P6 Weekly Reflection

We are lucky enough to be getting a Robo constructions workshop tomorrow so we are writing our blog a day early.


This week ten people in our class were chosen  from the Handball club to go to a competition.

“On wednesday I went to handball club and it was magnificent, also we did loads of fun games.”-Ellie

“I enjoyed doing the Handball competition and it was fun!”-Finlay

“I enjoyed scoring goals in the handball festival.”-Jamie

“I enjoyed going to the handball tournament because it was challenging.”-Calum

“On tuesday we went to a handball festival and came 3rd but its was fun.”-Cade

“This week some of P6 HandBall team went to a tournament and I scored lots of goals. “-Callan

“I liked going to handball and doing gymnastics.”-Logan F

“On tuesday I went to the handball league I enjoyed playing matches.”-Eesa

“The handball was fun we won some games and I scored 5 goals!”-Logan

“On wednesday I went to the handball club for testing our skills and coordination, I really enjoyed handball this week! We even done some tig!”-Hayley B

“Some of us went to a handball tournament today. We won one game against Carmondean.”-Zoe

“This week ten people including me went to the handball and won one game against Carmondean, the best team there!”-Ainslie


We all did some WW2 Drama this week.

“This week I enjoyed World War 2 Drama.”-Mathew

“Drama was the highlight of this week for me because we did some really fun ww2 things like, Roleplaying and making emotions. It was really amazing!”-Aiden

“Drama is really fun and if you put your hard work and flow into it, it turns out to be good at the end!”-Callum

“This week we were doing ww2 drama and we were putting together our three scenes in our groups. It was a really good drama lesson!”-Sri

In P.E this week, we did some Gymnastics and some of us also did dancing.

“I enjoyed going to dance class and having Miss Greig as a teacher!”-Charlie

“I liked doing the P.E with the equipment out and it was really fun!”Cameron

“I liked doing gymnastics, I really liked the ropes and the rock climbing!”-Lewis


We did some didbook this week, reflecting on the past weeks learning.

“I enjoyed doing Didbook although I lost half of my progress but I didn’t give up.”-Leon

We have been reading Friend or Foe again this week as part of our literacy.

“I enjoyed writing about a friend or foe diary entry and doing drama about it as well.”-Murray

“I had fun writing a letter to David’s Mum about the Germans, I found it easy to do because i read along when Ms Greig is reading so I can keep up with the story.”-Katy


This week we got given our school show scripts.

“This week I really liked when we got our school schow scripts and really hope I get Lady Lava.”-Natalie

We had a shot at more number talks this week,

“We did some number talks, kinda hard to do but it was fun!”-Hayley D

We enjoyed ERIC time this week.

“I have really enjoyed a book i’ve been reading called amazing spiderman.”-Rowan


This weeks blog typed by Logan Y and Finlay F


This Week in P4

We learned about the brain and our chimp that sometimes takes control of us. It was really fun. – Ava B

We did weaving, knitting and finger knitting, some have a longboard of weaving. -Cassie

I liked outdoor learning we did and giving directions  to our partners.  – Rebecca w

I liked fraction number lines.  – Leighton

I loved golden time and I made a book. -Ava M

I loved knitting, and I am making a rainbow knitting. – Zara

I liked the weaving that we are doing. – Sandy

I loved outdoor learning and the directions we did, I like reading a map.   – Euan

P1 & Ms King

Learning Reflection for W/E 25.1.19

This week in P1 we have been revising set 1 sounds and tricky words. Set 1 sounds: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, ck, u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu,  x,  ng,  nk.

Tricky words: you, so, all, no, of, my, he, said, the, I, me, put, was.

In numeracy we have continued with our time topic learning about the seasons and months of the year. Well done to all of the children who had a go at learning one of the Scottish poems. As the standard was so high we had four children through to the final, so a great big well done to Subhan, Poppy, Roshan and Sushanth. Our overall winner is………. Poppy! Who did a fantastic job of reciting “Crocodile” to the whole school during our Scottish Assembly this morning.

Here are the children’s highlights:

Poppy – this week we have been learning about the famous artist called Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We are learning about his pictures, he has a famous rose design. He designed long back chairs and his style was called the Glasgow style. He designed buildings in Glasgow.

Austin – My uncle Peter fixes glass windows with the rose design.

Charley – I liked doing gymnastics we learned flying saucer, squat alien and moon.

Austin – I liked when the people played the drums and bagpipes in the assembly.

Roshan – I enjoyed doing gymnastics, for flying saucer you have to put your knees together.

Subhan – I liked learning the poem Crocodile, the bird cleaned the crocodile’s teeth.

Lewis – I liked counting to 100.

Kaelan – I liked it when the bagpipes came in assembly, it was noisy.

James – We learned the seasons, in autumn the leaves fall off, in winter the snow comes.

Teria – I liked making different shapes in gymnastics.

Solomia – I liked gymnastics, I liked rocket, star and different shapes.

Alister – I learned moon shape in gymnastics.

P6 Reflections… By BlogMaster Murray

We did Gymnastics in P.E this week..

“I enjoyed seeing everyones gymnastic routines.” – Cade

“I enjoyed doing the gymnastics as it was fun, challenging and hard!” – Murray

“I really liked the gymnastics routines. It was very fun I liked watching different routines.” – Lewis

“I enjoyed the gymnastics because we got to show everybody our routines.” – Zoe

“I liked the gymnastics!” – Katy

“I liked doing gymnastics!” – Finlay

“This week I really enjoyed gymnastics because I got to work with Ellie in a gymnastics sequence!” – Hayley B

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics because we got to show what we have practiced  for 2 weeks!” – Ainslie

We did Buzz this week..

