P5/6 Monday 15th June

Please do the work that is most appropriate for you. I set a lot of different activities so that you can choose what is best for your own personal learning.

I have created a new folder called “Special Activities” in “Teams” which has new and exciting activities for you for the next couple of weeks. Please take a look. I think some of you might be especially interested in the poetry competition, as you could build on the work you have done in the classroom with Mrs Stewart and me. I shall add to it over time.

I have up-loaded information about our virtual sports day next week. Please take a look.

Maths: This seems to be working well for everyone: all of you seem to have material that is appropriate. Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

You all appear to still have activities in “Education City” to do and I have added some more literacy/grammar activities, which seem to be popular. I will keep monitoring progress on all subjects.

A lot of you seem to be interested in Martin Luther King. I first put this work together for you for the Tuesday 2nd June. Why? Why for that day? Why did I think it was important for you? Why is MLK relevant to us all today? Please think about these questions. You could use them, the information that I have supplied combined with any research you undertake. You could then choose how to present this work: a poster, a PowerPoint, a HotPotatoes quiz (could be very challenging or easier for younger children), an essay, a letter (who would you write to?). As usual, use your imaginations! You might also want to use your recent learning on persuasive writing. Some of you have already produced some really good work on this and I am thinking of adding another related activity. I think this could also be a health activity, what do you think?

Don’t forget the work in “Covid Related Activities”, Mrs Lockhart’s work and exercise with Joe.

Take care

Primary One – Monday 15th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Only 2 more weeks left in Primary 1!!! It has been such a quick year. As we are nearing the end of term the blog will be slightly different. There will be a literacy and numeracy task and some challenge tasks for you to enjoy.

Happy Monday Aaaaahhhhh GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Activity 1 – New Sound oi

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape oi

S.C.I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

New sound today is oi. You will find this sound in Inky’s Vowel House underneath last weeks igh sound. The story about the oi sound is………..

Can you slide the sounds together to say the words below?

oi  – l          s – oi – l          b – oi – l          c – oi – n           j – oi – n              p – oi – n – t

Practice writing the oi sound in your jotter.Then complete oi Words Cut and Paste from your home learning pack.

Activity 3 –

L.I. to count objects in a collection

L.I. to recognise numerals and number words

S.C. I can count objects in groups of up to 20

S.C. I can match a numeral to its number word

For this activity I would like you to turn to I Spy and Count to 20  sheet from your home learning pack. You have to count each of the summer object such as ice-cream, sun glasses etc. Once you have counted them write the total in numerals and number words e.g. Sun Glasses – 10  ten. Top Tip – it maybe a good idea to cross them off as you count them so you don’t count them twice.

Remember you can also finish off your SHM booklet at anytime.

Activity 3 – Random Acts of Wildness

Can you find a blade of grass and use it as a whistle?


Activity 4 – Disney Virtual Trip 

From now until the end of term I will be posting activities that will encourage you to use your imagination to go on a virtual trip of Disney land. As we can’t actually go this year this virtual trip is the next best thing.

Day 1 – Art

L.I. I am learning to create an eye-catching design.

S.C. I can create a front cover

S.C. I can include my name and age

Create a passport that you can use during your trip! Remember to include a front cover, your name, a picture of yourself and lots of space for characters names! Each time you see a character this week in a ride, video or song, make sure to write their name in your passport! How many characters will you meet by the end of the week?

Have a great day and remember tomorrow is sports day.


P5 Monday 15th June

Good morning – Let’ get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or Choose some of these Lets Get active games:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/physical-education-ks1-ks2-lets-get-active/z72yjhv

Smart Start-Maths Online Games-Logic Puzzles

First complete this active numeracy warm up-moving about while practising tables!-Keep grooving! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-multiples-mash-up-march-with-mr-p/zkdy2sg

Now try the puzzles:

  1. Tough times table facts: (Choose a game) https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Pairs.asp?Topic=16

2. Digital darts https://www.transum.org/Maths/Game/Darts/

3. BIDMAS game  :  https://www.transum.org/Maths/Game/BIDMAS/

If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Remember you can use your book for jottings if you need to.

