Calderwood Tours

Dear parent/ carer,
You will have noticed in the tour booking poster than we have asked families to book ONE slot under their child’s name for the Calderwood Tours. A number of families have booked several slots meaning the tour allocations times are now full. I would kindly request, if you have made more than more one booking to please delete the extra slots. You should also use the yes option, not the if need be option
Nursery parents:
You will have noticed in the newsletter that the school tours are for children who are currently in Primary 1-6. There will be information coming out soon about into the Primary 1 transition programme and a chance to visit the nursery. If you have booked a slot for the school tours and don’t currently have a child in school please delete your tour slot.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton
Categorized as Events

Sumdog Competition – Calderwood Counts!

Good luck to all our amazing Calderwood Primary School Children, they have now been entered into the West Lothian Sumdog Maths Contest!

The contest will begin at 8 am on Friday 13th and end on Thursday 19th May. Your child can access the competition by clicking here or logging in via the following link and using their unique username and password along with the school code Calderwood2:

This competition is a fantastic way to compete against lots of other Primary students, have fun and develop numeracy/maths skills at the very same time. If your child has forgotten their details, please do get in touch with the school office as we’d be more than happy to assist.

Parent Volunteers

We are preparing for life after restrictions!

We would like to make a list of parent/carer/ close relative volunteers who can support us with trips, outdoor learning, Parent Council events, etc. This involves ensuring the volunteers have a Calderwood Primary PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups scheme). Parents or carers who do career talks etc, do not need a PVG as there will always be a champion with them.

As the PVG process does cost, we would request that those parents/ carers who can help are flexible with the days they can help and are prepared to work across the clans, not just the clan their child is in. If you think you can help please complete the form below and the office will contact you or place you on a waiting list.

Elvis Kids Research Study

More Information:

Recently we published evidence that nasal irrigation with salt water helped reduce the cold in adults. We have also shown the mechanism for how salt water helps with the common cold when applied on the nasal epithelium. Our research showed that cells use the chloride from the salt water to fight viral infections.  Hence, we are now testing if salt water nose drops helps children fight the cold.

If you have a child under 7 years of age, you may be able to join the fight.

The Children’s Hospital in Edinburgh are doing a study of salt water nose drops to see if it helps get rid of the cold faster.

Your child does not need to have a cold right now to take part!

You can join right now by calling/texting 07973657457 for an appointment to sign up and to be taught what to do the next time your child has a cold.

Your child does not need to attend.

Families completing the study will receive travel expenses and a £30 voucher to compensate for any inconvenience.

Further information is in the attached flyer or at ; Twitter: @elviskids; Facebook: Elvis Kids

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