“I enjoyed the Spanish hit the button!” – Calum W

“I liked doing buzz for the Spanish months and days of the week!” – Ellie

“I enjoyed doing the buzz because it was really fun and my team won!” – Camero

“Spanish was fun, doing the buzz was the best part about it!” Callum L

We did posters about the Golden Rule, did Kahoot and we done our drama stories..

“We were doing posters about the golden rule!” –

“This week we read our stories about Stokelake House in a tet with torch lights.” – Sri

“I enjoyed doing kahoot!” –

” I was really nervous about saying my poem but I enjoyed it!” – Silvester

“I enjoyed doing my Minecraft Video.” – Matthew

“I enjoyed watching Matthew’s minecraft video.” – Natalie

“I enjoyed learning about space on Monday!” – Callan

Highlights from P7

Katie, I really enjoyed football with Neil because I scored the most goals from all the weeks.

Jack this week when we did football with Neil I was alright because I scored a lot of goals and it was my favorite week.

Tyler,I loved football with Neil it was really enjoyable and I also liked math’s I understood it and think I am good at it/Fractions

Harry,I struggled with fractions it was hard but I think I’m getting it now.

Claudia, I liked the fractions, it was fun but I got stuck on a few questions.

Burns poetry, gymnastics, Scots language, fractions, number talks, lots of reading, first week back at football with Neil and not to mention the big reveal that the show this year will be Rock Bottom – what a busy week. So much learning has taken place – well done P7!

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 25th January

This week has flown by. We have been revising our set 1 sounds and tricky words. We played a roll and read game, looked for real or nonsense words and rolled dice to make real or nonsense words. In writing we learned what a simile is and wrote our own similes to describe Nessie the Loch Ness monster. “Nessie is like a dinosaur.” said Lois. “Nessie is as big as a cruise ship.” said Leighton. “Nessie is as shy as a mouse.” said Sevinc. We also said our poems to the class. In maths we have been exploring the months of year and the seasons. We drew pictures of the different seasons and discussed each one. We had to sequence the months of the year correctly. In P.E we are still working on gymnastics. We continued working on our different shapes and learned how to do two types of rolls. In Science, we went out in the garden and picked up things from nature. When we got into class we put the things we had picked up in a cup and filled the cup with water and placed it in the freezer. We also got together with Ms King’s class to prepared for the Scottish assembly. We performed the Three Craws. Here are some of the children’s reflections:
Euan: “I found looking for the real and nonsense words tricky.”
Leo: “I found it hard playing the game when we were making real and nonsense words.”
Sam: “I enjoyed exploring the months of the year.”
Ayden: “I enjoyed the Scottish assembly.”
Sevinc: “I enjoyed writing my simile about Nessie.”
Murdo:”I enjoyed the assembly and listening to the poems.”
Rory: “I found it tricky to concentrate on finding the real and nonsense words.”

This week in P6

This week our blog master is Silvester.

This week in P6 we were doing Drama about WW2 and Stokelake House.

“I really enjoyed it.”- Luke

“I enjoyed the drama writing because it was really hard to think of the words to put in.”- Calum W

“I really enjoyed drama because I liked acting the stokelake house scene.”-Natalie

“I like doing the drama.”- Logan Y

“I enjoyed drama.”- Callum L

“The drama was really fun I cant wait to do the rest.”- Sri

“I had fun doing the drama, mainly the writing part because I love making scary stories.”- Katy

“I enjoyed the WW2 drama.”- Cade

“I enjoyed drama because we had to build a shelter.”- Eesa

“I liked doing the WW2 drama it was very fun.”- Murray

“I enjoyed WW2 drama because it was fun to build a shelter out of humans.”-Ainslie

“I loved drama because we got to create our script in groups.”- Hayley D

“I enjoyed doing drama because I liked doing the stokelake house drama and writing.”- Ellie


This week  we also did gymnastics PE.

“I liked helping the P3’s because they hadn’t used the racket before.” -Cameron

“I liked PE because we were doing sequences.”- Kyle

“I liked doing PE because i liked doing all the sequences.”- Zoe

“I liked to do the sequences because I can do challenging things.”- Silvester


In Maths we did fractions and metric conversion where we played Kahoot.

“I really liked measuring.” – Finlay

“I really like Kahoot!. It was so fun. I came 3rd with Hayley B.”- Rowan


This week in P4

We have been exploring our class reader called Ottoline and the Yellow Cat, but we have not got very far as the illustrations have so much in them to talk about. The children are being reading detectives looking for clues to the mystery and asking lots of questions. We had a go at some drama too, exploring what might happen next in the story.

The children are really progressing well with their knitting and some have even tried finger knitting and weaving this week. We have had  a mum volunteering to support the children’s efforts which has been fantastic. If you want to help please let the school know.

In maths this week we have begun work on equivalent fractions and will continue to revisit their knowledge of angles during our mapwork in outdoor classroom lessons.

During writing the children have been revisiting openings of sentences and developing their vocabulary.

We have also taken the first step in exploring emotions, behaviour and our thinking. The children have been talking about how our brain works and what it does.