Sadly, I am not able to be on TEAMS today so just work through the day’s activities and do the best you can. I will be on TEAMS tomorrow to discuss your learning.Good luck!

Virtual Sports Day-Your parents will be receiving a letter about this by the end of the school day. Here is a copy :

Sports Day

You can also earn 5 pegs by designing a Deans Primary Sports Day trophy, medal, or t-shirt! I have attached templates for these. Start your designs now! If you don;t have a printer you can complete your designs on paper.

Medal Template

Trophy Template

T Shirt Template

After Break

Brainbreak-this also has questions about perimeter – get up and get moving! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/super-movers-day/zbmnnrd

Literacy-Poetry Competition

  • Veolia_Poem_CompetitionRead the instructions and then when you are happy with your final poem you can email me your entry using the school email address -wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk.(I will give you more time to finish this tomorrow.)

After Lunch

Modern Languages(Spanish)

Practise your Spanish with some professional footballers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1–ks2-mfl-spanish-greetings-with-ben-shires/zfksqp3

Health-Resilience Alphabet –N is for ‘No’ Thank-you

Personal Project

Continue work on preparing your presentation. Remember this checklist is useful as a reminder of what you features are required in an information report:West Lothian Genre target

Drama-Continue learning with Fraser-this week it is tongue twisters!Why not get someone in your house to join in! Here is the link: https://www.nationaltheatrescotland.com/latest/connect-and-create-episode-2

Before you go-Like learning magic tricks? Learn some new ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08H6XHzqV1w

Primary 2 – Monday 15th June 2020

See the source image

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! You should now be moving on to your week 11 pack of work. Here are some fun activities to go alongside your packs.



username – deansprimary2      password – missborsbey

If you were a character in your book, who would you choose to be and why?

Green group – The starfish

Purple group – The ice rink

Pink group – By the stream

Yellow group – Top dog

Blue group – Tiger’s family


Your task is to write a letter to yourself which contains all your favourite and least favourite parts of Primary 2 this year! When you choose your favourite and least favourite parts, have a think about how you felt at those times. Would you change anything about your time in Primary 2? Once you have written your letter, email it to wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk so I can read about all your fantastic experiences! Here is a reminder of some of the things we have done in P2 this year:

  • Created shell art
  • Visited Stirling Castle
  • Designed and produced our very own rulers
  • Nativity
  • Investigated Dinosaur poo (yuck!)
  • Dance offs
  • Made a boat
  • Outdoor spelling

End of the year questions

Every day, I am going to give you 2 questions to think about which will help you reflect on your year in P2. Discuss each question with someone at home and create a poster to display all your answers!

  1. What are you most proud of accomplishing this year? Why is this an important accomplishment?
  2. What was the nicest thing you did for someone this year? What was the nicest thing someone did for you?

DYW Challenge

This week, you have 2 DYW challenges! You can choose to complete either or both challenges. Please use the whole week to work through these, taking your time with each task. The first challenge is all about designing a theme park, and the second is about organising a fashion show! Keep us updated with your progress by sending an email to wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk so I can see how you are getting on. Happy designing!

Design a Theme Park                           Organise a Fashion Show


Remember, tomorrow is Sports Day! Make sure you get a great sleep tonight, so you are energised and ready for a day of sporting challenges! I hope you are just as excited as I am! Check here tomorrow morning for all the Sports Day activities!

See the source image

News Flash

Just to let you know ……..you are all invited to take part in Deans Primary School ‘Virtual’ Sports Day on Tuesday 16th June.  Letters will be sent home via e-mail, make sure you and your grown up look out for the instructions. It sounds like it could be great fun!

