Primary 4 – Tuesday 19th January

How to Get Good Morning Gif for WhatsApp on iPhone?

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here is our plan for the day:

Tuesday 19th January

This is an important message:  I have moved the CLASS MATERIALS – MRS HILLAN  folder into the folder that simply says CLASS MATERIALS  in files. This is where you also access Mrs Lockhart’s & Mrs Dobbie’s tasks. This way everything is kept together and no tasks should be deleted.

I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie’s tasks are in her folder for you to complete. I will check in with you around 10:15 and then there will be a live lesson after break.




11:00 –Reading:  LIVE LESSON 

Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:

~– discuss what we think about the story so far? What has happened? (summary)


L/I To make a prediction.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a prediction what might happen next in the story.

Task: Write down your prediction of might happen next in the story. You can use the prediction sheet in Class Materials folder>‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder Files section to record (write or type on) your predictions or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section.

We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on and hear some of your predictions.

Reading – Chapter 4 – Mr Stink Tues 19th Jan

Tues 19th – Reading Predictions


Back on Teams at 1:30


Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. I will check in with you all on Teams around 2:15.


Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials > Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder ­ in the Files section. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.

Spelling Task Cards 1

Spelling words list



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can use my skills in subtraction to subtract 11, 21. 31…and 9, 19, 29…

S&C- I can use my skills in subtraction to subtract multiples/near multiples of 10 with no bridging.

Task: In the Class Materials > Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section.

TRIANGLES Numeracy – SHM 3 (Red) pg 22 – Tues 19th Jan

SQUARES & CIRCLES Numeracy – SHM 4 (Green) pg 29 – Tues 19th Jan



There is a sheet in ‘ Class Materials > Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish.

Tues 19th -Personal Project Pointers


Hope you have a great day!! I shall see you all tomorrow!


Primary 4 – Monday 18th January 2021

I Hate Mondays Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog


Good morning everybody! Let’s start our day with Joe Wicks session –

Here is the assembly link from last week in case anyone didn’t get a chance to watch it:

Here is a plan of the day which details the lessons we will be doing throughout the day and when I shall be checking in on Team.

Monday 18th January

There will be a live check in around 9:30 with Mrs Stewart and Mrs Hillan.


As discussed during our live session, here is the link to accessing Reading Books for this week :

I have put two books in each group’s booklist. I have put a guide on how to access these and how to use the online reading resource below:

Guide to using Raintree Reading Resource



In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, there is a video recapping another part of our subtraction process. This is also the Youtube link:

Once you have watched this, try the Numeracy task below:

L/I To subtract one number from another with a zero involved.

S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing with a zero involved.

Task: In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find some subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section. The sheets are also added below:

MILD – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final

SPICY – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final

HOT – Subtraction Mon 18th Jan final


11:00 –

Class novel – next chapter – recorded

Youtube link –

Reading _(Pre-recorded video of reading chapter – in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – in Files or use youtube link above)


L/I To extend my vocabulary

S/C I can find and discuss ambitious words in my novel to extend my vocabulary.

Task: Using the Word Wizard sheet as a guide which you will find in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder, find 3 words from the text which are unfamiliar to you – say what you think they might mean, look them up in a dictionary or Google and write down what they actually means, and then use them correctly in a sentence. Do this for each word separately. You can use the Word Wizard sheet in Files section to record on (write or type on) or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section. Task is also below:

Reading – Word Wizard – Mon 18th Jan

Reading – Chapter 3 Mr Stink

We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on.



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and Health and Wellbeing. I will check in with you all around 2:15 on Teams.


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in interesting sentences – try to make these exciting and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards. Resources are also below:

Mon 18th – Spelling – Interesting Sentences

Mon 18th – Spelling words list



I had wanted to do this last week but didn’t get a chance – using the New Year’s Resolution sheets in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder, record something you would like to do/improve on linked to learning and one for at home. Remember you don’t have to record it on the actual sheet. Sheet is also below:

New Year’s Resolutions – Monday 18th Jan

Check in on Teams at 2:15 and 3:00.

Have a lovely day!!

P4 – Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good Morning Primary 4, hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning!

Start your day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

or type in ‘PE with Joe’ and find the lesson for Wed 13th January.

In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files on Teams is a writing lesson from Miss Taylor, introducing our new genre – Procedural Writing. I am sure you will enjoy it. Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper.



Recorded story – NEXT CHAPTER on Teams

Reading TASK:

L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.

Task: Read the Comprehension Task on Lizard Lad and then answer the questions that follow. Remember you can go back to the text as often as you like and some questions may require to give your own answers and your opinion. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot task to choose from – some have more than one sheet to read or answer questions on. Add your completed comprehension into your folder, these can just be written on a piece of paper and don’t need to be printed off. Please remember, all tasks with me are in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’.

