Around the World during our reading session and we will continue to learn about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries next week.  We have also been learning about different Christmas traditions every day as part of our interactive advent calendar.  This week we have been learning about the traditions of the Yule Log, Stockings, Carols, Mince Pies and Candy Canes.

On Wednesday we had a very interesting and informative chat from the PC Michael regarding safety around the railways.  Did you know a train weighs the same as 93 elephants and takes the length of 20 football pitches to come to a halt!  We’d better stay well clear!

On Wednesday we had some good discussions around simple steps to take in different first aid situations.  We considered how to help when someone is choking, someone gets burnt, someone is bleeding, someone is breathing but unresponsive, someone has an asthma attack and when someone has a broken bone.  The children have been given an information sheet home about this so perhaps you can use it to discuss each situation at home to make sure everyone knows what to do should a situation arise.

One Thursday we had great fun watching this year’s panto by M&M Productions, Dick Whittington.  Most of the children said one of their highlights was seeing Mrs Clyne take part in the dancing!  We also joined up with Primary 2 to begin practising our dancing for our Christmas Party.  We had great fun learning the Grand Old Duke of York and are very much looking forward to our party next Wednesday – remember to send in party clothes and dancing shoes with your children.

Today we learnt about Antarctica from Primary 6’s assembly.  One important fact to remember is that polar bears and penguins do not live at the same pole!

Have lovely weekend.


P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection W/E 14.12.18


Well done to all of P1 and P2 for their fantastic Nativity performances this week. On Monday the children had a dress rehearsal for the whole school then on Tuesday and Wednesday they were thrilled to perform for parents and carers. I think you will agree they all did a wonderful job. We are all feeling very festive now!




Subtraction within 10

 This week the children have continued to explore subtraction within 10. During our number talks some of the children are beginning to make addition and subtraction links!




Pingu lives in an igloo

The children have been finding out some interesting fact about penguins. The question they wanted to explore was do penguins live in igloos? They watched an episode of Pingu and listed all the things that Pingu could do.






Hiba – Pingu tidied his toys.

Kaelan – Pingu spat out his food because he didn’t like it.

Alister – Pingu’s dad pumped up the ball.

Austin – I saw Pingu use his arms to eat food and get toys.

Lewis – He was throwing a ball.

Subhan – Pingu was throwing a snowball.

Poppy – He can do everything that we can do!

Igloo Challenge

Then the children were set a penguin building challenge. Moving your arms like penguin flippers can you build an igloo? The children put socks on their hands and some even had rulers up their sleeves to limit their arm movement. It was very funny to watch!














Igloo Challenge Conclusion

Poppy – They don’t have hands to do stuff and grab stuff and pinch stuff. They have flippers penguins and humans are not exactly the same.

Lewis – Penguins can’t pinch they have flippers not fingers.

Subhan – It’s so hard to pick things up like penguins we have hands so it’s easy.

Charley – you couldn’t use your hands so it was difficult.

Austin – It’s too hard.

All – people build igloos!

Kaelan – penguins cuddle up when it is cold.

Christmas Lunch

 On Thursday the children all enjoyed their Christmas lunch which was served by Santa!




Building our class igloo

Now the children know that penguins don’t live in or build igloos, people do! They have been very busy building a class igloo.




We need lots more milk cartons!

This Week in P4

What a great week, your children have been amazing.  We all loved watching the dress rehearsal of the P1/2 nativity on Monday afternoon. The infant classes did so well and sang with enthusiasm.

On Tuesday for our outdoor classroom the class had their first go at choral speaking using some of the poem Heard It In The Playground by Allan Ahlberg. They picked up the concept really well and did a great performance in our playground area, which was  entertaining for parents arriving for the nursery nativity!

On Wednesday we had Micheal from transport police and linked to Network Rail, who spoke to us about safety near railways.  Many of the children were interested in the fact that a train can weigh as much as 93 elephants and takes 2km / 20 football pitches to come to a stop.

