P1K Learning Reflection for W/E 11.05.18

The Children received another visit from the Friendly Dragon, this time asking for the children to create “Mirror Mirror on the wall…” self-portraits. The children used mirrors to look at and study their facial features. I think you will agree they have created some true mirror likenesses!

Nathan – we made a castle we made them with paint and sponges

Aakruti – we made the blocks with paint and there were different patterns

Emma C – We are saving fairyland

Maizy – we squished the sponges onto the paper

Sophia – I covered the whole space then I did a

Nathan – I rubbed a toothbrush over the paper and it made a pattern of lines

Holly – I used gold first then on top of the paint I printed a dotty pattern

A – I covered the whole page so the white didn’t show up then I added details and patterns by printing

Jamie – you have to squish it down to get a print

Emma – We used black paper then added all our bricks to it. Nathan – We need to add a roof

Sophia – we need to add flags by cutting a bit of paper and then we have to make it wave

We also need a river!

Maizy – we need to make a roof!