MILD – Reading Comprehension 13th Jan final

MILD – Reading Comp Questions 13th Jan final

SPICY – Reading Comprehension Part 1 – 13th Jan final

SPICY – Reading Comprehension Part 2 – 13th Jan final

SPICY – Reading Comp Questions – 13th Jan final

HOT – Reading Comprehension Part 1 – 13th Jan final

HOT – Reading Comprehension Part 2 – 13th Jan final

HOT – Reading Comprehension Part 3 – 13th Jan final

HOT – Reading Comp Questions Part 1 – 13th Jan final

Hot – Reading Comp Questions Part 2 – 13th Jan final




There is a recorded lesson recapping the subtraction process in the Class Material- Mrs Hillan folder in files on Teams.

L/I To subtract one number from another.

S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing.

Task: Below are your subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section on Teams.

MILD – Subtraction 13th Jan final

SPICY – Subtraction 13th Jan final

HOT – Subtraction 13th Jan final



Using your spelling words again, can you complete the Graffiti wall below (you can also draw this out if you can’t print it) adding in your spelling words in as many different fonts, styles and colours as you can. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Wed 13th – Spelling Graffiti wall

Spelling words list



There is a PowerPoint on the Highland Games which has several activities you can try out. Please add any completed task or photographs into your own folder in Files on Teams. Have fun!!!

Highland Games Week 1 P4 – 7 (1)

Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you and I shall see you all next week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend when it comes!


P4 Tuesday 12th January


Good Morning Primary 4, hope you are all well. Here are the tasks that will also be on Teams in case you have trouble accessing them there.


Here are some Go Noodle activities to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.




Reading _(Pre-recorded lesson)

As this lesson is via a video, it is too long to post on here, so I have attached a link to the first chapter of the story to read for yourself in case you can’t access it on Teams:

L/I To make a prediction.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a prediction about what the story may be about and what roles the main characters may play.

Task: Write down your prediction of what you think the story is going to be about. Then note down the roles that you think the characters of Chloe and Mr Stink may play in the story. You can use the prediction sheet below to record (write or type on) your predictions or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section on Teams or email to the school.

Tues 12th – Reading Predictions



Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards below. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files or email in.

Tues 12th – Spelling words list

Spelling Task Cards 1



L/I To subtract one number from another.

S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing.


Task: Below you will find some subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet into your folder in the files section or email the school.

MILD – Subtraction 12th Jan final

SPICY – Subtraction 12th Jan final

HOT – Subtraction 12th Jan final



We will come back to our Egyptians topic, but I thought it would be good to complete a personal project whilst we are working online. We will use a Scottish theme for our projects. With this in mind you could do your project on Scottish landmarks, Scottish food, Scottish sports, Scottish animals, Scottish Myths and Legends, or anything else you can think of. Please use the Personal Project sheet below to record which topic you would like to do your Personal Project on, and place it in your folder or email the school. I will then let you know if you chosen topic is suitable. I will give you some ideas on what you can include in your personal project after this.

Tues 12th – Personal Project

Enjoy your day!! Miss Taylor will be with you first thing tomorrow for a writing lesson.

This week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have looked at some more subtraction problems. We have been looking at subtraction facts to 20 this week as well as subtraction problems involving odd and even numbers. Here are some examples of our good work:



In writing this week we wrote a letter to Santa or a letter about what we would like to do in the holidays. We used the skills we have been learning about, such as an introduction and using paragraphs. Here are some of our letters:


In Reading this week we have continued reading in our groups as well as listening to and discussing our class novel which is The Christmasaurus. Here are some of our thoughts on the story so far:

I like William because he is trying his best to stand up for himself.  I don’t like Brenda because she is a big bully! – Emily

Brenda Payne is really mean to William because he is in a wheelchair. – Ryley

I thought Brenda was nice at first, but now I hate her! – Erin R

The book is funny and silly at the same time. – Ariah

The book is very interesting and spooky because we wouldn’t want to be watched by someone in a postbox! – Chloe

It is good to be able to predict what will happen next! – Derry

Brenda is mean and selfish – Hadiyaah

There is a dinosaur in the North Pole who wants to fly like the reindeer. – Lacey

It was funny when the Christmasaurus was born! – Stevi

The dinosaur’s egg was in ice. – Summer



Primary 4’s Week

In Numeracy we continue to work on Subtraction. We all had the opportunity of being “the teacher” and spoke through a ‘borrowing’ sum with the rest of the class. Here are some photos of us doing this:


In writing this week we have completed one more Persuasive Writing and created a one-sided argument about why a Movie Day is a good idea. We enjoyed doing this and thinking about how a movie can help us learn new vocabulary etc as well as being relaxing and a lovely treat.

“It’s the perfect way to get ready for the Christmas holidays” – Rihanna

“Having a movie day helps us learn hard words” – Hadiyaah

“It gives us a treat for all our hard work” – Joe

“A movie day gives us the chance to learn something new” – Gracie


In Reading this week we have continued reading in our groups as well as listening to and discussing our class novel which is The Christmasaurus. We are excited to see what happens next. We will continue to use this text to help us in our Word Wizard roles.