Thursday we had a fantastic maths lesson stretching the children’s numeracy thinking and exploring area as they worked out how much wrapping paper would be needed to wrap a box.  The children had to think in 3D, understand what is meant by area and the equation needed to find the answers, they had to understand basic measure in cm and use their times table strategies and addition skills.

Friday, we watched the P6 assembly on Antarctica. what an amazing amount of learning they have done and they delivered a fantastic and informative assembly. Thank you.

P2 This Week

We loved performing our nativity this week. We have also enjoyed writing about Christmas and ordering Christmas words alphabetically. We finished working on our Moon pictures in Science. In P.E., we have been following instructions to learn dances for our Christmas party which is on Wednesday 19th December.

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 14th December

Wow! Another week gone! This week in P1 we have been learning about the z and qu sounds. We have made words with these sounds. We also learned the tricky word your. In writing we learned how to write a letter. We wrote a letter to Santa and we had to include the opener dear, the date and we had to close our letter using from and then our names. In numeracy this week, we focused on subtracting within 10. We played games and completed a worksheet. For Number Talks this week our focus was on making 10 using ten frames. We had to recognise how many dots already and then say how many more to make 10. This week also saw our dress rehearsal and two performances of our nativity Whoops-a-Daisy Angel. Our performances were fantastic. Miss Maclachlan says she is very proud of us all. We hope you enjoyed our performances too. Thank you very much for coming to see us perform. On Thursday we were very lucky and got to watch M&M Productions panto of Dick Whittington. It was great and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We also had our delicious Christmas lunch.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections from the week:

Euan: “I enjoyed writing the letter z.”

Leighton: ” I enjoyed doing our nativity.”

Ayden: ” I found it tricky writing z.”

Rory: ” I thoroughly enjoyed Dick Whittington.”

Isaac: ” I enjoyed learning about the sound z.”

Sam: “I enjoyed learning qu.”

Ch:” I enjoyed the pantomime.”



This Week in P4

What an amazing week of exploring.  We have been to the Antarctic (sort of) when we listened to Peter Convey’s experiences as a terrestrial ecologist doing research at the British Antarctic base. We have explored our local woodland and bought back holly and ivy for our class Advent wreath.  The children collected greenery with great enthusiasm so they were then able to decorate the classroom as well!

We began to explore the book The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane, by reading the poems on an acorn and a weasel. The children then wrote their own shape poems for holly or ivy.

Baby Emma came to visit once more and we were able to observe and think about the things Emma can now do that she couldn’t before.

The children took their first steps into peer evaluation of homework this week, which they did very well, remembering the three rules of feedback – be kind, be specific, be helpful.

We finished off our week with our last NYCOS session. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and learned so much.




Finally we lit our first advent candle to mark the end of the first week in December, as we count towards the coming of the holidays and time with family and friends.

My proud teacher moment this week has been the kindness and generosity of your children as they are willing to give a specific act of kindness through our advent weeks, and help in the lunch hall.

P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 7.12.18


The children designed some lovely posters to help advertise our Nativity. We looked at examples of events posters and discussed our success criteria. They children decided that a successful poster should include information about: what, where and when. Our sounds focus this week was w, y and tricky word put. In numeracy the children are continuing to play games to explore subtraction.

Lewis – We learned w and y. They are not the same colour, y is green and w is a red sound, yak has the y sound.

Charley – We have a chocolate calendar.

Alister – We are counting down to Christmas.

Poppy – I was learning y, you go down the horn up the horn and under the head.

Sushanth – The daddy penguin keeps the egg warm on his feet.

Roshan – I liked to learn about w it’s down up down up, web begins with w.

Solomia – We learned the y sound.

Hiba – We were starting from ten and we rolled the dice and then we had to take away that number, I used a rekenrek to count.

Christian – I made a penguin.

Austin –  We played a game where we turned around and Ms King mixed the numbers up then we had to sort them in the right order, we looked at the number next and before to see what they should be.

Subhan – I enjoyed learning about penguins, the daddy penguin tucked the egg on his feet so it’s not cold.

Kaelan – We were skip counting in 10’s then we made them in the right order we looked at the number before and after to check.

Nicholas – We are learning w it’s a red sound because it’s a loud lip sound.