Primary 7 12/06/20

Morning everyone. I am looking forward to hearing how you got on this week. Perhaps you could bullet point the good parts and maybe anything that worried you and we could discuss it next week. I will be in school on Monday and Tuesday so will make sure there is work for you. I will  be available because I will take my laptop. We may even have time for another chapter.
Today, just in case you have nothing to do I have a couple of suggestions. You could if the weather is dry go outside and read or you could try this weeks edition of the Daily Rigour https://www.cdmasterworks.co.uk/the-daily-rigour/.
I will be here this morning until about 10:45am / 1045hrs and then in school for lunches.

Friday 12.6.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another morning of learning! Here is some more classical music to start our day.

The track at around 10 minutes 15 seconds is from Swan Lake and I think you will like it.


2D & 3D shape

Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking at 2D shapes (they are the flat shapes) and 3D shapes (they are the solid shapes).

Let’s focus again on the 2D shapes (flat shapes). Watch the powerpoint as a wee reminder.

p.1.2 2D-Shape-Properties-Powerpoint_ver_3

Now create your own picture using 2D shapes. Hint : robots, castles and houses all work well. Label the shapes in your picture.


Let’s remind ourselves about some Christian features. Look, in particular, at slides 4, 5 & 6 for your answers to the worksheet.

p.1.2-christian-churches-powerpoint_short vers

Now complete the new worksheet below.

2 Christian artifacts p.1.2

Story time

Here is another one of my favourite stories to finish up with.


Have a lovely week-end. Will be in touch next Friday.

Primary One – Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday!

Happy Friday GIFs | Tenor

Date for your diary Deans Virtual Sports Day – Tuesday 16th June 2020!! More information to follow!

I hope you all had a great day yesterday and managed to complete some of the activities from the blog. Some new tasks for you to enjoy!

Activity 1 –   igh sound

L.I. to understand that 3 letters can make 1 sound

L.I. to read and spell words in sentences with the igh pattern

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words and sentences

For today’s phonics task I would like you to read the sentences below and choose the correct word to insert. You can write the sentences in you jotter or you can say the sentences to someone at home.

For the next part of this activity I would like you to read the following sentences. You may need to practice and get a little support, that is absolutely fine!

Activity 2 – Language Arts Book Reading Library PNG, Clipart, Area, Art ...  Reading

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use the pictures in the text as a clue to help me read unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentence to help predict what an unfamiliar word could be

I hope you enjoyed reading   from www.oxfordowls.co.uk. For today’s  reading task I would like you to create a poster to advertise Fright Night. It should be colourful and have some information about the story. Most importantly it should encourage people to read it. Enjoy! Remember I am always happy to see any pieces of work (you can send them to me via the school email)

Activity 3 – Numbers clipart numeracy, Numbers numeracy Transparent FREE for ... Numeracy and Maths

L.I. to solve word problems

S.C. I can understand what the problem is asking me to do

S.C. I can use pictures, numbers and words to explain what I did and how I did it

As its Friday, I have posted some maths challenges. Remember to read the question more than once to make sure you fully understand the steps you need to take to solve it! Enjoy!

For Parents/Carers

The National Parent Forum of Scotland is promoting sessions to support learning at home. There are a number of sessions that can be viewed via youtube. Session 1 and 2 maybe of interest to you.

‘Learning Together’ – Online Numeracy and Maths sessions for parents to support Learning at Home

Activity 4- Wilderness Picture for Classroom / Therapy Use - Great Wilderness ... Random Acts of Wildness

Today’s Challenge –      In case you can’t see it  – Create a Work Art – using leaves, pinecones, feather and twigs!

Activity 5  –   Dancing

In your new pack you will find a P.E. challenge grid. I would like you to put your dancing skills to the test with Just Dance! Go to their youtube channel  and choose a dance to follow.


Encourage people at home to join in. Create your own dance or teach us how to do a TikTok dance.

Have an amazing weekend. Stay safe and I will be back on Monday with some more tasks.



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