We have been busy learning our Christmas poem this week. As a class we split up the poem a line at a time in small groups. This has worked really well! We are looking forward to filming this next.




This Week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have been working on decomposition (borrowing). Some of us have found this quite a challenge, but we have stuck with it. This would be a good thing for the children to practise at home when they can!

We continue to work on Subtraction. We have enjoyed using our Heinemann textbooks to challenge ourselves this week. In Number Talks we have looked at how we can use the answer to one sum to help us quickly and easily solve the answer to another. Here is an example below:



In writing this week we have continued to look at Persuasive Writing and created a one-sided argument about why reading is important. We thought about how reading impacts our lives at school, at home and how it will prepare us for the World of Work. We know that it is without a doubt, a very important skill to have!


Here are some of our finished pieces:


In Reading this week we have looked at the role of a Word Wizard. This is where we find a word we are unsure of, we make a guess at its meaning, then we find out what it means and then finally show our understanding of this by using it in a sentence. Here are our words from this week:





We have been busy filming our Sharing the Learning this week! We have lots of good things to tell you about that P4 do in Literacy and Numeracy. We look forward to you seeing our videos.




Primary 4’s Week

In Numeracy we have been working on decomposition (borrowing). Some of us have found this quite a challenge, but we have stuck with it. This would be a good thing for the children to practise at home when they can!

At first I thought it would be hard, but when I got the hang of it, it was really easy – Emily

When I started it was quite tricky and now it’s got really easy – Caelan

When I’ve started using my head to work them out it has gotten easier – Sophie C

It was tricky but when we got our mind to it, we could do it – Summer

I found it extremely hard, but when I thought about it, it was easy – Shay


In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and creating a one-sided argument about why having a school uniform is important. We began by coming up with good reasons for this before completing our pieces. Here are some of our thoughts:

We should have school uniform for if we get lost on a trip – Maisy

When I thought about having a school uniform, I thought of hundreds of ideas! – Erin R

It was tiring, but it was a good job and worth it! – Alyssa

When I was writing I used my persuasive writing mat to help me – Kayleigh

Here are some of our finished pieces:


We have been busy preparing our Sharing the Learning ready to film next week! We have lots of good things to tell you about that P4 do in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing.


In PE this week we have been playing some games to help increase our fitness levels. We were in the hall this week due to rainy weather. We really enjoyed the Video Game where we had to ‘fast forward’ – run, ‘rewind’ – go backwards, ‘pause’ – stop, ‘record’ – pull a silly face and ‘slow motion’ – walk at half speed! Here are some photos of us enjoying the games this week:


Well done on another productive week Primary 4!!

This week in Primary 4

In Numeracy we have continued working on subtraction. We have used this in our Number Talks also. This is one of the sums we had to work out and say how we got our answers:



In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument about why having a school garden is important. We began by coming up with good reasons for this before completing our pieces.

Children’s pieces:


We have taken part in daily activities to raise awareness of the Children in Need theme this week. We have discussed our goals for each day as well as what we are grateful for and any worries we may have. We have thought about how we can help ease our worries also. Here are some of our thoughts and some pictures:

It helped me discuss how I felt and why I felt that way – Alyssa

I feel happy after writing about all my worries – Erin R

It is good to let the teacher know what your worries are about – Kayleigh

I am grateful for having my family, pets and friends all around me – Maisy

Also as part of this we did Joe Wicks 5 minute workout every morning to start off our day. This was fun and got us energised for the day!!

Well done Primary 4 for working hard again this week!


Primary 4’s Week

In Numeracy we have started working on subtraction. We completed an assessment to see where we are all at so that Mrs Hillan knows where we need supported or challenged.

It was fun but a little bit tricky – Erin R

It was quite easy but some of the sums were quite hard – Alyssa

When there was a big number and a small number you had to count in between which took a bit of time – Derry

It was hard work! – Summer

In our assessment we could only use our whiteboards to help us – Chloe

It was tricky but we were allowed to use our whiteboards to work out sums – Ariah



For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have these home again to practise. We have our new homework out which requires us to pick two tasks from the grid to help us learn our spelling words. It is really important that we complete these each week.

In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing again and created a one-sided argument. We used Fireworks as our theme this time. We assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for persuasive writing. We spoke about the pros and cons of fireworks to help us decide which side of the argument we wanted to write from. We will look at another persuasive piece next week. Here are some pieces from this week:




We continued our topic of The Egyptians this week. We finished creating our questions on what we would like to find out about the Egyptians, here are some of them:

Who was the King? – Maisy

Where do they sleep? – Jessica

How did they survive? – Ciaran

Where do they get soap? – Shay

What did the Egyptians do for fun? – Holly

Where did they get the sand from? – Lacey

How did they speak? – Joe

What food do they eat? – Gracie

How did they make pyramids? – Caelan

Where do they live? – Daniel

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